Chapter 3 💫

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Butterflies In My Stomach

I put my hands on his face and slowly moved them back into his hair, just gazing into his beautiful eyes. We probably look so sappy right now, gazing into each other's eyes. He brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. And grabbed one of my hands and intertwined our fingers. My heart beating fast and I'm blushing very deeply right now. I could stay like this forever.
But sadly he started walking us back to the shore still talking about the stars and outer space. We kept going until we reached the car holding my door open for me I got in and out my seatbelt on. He got in and started the car. Playing a random playlist on his phone.
*Would you be able to tell me your address? I'm sorry if I kept you out too late, I know you have work in the morning*
*Its not late don't worry. I live ten minutes walking distance from the coffee shop, plus I'm up late most nights doing my homework anyway*
*Okay that's good at least. What are you in school for? If you don't mind me asking*
*I don't mind. I'm learning everything I can about IT and video game development*
*That's so awesome! What made you decide to study that?*
*Honestly. I've been interested since I first learned how to play video games as a kid*
*Aww, that's pretty adorable actually, how much longer are you in school for?*
*Not much longer. I'm finally almost done. I'm actually taking my finals on Friday and then I'll be free of school and I can pick up on my hobbies again, I've been wanting to get back into my photography and going hiking. I can't wait*
*I'm so happy for you, that's so exciting. I'll have to take you out again so we can celebrate. And I'd love to see any of your photography if you're comfortable with it*
*Of course! Ill be sure to grab my portfolio next time*
My stomach was doing flips, he mentioned it first about taking me out again. He wants to celebrate with me that I'm going to be finishing school. He's so adorable. I honestly wasn't sure if there would be a next time.
We pulled up at the coffee shop and I directed him where to go from there and he parked in front of my building, coming around to open my door and holding his hand out for me. I grabbed my keys out of my bag and he walked me right up to the door
*I had a really fun time tonight, thank you* my face flushed red and I was trying to keep eye contact with him but I was getting really nervous again
*I had fun with you too. So Friday I can pick you up and we'll go celebrate together?*
A cute warm smile on his face and his eyes twinkling again
*That would be just lovely. I can give you my number if you want. Then I'll be able to let you know when my exams are over*
*That sounds good to me* an even bigger smile on his face. He pulled his phone out of his pocket passing it over to me, I created a new contact and punched my number in for him and passed him his phone.
*I'll let you go now, goodnight Lorraina* he kissed me on the cheek
*Goodnight Yeosang. Talk soon* a grin on my face, he waited for me to walk into the building first before he even walked to his car. I waved at him as he drove away. My knees feel like they're about to give out. That was such an amazing date. I already can't wait to see him again.
Making it back into my apartment and kicking off my heels right away. I can't wait to change out of this dress and I heard my phone go off
~Had fun tonight. Can't wait until Friday~ Yeosang
~Me too! See you soon~
Aww he's so adorable. I changed into some comfy clothes and went to wash all of the makeup off my face and do my night time routine. Climbing into bed so exhausted, I fell asleep almost instantly.

It's going to be a long couple days until I see him again. I guess I'll just focus on my studies. I'm feeling good about the exams, I've been getting ninety percent on every test ive had so far so I'm not worried about it.
I should really get laser eye surgery. I'm tired of putting contacts in everyday. Fuck it. I'm going out with my glasses today, barefaced and I'll wear jeans and maybe a band t-shirt. Sounds good enough to me.
It didn't take me long to get ready since I barely did anything for today's look.
I still have like an hour until I have to start, what to do. The responsible thing I should do is study but I'm gonna play some video games instead.
Too invested in my game that when I realized the time I only had ten minutes until I'm supposed to start. Put my shoes on, grabbed my cost and purse and locking the door and racing to the elevator. As soon as I got to the lobby I ran, I don't want to be late. I managed to get there in time with a couple minutes to spare. Hanging up my stuff and putting my phone in my back pocket. I went out into the area we make all the drinks and just bent over slightly with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath still when I heard a ticket printing for the next drink. Iced Americano for Yeosang, I grabbed a sharpie and put his name on the cup and put a little heart next to his name
He was standing there waiting for me, dazzling eyes and charming smile it takes my breath away. I brought his drink to him with a huge smile on my face
*I couldn't wait until Friday to see you, and you look adorable with glasses* - Yeosang
I can feel my face going red from both of the things he said
*I'm happy I got to see you today, even if it was only for a couple minutes and thanks for the compliment* I giggled
*I have to go now, I have to run some errands, see you soon* - Yeosang
*See you soon*
And he was gone and out the door. I finished up the rest of my shift and stopped at a sushi place not far from here for dinner, getting it to go so I can go home and study more. What a drag. Hours upon hours of studying until I have to go to bed. Wake up tomorrow and do the exact same thing. I'm just gonna go to sleep now. My brain is exhausted. Doing my night time skin care routine and brushing my teeth and flopping into bed.

Same shit different day. Wake up at seven, hair, makeup and get dressed, maybe I'll put some effort into my appearance today. Black skinny jeans and a button up shirt. My brain is still exhausted from all of the studying last night and I have to come home after work and do the same thing. At least tomorrow I'll get to see Yeosang again, it sends butterflies into my stomach, he's so adorable. I'll wear a baggy sweater today and boots perhaps. Grab all of my stuff, my bag, keys and phone. Lock the door and put my keys away and off I go
I got there maybe five minutes early and just lounged in the break room until I had to go clock in. I should get a coffee myself. I'm still so tired I'm having a hard time moving around. I'll just go make myself a drink and then by the time I'm done I should be starting.
What to make, what to make. Fuck it. I'm going to make myself a white chocolate mocha. That should give me enough of an energy boost.
A couple minutes after I started I heard the ticket printing. Its him, he came back again today as well, he makes my heart melt. I wrote cutie on the cup with a little heart beside it and made his drink. Going over and see him waiting there for me with a heartwarming smile on his face, giving him a big smile in return
*Back again huh* I winked at him
And he pulled a red rose from behind his back and gave it to me, and grabbing his coffee. My cheeks flushed and I just looked down flustered, staring at this beautiful rose with a big grin on my face
*Thank you Yeosang, it's beautiful*
*Not as beautiful as you, I'll see you tomorrow okay* he smiled at me and started heading out.
This man knows how to make me flustered my goodness. This rose is just beautiful. Maybe I should go visit my family after work instead of going home to study more. Give myself a little bit of a break.
I did end up going over there for dinner and catching up. It was good to see them again and play with my little siblings. The visit was short but sweet so I could come home and do some studying. Just one more day and ill be done school. Thank fuck.
A couple more hours of cramming my brain with as much information as I could
I picked up my phone to see what time it is, I've been so in the zone since I got back and saw that he had texted me
~Good luck on your exams Lorraina, you'll ace it! See you tomorrow~
~Thanks so much Yeosang, see you tomorrow~
Okay time for bed. I cant keep my eyes peeled open any longer. Doing my night time skin care and brushing my teeth. Flopping down into bed and falling asleep shortly after. Tomorrow I get to see Yeosang again and I can't wait

 Tomorrow I get to see Yeosang again and I can't wait

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