Chapter 40 🕶️

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Hide Away, Stay Away

Wednesday morning

I sat across the table from Yunho and just stared not really knowing what to say, obviously there was something going on but I still didn't expect him to outright say that he wanted to take me out on a date. Of course all the guys think I'm single, but that whole thing with Yeosang and Natalia certainly raised some eyebrows I'm sure. I was so upset about it and everyone saw.

Yeosang and Hongjoong are already getting jealous about the thought of me talking and being alone with Yunho right now which still doesn't really make any sense to me because they are all so close with each other. They're both so possessive, and it's kind of flattering but at the same time it would be nice if they could just trust me with this.

I stayed lost in day dreams for a little bit until he said something to snap me out of it

*I'm sorry, I know this is alot to take in right now and if you need to take some time to think it over I understand. But please always remember that I'm here for you and you're still my best friend no matter what* - Yunho

*Okay, just give me some time okay. In the meantime can we go back, I'm a little scared to be out in public right now*

*What do you mean? What's going on?* - Yunho

*I was out for a walk early this morning and San told me about how he found out that Natalia has been spreading rumors about me in the fandom and now antis are coming after me. I need to have body guards with me at all times. But in all honesty I think it would be best for me to do something else so it doesn't affect any of you, that's the last thing that I want*

Tears started pouring from my eyes, they had worked so hard to get to wear they are right now and I don't want to do anything to mess that up... it doesn't matter how much the fans like me. I could leave them and just sign with a different company, maybe move somewhere else and start over. But either way it still seems like I would be leaving my family behind and that makes it hurt even more. I don't know what to do

He got up from his chair and came over to me and helped lift me up from my seat and hugged me, and it made me cry even more

*Lets go sweetheart. We can go talk to Hongjoong and the others about what's going on okay?* - Yunho

He wiped the tears from my face and gave me a heartwarming smile, grabbed my hand in his and we made our way back to the hotel together. I haven't bothered to check my phone yet but I've felt it going off in my pocket and I just know its probably both Yeosang and Hongjoong asking where I am and what's going on. I can't check that right now, I have other things that are bothering me right now and my mind is so occupied I'm not sure if I could even concentrate on what they texted me.

We got back to my room and saw that the rest of the guys were in there going over the schedule and the venue, how we should get there early for warm up and everything. They looked over at us and some of them said good morning or asked where we were. But Yeosang and Hongjoong both noticed that Yunho was holding my hand and they reacted the same way they have been, jaw snapped tight and the look of anger but it disappeared just as fast as it had appeared because they couldn't let the others see the looks on their faces or how their attitude changed

*What's going on, you two look like you're upset about something?* - Seonghwa

*San didn't you tell the others what we talked about?*

*We thought we would wait until you two got back, but I can tell them if you like?* - San

*Yes please. If you all don't mind I'm going to take a quick shower before we get going with todays schedule*

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