Chapter 13

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Craig's POV

After my "errand", I head back to Tweek's house. I missed him sooo much , even though I was only gone for about twenty minutes. I'm finally here at his house ! I head to the door and pull out my keys , unlocking it and heading straight upstairs to see my baby in his room .

I go into his room and see that he's watching TV , all wrapped up in the blanket. Aww , he looks too adorable! " Hi my angel~" I cooed sitting on his bed with arms wrapped around him kissing him all over his face. He then starts to blush in embarrassment and face the opposite direction. Isn't he the cutest?!

I pull him onto me and lay us both down, since he looks like he's sleepy. Oh and by the way , I didn't actually run an errand. It was just a test to see if I could trust him by his self. And surprisingly, he passed ! Plus I know he passed because I installed cameras around his house to look at on my phone while I was gone.

I just went to an empty parking lot for a little while to look at him from my phone and see his every move . I'm so proud of him. The reason I'm proud is simply because when he did leave the house, he came back instead of running away. Now if he did run away, that would've been a entirely different story . I'm just so happy I can trust him alone, it makes me love him even more.

"You made me so proud today babe, I love you so much " I say rubbing his back slowly but carefully , feeling him tense up a bit. " H-How ? What d-did I d-do?" he asks very confused. "You didn't run away or do anything dangerous while I was gone. I set up cameras around your house to see if I can trust you when your home alone. I'm not even mad you left because you came back." I explain.

His face looks like a mixture of confused and creeped out. Jesus Tweek , why do you have to be so darn cute all the time , even when your confused?! "O-Oh" he says as he faces the wall. He's flustered, aww! I grab his face and pull him into a slow and loving kiss . His lips are so soft and go perfectly with mine . It's like their puzzle pieces that fit .

We continue to kiss for a couple more minutes until I finally pull away out of breath . That was a major turn on for me, no surprise though. Welp , you know what that means ! I'm just kidding, I'm too tired to do that right now so maybe later. Who am I fooling? OF COURSE later! But for right now, CUDDLES!

I know that Tweek is still terrified of me , but he needs to understand that I only hit him because I love him . If he just follows my rules , that won't happen and he'll be just fine.

I haven't killed anybody yet, but I plan to if anybody pushes me to my limit. People just need to realize that Tweek is MINE , and only mine! I see the way boys and girls gush over him , staring at his perfect body for too long , and even offering to give him stuff or do stuff for him. It makes me cringe.

I mean I get it, my boyfriend is hot , but he's also taken, by me. But I especially need to get that into one particular person's head. And that is none other then the perverted Kenny McCormick. He and Tweek have been very close for a long time now , a little too close if you ask me . I have to put a stop to that bastard...

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