Chapter 15 💥

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Liar, Liar, Shattered Heart

Thursday Afternoon

We got to Hongjoongs place and I cried the whole way. They all got phone calls which neither of them answered, I'm assuming it was Yeosang. Before we got here Hongjoong stopped at a grocery store and him and Yunho went in and came out ten minutes later with four different bags just stuffed full of snacks and drinks.
Mingi let me lean on him as we walked inside, he had his arm around my waist and half carried me which was fine because I was having a hard time walking anyway. And we went in and sat down in Hongjoongs living room his place is really nice, beige walls with a couple pictures here and there. His living room has two massive couches, a big coffee table and an entertainment unit with a huge flat-screen TV, he certainly knows how to decorate. Mingi and I sat down on the couch and Hongjoong and Yunho went to the kitchen with the snacks and came out a couple minutes later with some glasses, and a couple plates full of different types of snacks and set it down on the table in front of the couches. Yunho came and sat down on the couch and Hongjoong left again briefly and came back in with several blankets and pillows for us, he pushed the table off to the side and laid a couple blankets on the floor and spread the pillows out, all three of us moved to the floor and got comfy and Hongjoong finished spreading the blankets over us, Mingi sat on my left side, and Hongjoong came and sat on the right side of me with Yunho beside him. Hongjoong picked up the remote for the TV and turned it on, logging into Netflix and put on Alice in Wonderland, the cartoon. My eyes feel so puffy and swollen from crying so much, I really appreciate them trying so hard to cheer me up and being here for me when they still don't know what happened. And I'm not going to tell them either. Mingi and Yunho started eating some of the snacks and I just didn't have an appetite to try and eat anything right now, I feel so numb. I leaned my head on Hongjoongs shoulder and just watched the movie trying to absorb myself in it fully so I didn't think. So I can forget everything that happened today.
It didn't take very much longer and I fell asleep leaning against him, my body and mind exhausted from crying and being upset.
When I started waking up again I could hear them talking but I kept my eyes closed
*It breaks my heart seeing her so hurt. I wish there was something more I could do* - Hongjoong
*I'm still so confused about what happened, Yeosang finally stopped spamming my phone at least. I think he finally got the hint that were not going to answer him right now* - Yunho
*I think she liked him. And maybe she told him and got rejected that's why she's so upset, or maybe she was in love with him. I don't want to ask her. I don't want to push her. I just hope she's going to be okay soon* - Mingi
There's a knocking at the front door and I felt Hongjoong twitch in response probably wanting to get up and answer the door
*Yunho can you get that please. I don't want to move her, she needs her rest*
*Yeah no problem*
I heard him get up and walk through the living room and down the small hallway to the front door, he unlocked the door and opened it and my breath got caught in my throat
*Yunho please. I need to talk to her* - Yeosang
*Yeosang. It's best if you leave. She was really upset when we left and she's sleeping right now. You should just go. If she wants to talk to you she will*
*No I can't do that* and he walked through the door, his footsteps getting closer and then he was in the room
*What's going on in here. Why is she sleeping on you...* - Yeosang
*Man are you serious. She doesn't want to talk to you. If she did she would've answered her phone. And she's sleeping right now because she's exhausted from crying her eyes out. What the fuck do you think* - Hongjoong
*I'm not going anywhere. I need to speak with her, please I'm begging you Hongjoong* - Yeosang
I opened my eyes and looked at Hongjoong, he looked back at me his eyes meeting mine and I could feel my eyes start watering again and I just hid my face in his shoulder as the tears started falling again
*Lorraina please. Just give me two minutes. Please I'll do anything*
*I don't care Yeosang. Please just leave* sobs started coming from my throat again and I was shaking and crying with my face still buried in Hongjoongs shoulder
*Please I'm begging you, just give me one chance* desperation in his voice, his voice was shaking a little. I lifted my head and turned to look at him and saw his eyes watering up. It's pulling at the broken pieces of my heart that he broke. And I still long to hold him, to tell him everything was going to be okay, just once more I want to hear him say I love you, even though it was all just a lie
I can feel my heart breaking even more and I don't know what to do. I just sat there looking at him with tears falling from my eyes. I don't think he's going to leave until I talk to him. And I don't want to make things awkward for the guys, but they seem to be on my side right now. Maybe it's just because I'm so upset. Or are we genuinely friends and they genuinely care about me too. I looked back at Hongjoong and he looked at me with such sadness in his eyes. I tried to smile at him the best I could with tears falling from my eyes still. And I got myself up, Hongjoong and Mingi holding their hands out for me to help me stand up
I looked at Yeosang and his facial expression changed to relief and he walked towards the front door so I followed behind him and let him go outside first, the second he was out the door I closed the door behind him and locked it, and went and sat back down next to Hongjoong and Mingi. I started laughing as soon as I sat down thinking about how I just locked him out of the house and they joined in with me laughing too
I stopped laughing when I heard him knocking on the door again. My God this guy is persistent. I sighed and got back up and went to the door and opened it. I'm just starting to feel pissed off now, I saw him dancing with another woman. The same woman that tried to fight me physically and was nasty to me. I have little to no experience with relationships. He's the first man I've ever slept with. And then this happens.
I stepped outside the door and closed it behind me and just looked at him while tears kept pouring from my eyes.
*I don't care what you have to say. I saw enough today and I don't want to hear your excuses, I gave you a chance. I was scared when you asked me to be yours. You made me fall in love with you. You made me love you. I gave myself to you, in all the ways I can and this is the result. So please just leave me alone. Go back to that other chick because she clearly made you so happy. I saw it in your face* I turned away from him and started opening the door and felt his hand grabbing mine. I stopped and looked at him and saw him crying with his bottom lip trembling
*Lorraina please. Just give me a minute please*
*No Yeosang. I'm done. Now leave me alone. I'm hanging out with them right now, and you need to leave*
*Lorraina I love you so much. You're my whole world and I can't live without you. I promise you with everything I am and have that I was not cheating on you*
*Okay fine. Then please enlighten me. Why the fuck were you dancing with the same bitch that tried to fight me, the same bitch you complained about that hung all over you and the guys constantly, the same bitch that I saw flirting with you all the time. Please tell me then. What the fuck were you doing with her. Tell me about that huge smile you had on your face when you were looking at her, your arms around her dancing to some romantic song, tell me Yeosang*
He just looked at me, like a deer in headlights and he kept crying but didn't say anything
*Yeah. That's exactly what I thought. Now go. And leave me alone. I'll be civil with you at work. I'm not going out of my way to talk to you about anything. Strictly professional and if you try to talk to me about anything besides work I won't respond. Goodbye Yeosang*
*Lorraina I love you*
*I was a fool to believe you the first time. Don't keep your girl waiting. Now go*
*Lorraina. You're the love of my life. Please you don't understand. She's blackmailing me*
*Tell me why I should believe anything you say to me*

 She's blackmailing me* *Tell me why I should believe anything you say to me*

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