Chapter 35 🤫

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What Do I Do Now?

Early Tuesday Morning

I opened my eyes and I was still snuggled into Joongies chest, one of his arms across my back, another arm over my lower back. I moved my head as best I could to look behind me and saw Yeosangie snuggled up behind me, the same slight pout on his face that he always has when he sleeps, the pouty face that just melts my heart. This is so nice but holy shit are they making me too warm, it’s like laying next to two furnaces. I moved myself a little and felt the ache of the cut on my leg and face.
Time to look in the mirror to do damage control. I gently moved their hands off of my back and sat up, uncovering myself from the blankets and crawled to the end of the bed, my feet hitting the cold floor, god it feels so nice. I slipped my shorts off to help cool myself down and stretched my stiff body out as I walked into the bathroom.
The cut on my face looks gross, how am I supposed to go through the first concert like this. I wonder if there’s any polysporn or something here. I doubt it, I’ll probably have to go to the store. There’s deep bags under my eyes, and my body feels so stressed out right now, I’m so nervous for tonight. I brushed my hair and teeth, grabbed an outfit from my suitcase and got dressed in a crop top and a pair of leggings. I decided to just leave my hair as it is, and natural makeup because I know it’s going to change when we do the show tonight.

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