Chapter 23 🌩️

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Lightning Strike Lips

Wednesday Night

We finished watching the conjuring. It must be around midnight by now, since we always leave KQ at ten.
*God damn that was scary. I'm not going to be able to sleep in the dark tonight*
*Yeah me neither. So do you want to watch the second one?*
I giggled at him and he was smiling at me so I said okay why not. He got the second one loaded up and I quickly checked my phone seeing I had messages from Minhyuk, and Yeosang
-please answer me, can I please talk to you tonight, I really need to see you- Yeosang
-hope you had a good day sweetheart, sleep well- Minhyuk
Aw he's so cute. I answered Minhyuk and put my phone back on the table as the second movie started. I'm already scared shitless from the first one, why did I agree to watch the second one. Oh well. I kept jumping from different scenes and he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him, I wrapped my arms around his waist gripping him tight as we kept watching the movie.
I felt kind of bad because I had a death grip on him from being scared, I don't think he minds though because he held me just as tight. And by the end of the movie we were both stiff and not moving.
*Okay now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight*
*So should we watch the third one?*
*Hongjoong really? You want to watch the third one now?* I laughed
*I mean we've already come this far, we might as well watch the last one*
*Okay fine. But don't be upset if I fall asleep*
He looked at me and chuckled kissing my forehead. I picked my phone up and saw that it's quarter to two and he texted me again
-im begging you, with everything I am, please just talk with me tonight so I can explain-
-ive heard enough of your explanations and it's always me that gets burned, goodnight Yeosang, and say goodnight to Natalia for me too-
-no wait you don't understand, I promise you this isn't what it is-
I put my phone down and let out a small sigh, Hongjoong looked at me concerned and I just shook my head. I repositioned myself so I was sitting in between his legs with my back against his chest and his arms going around me pulling the blanket up to cover us both. I can feel his hands are trembling a little. It must be out of fear from the movies
*Joongie are you okay, your hands are shaking*
*oh I'm fine, it's just my nerves that's all* but his voice was shaking too. And I can't figure out what's going on with him.
We were maybe half an hour into the movie when a knocking on the door made us both jump and I screamed, the front door opening revealing Yeosang holding his keys. I didn't know he had a key for Hongjoongs. I guess it makes sense though. They're all like brothers.
*Whats going on in here?* An edge in his voice
*Yeosang, what are you doing here so late? Is everything okay?* - Hongjoong
*Yeah. And where's Natalia?*
*I got rid of her. I'm not going to put up with that again. And I wanted to talk to you Lorraina*
*Well if I wanted to talk to you I would have answered your messages*
*Please princess*
*Don't call me that. Now if you don't mind, were trying to watch the third conjuring movie*
*Okay fine* and he plopped himself down on the couch. I snuggled myself back into Hongjoong, were sitting on the floor still and his hands are still shaking. But the three of us finished watching the movie and when it was over I turned my body and buried my face into his chest, his arms moving around and resting on my back
*Okay. Now I'm definitely not going to be able to sleep for a week. Why did we have to marathon these movies?* I groaned
*Raindrop you're the one that wanted to watch a scary movie*
*Yeah but I only meant one. You wanted to watch the other two*
He started laughing at me and started stroking my hair, it's comforting. Im really not going to be able to sleep tonight, and if I do, it'll be nightmares.
*Can we please talk now? Lorraina just give me two minutes*
My whole body went tense. I can't do this anymore. I've heard enough of his excuses and lies to know that the same thing is going to happen. The same circle. Everything being repeated and I'm tired of having my heart stomped on. Hongjoong was rubbing my back
I pushed myself away from him, gently caressing his cheek and stood up, not looking at Yeosang. And I went to Hongjoongs room and sat down on his bed. Hoping Yeosang will just leave. Faintly being able to hear their conversation
*Hongjoong man you've gotta help me out. Please im begging you, just two minutes*
*Yeosang I can't do anything if she doesn't want to talk to you. You broke her heart before, and I can tell just by looking at her that she's trying to keep it together. I'm not going to force her to talk to you*
I heard footsteps coming towards Hongjoongs room and naturally I assumed it was him. I looked up and saw Yeosang
*Please, please I love you*
And now that I'm getting a better look at him with him being this close. I can see that his lip is busted open and he has scratch marks on his neck, his cheek has a red handprint on it that was slowly fading away
*No. Leave me alone. Go back to her because clearly it's her you want to be with. I let you fill my head up full of your bullshit lies, please just go*
*I cant. I cant leave you here like this. It's driving me up the fucking wall seeing you wearing Hongjoongs clothes and seeing the way you two were watching the movie*
*oh yeah? You know what drove me up the fucking wall? Seeing you kissing Natalia, and being all touchy with her all day, give it up already*
*I'm sorry. Really it isn't what you think it is. She's gone now for good. I got rid of her, she actually hates me now, she hit me earlier because I pissed her off. You have to believe me*
*I don't have to believe anything*
I got up and walked around him going back to the living room
*Yeah Raindrop what's up?*
*I'm getting kind of tired, I think I might be ready to go to sleep now*
*Okay. You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the couch*
*Can you sleep with me? Im sorry. I'm actually scared shitless right now and I don't think I can fall asleep by myself*
*Of course, let me just clean up*
He started gathering all of the blankets and pillows so I cleaned up our snacks and drinks putting everything away in the kitchen. I came back into the living room and saw Yeosang and Hongjoong sitting on the couch.
*He explained to me what's going on Raindrop. I've known him for a long time. He doesn't lie about anything, don't you think you can hear him out?*
*No. I'm going to sleep now, goodnight*
I walked away going back into Hongjoongs room sitting on his bed with my phone in my hand. Pulled my knees up and rested my forehead against my legs and started to silently cry. How could things have gone so wrong in such a short amount of time? Everytime he tries to explain, he turns around and does something with her. More images burned into my head.
I can hear them talking in the living room still, footsteps coming closer to me and it was Hongjoong. He had a really sad expression on his face
*Joongie what's wrong?* I wiped the tears from my eyes
*I just hate seeing you so sad and hurt that's all*
He closed the door, and changed into some shorts while I looked at my phone, turned the light off and came over to the bed lifting me up in his arms to pull the blanket back and laid us both down, snuggling me into his chest. I silently cried for hours, not knowing what to think, how to handle this.
Drifting off to sleep, I hope tomorrow will be better

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