Chapter 22

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No One's POV

[Kenny McCormick and Tweek Tweak are walking hand in hand, giggling and smiling as they make their way back to Kenny's house after their first date. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood.]

Kenny: [grinning] Man, Tweek, I had such a great time tonight. Thanks for agreeing to go out with me.

Tweek: [nervously fidgeting] Oh, um, yeah, Kenny. I, uh, I had fun too. It was, like, really nice.

[As they reach Kenny's front porch, they pause for a moment, their eyes locked. The tension between them is palpable, and they lean in for a kiss. Just as their lips touch, the front door swings open, revealing Kenny's little sister, Karen, standing there with wide eyes and an open mouth.]

Karen: [surprised] Kenny! What are you doing?!

[Kenny and Tweek quickly pull away from each other, their faces turning bright red with embarrassment.]

Kenny: [stuttering] Uh, Karen, it's not what it looks like! We were just...uh...

Tweek: [panicking] We were just practicing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation! Yeah, that's it! Kenny was teaching me!

Karen: [skeptical] Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?

Kenny: [nodding vigorously] Yeah, you know, in case of emergencies. Tweek wanted to learn, and I was just showing him how it's done.

Tweek: [nervously] Yeah, it's, like, really important to know, Karen. Safety first!

[Karen eyes them suspiciously for a moment, then shrugs.]

Karen: Okay, if you say so. But Mom and Dad will want to hear about this!

[Kenny and Tweek exchange a relieved look as Karen disappears back into the house.]

Kenny: [whispering] That was close!

Tweek: [breathing a sigh of relief] Yeah, no kidding. We should probably be more careful next time.

[Kenny takes Tweek's hand again, and they walk inside, trying to suppress their laughter.]

Kenny: [smiling] Despite the awkward interruption, I had a really great time tonight, Tweek. Let's plan another date soon, without any unexpected guests.

Tweek: [grinning] Definitely, Kenny. I'd love that.

[As they head up the stairs, hand in hand, Kenny can't help but feel a sense of excitement and happiness. Despite the unexpected turn of events, their connection only seems to grow stronger, and Kenny knows that he's found something special with Tweek.]

[End of chapter ]


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