Chapter 19 🍷

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Whisper More Lies In My Ear

Monday night

All i keep thinking about is everything Yeosang said to me. I couldn't say anything to him after he said that to me, I just went back inside and sat down with the rest of the guys until we left for the club

It's busy here for a Monday night, we skipped the line and got our hands stamped, went inside to this VIP section and sat down. A waitress coming over and asking what we wanted to drink, the guys all pretty much ordered beer and i decided it was a good time for me to get completely fucked up, i ordered straight gin, a double.

It was fun hanging out with them, the next world tour is going to be coming up soon, who knows when we'll be able to chill out like this. I lost track of how many drinks i had, i ordered a wide variety of hard alcohol only, until my speech became slurred and my vision a litte blurry. Damn I'm feeling good now, my mind feels so empty and i want to dance. I pulled the guys up and got them to dance with me, all except for Yeosang, i can't deal with that right now.

They twirled me around, spun me into their arms, dipped me a couple times and it was fun. They're all good dancers and they seemed to be enjoying themselves too. Hours of drinking and dancing, I can't walk straight and i can't form proper sentences. Maybe i should go home and pass out now. Go home and be sad about things that have happened, but also happy because i got asked out by three other idols in one day, my brain still can't comprehend that.

*I'm really sorry, i think i need to go home now and pass out* i uncontrollably giggled, yeah its definitely time for me to go home

*Yeah Raindrop, you're cut off now, lets get you home* - Wooyoung

I started laughing even harder and he had to help me stand up and basically carried me out of the club because I couldn't walk properly, his arm was around my waist, San and Mingi close by just in case. I had assumed we would just take a taxi because they were drinking too. But Yunho and Seonghwa got into the drivers seats of their cars, Yeosang getting into his own car. Me and Wooyoung went with Yunho, Mingi and Jongho went with Seonghwa, San and Hongjoong riding with Yeosang and we were all off on our way home.

I did my best to stutter out my address for Yunho and he started driving to my apartment, I'm not sure what it is but everytime i get drunk i just want to sing, they had to suffer and listen to my drunk ass singing the most random songs.

We pulled up in front of my apartment building and i unbuckled myself and opened the door swinging my feet out and grabbing my purse. Aw shit, i think i left my bag at Hongjoongs, all of my makeup is in there. I tried to stand up from the car and managed to stagger a few steps before i almost fell on my ass. Both Yunho and Wooyoung got out of the car and helped carry me into my apartment, how embarrassing.

We got into my apartment and Yunho put my purse down on the kitchen counter, I can't control my emotions right now and tears started running down my cheeks. All i can think about is when i got attacked from that crazy bitch, every memory here with Yeosang, and everything he said to me earlier, its like my heart is breaking over and over again.

*Feelings and emotions are stupid and i wish i coud cut mine out of my body, it would be so much simpler*

*Raindrop do you want to talk about it, we're not going to go anywhere with you being upset like this* - Wooyoung

*No i don't want to talk about it. And i don't want to stay here tonight*

*You can come back with us, we can pack some clothes for you, we were gonna go hangout at Hongjoongs for a bit* - Yunho

*Can you guys stay with me tonight, I can't do this*

*Of course Raindrop, don't even worry about it. Lets get going okay* - Yunho

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