Chapter 39 🐍

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Snakes Stir The Water

Early Wednesday Morning

I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried, Yeosang and Hongjoong are both sleeping still, they basically fell asleep instantly as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Lucky them. I have no idea what time it is and I doubt I'm going to be able to go back to sleep..

I managed to crawl myself out of bed without waking them and went to check the time, 3am. Just perfect...

I also had a bunch of messages from the guys, but there was one message in particular that caught my attention from an unknown number

-Lorraina, please meet me before the next show, I've checked the tour dates and I'll meet you in Nagoya-

How did this person even get my number? What the fuck? I'm certainly not going to meet some random person that messaged me, I'm just going to block the number and carry on with myself. I snuck into the bathroom to change into some sweats and a t-shirt, I'll just wear one of their sweaters when I go out. I just want some time to myself, it's super late and I'm excited to go for a walk

I was quietly trying to sneak out the door, I grabbed Hongjoongs sweater and silently closed the door behind me and made my way to the lobby and head outside

The cold air hitting my skin felt nice, a nice cloudless night with the stars twinkling, it's giving me the perfect opportunity to think things over

I know I asked them to not date anyone else, because I want to see where this is going to go. But I'll definitely need to talk to them about their jealousy, and about mine as well because I get jealous just as easy but I try not to show it. They had both agreed before I'd even finish asking them and I said we would have to go over some things when the time is right. I didn't want to do it all right then and there, it was already an overwhelming day

Plus I still have to talk with Yunho and I'm dreading that. I don't want to ruin my friendship with him, because he is one of my best friends and I don't want that to change It was already a huge shock when I found out that Hongjoong had feelings for me too. I don't know what it is about me now, I've got guys coming at me left and right, this has never happened to me in my entire life.

I'm just going to walk and see where I end up, I want to explore as much as I can before we have to leave and go to the next venue, I still have to be careful that I don't get attacked again, and now I have to be on the lookout because of antis.

My phone started going off in my pocket and I pulled my phone out to see that I was getting a call from San

-hey San is everything okay?-

-no, can I come talk to you please?-

-yeah of course, I'll just head back to the hotel, I went out for a walk-

-okay I'll meet you in the front of the hotel, see you soon-


I hope everything is okay, it's still so early in the morning right now and I assumed the guys would all be sleeping. I made my way back to the hotel safe and sound to see San waiting for me. He looks nervous, almost scared. My heart is starting to beat faster and I'm getting nervous now

*I don't know how to even start this conversation*

*San you're freaking me out, what's going on?*

*Can we go for a walk please, I need some time to try and put the words together*

*Yeah okay, just take your time, I'm not going anywhere*

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