Chapter 25 🙌

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Encased By The Hourglass

Thursday continued

Still sitting on the couch avoiding his eyes, and desperately trying to focus on the computer screen to do up more of my collages. He was watching what I was doing
*Wow that looks so cool! I like how you put this all together!*
*Why thank you, it’s still a work in progress*
I kept editing and pulling up different pictures to add in.
*Okay let’s eat*
I looked over and saw bags of food and drinks on the floor and closed my computer and went and joined them, slamming back the last of my coffee and grabbing a bottle of Gatorade. I ate a little bit of what they got but my appetite has disappeared from the stress and everything from Yeosang, and my nerves for performing with them when the tour starts.
I just wanted to keep practicing. So I got up and connected my phone to the Bluetooth and stared Cyberpunk.
Of course they were thrilled, cheering me on and saying that I’ve nailed it down and don’t have to stress about it. But I’m stressed about it. I don’t want to mess up. I restarted the song and did it again
Going down on one knee trying to catch my breath, Yunho came over to me with the hand towel and a cold bottle of water, I slammed it back and started wiping down my body. He leaned down to my ear
*You don’t have to worry so much Raindrop, you’re doing amazing*
Picking me up by my waist and spinning me around in a circle before putting me back down and it did make me laugh. He’s so cute with his big puppy eyes and the way he spins me around all the time. But before he let go he leaned down and planted a kiss on my cheek, smiling at me and then letting go. My face going red, did that really just happen?
I feel so tired and exhausted from dancing so much but I know I need to do more, so I peeled myself off the floor and started from the top
Finishing and being covered in sweat, my god I need to have a shower, I feel fucking gross. Yunho came back over to me with a new hand towel and another bottle of water. I started wiping my body down and sipped on my water.
*Maybe you should sit down and take a break Raindrop. You've already nailed everything down, it just comes naturally to you*
I nodded at him and went and sat down on the couch, grabbing my phone to see if I had any messages. I had a couple from Seungmin and I opened it up and he sent me the most hilarious picture and I burst out into laughter while I answered him back
*Raindrop what’s so funny?* - Mingi
*oh its just something Seungmin sent me that’s all*
I heard a light thud and looked over and saw Yeosang was sitting on the floor taking a breather too and he had slammed his water down on the floor. I raised my eyebrows and looked at the rest of the guys and they looked just as confused as I was, except for Hongjoong, I can’t read the expression on his face but it isn’t good. He looks upset or something
I set my phone back on the table and grabbed my laptop and started working again. There will be no breaks, if I'm not singing and dancing then I'm on my computer editing more pictures and posting to their social media. I can feel my eyelids start to get heavy as I was sitting on the couch and working on more projects, and I dozed off

3rd person POV

*I can’t believe how fast she picked up on the choreography, and her voice is just beautiful. I'm glad she agreed to join us on stage* - San
*she’s pushing herself so hard, I think she fell asleep on the couch* - Wooyoung
They all looked over from their spots on the floor seeing that Lorraina was indeed asleep.
*Aww she’s so cute, we should cover her up so she doesn’t get cold* - Mingi
He got up and went and grabbed his sweater walking over to the couch and started to put his sweater on her when her eyes shot open and she let out a small scream

Lorraina POV

*I'm so sorry I didn’t mean to, you should have just woke me up right away*
*Calm down Raindrop it’s okay, you needed a break. You still need a break*
I looked at him trying to open my eyes fully. He was giving me the biggest smile. Im not going to be able to wake up if I don’t stand up. I put my laptop on the table and forced myself up, half bent over and resting my hands on my knees. Damn I didn’t realize how much it was going to take out of me.
*Alright. I need coffee. I’m gonna go get one, just text me what you guys want and I’ll pick it up*
They were all looking at me, half of them sitting on the floor and the other half were practicing some choreography. Hongjoong stood up from the floor right away
*Wait, I’ll come with you baby*
My cheeks turned a little pink and I grabbed my purse and put my phone in my purse and started walking towards the door. He came over to me and grabbed my hand and led us out of the room and going to the elevator. I still feel so sleepy, I leaned my head against his shoulder letting out a small yawn
*Baby do you think you might want to go home and get some rest? Take the rest of the day off?*
*No I’ll be fine as soon as I get more caffeine in me, I need to practice more*
He kissed my forehead and we stepped onto the elevator and he hit the button for the lobby and we made our way down
Still walking hand in hand we stepped outside and the nice cool air against my body felt so good after sweating my ass off all day. We walked to the Starbucks, ordered everyone’s drinks and picked up some muffins as well, and started walking back to the KQ building
*Baby do you want to hang out after work?*
*Yeah that sounds okay. I need to go home and shower though, I’ve been sweating all day and I feel so gross right now*
*Okay. But you’re always beautiful*
I blushed from his compliment and smiled at him as we made our way back to the building. I can tell he likes me, he keeps calling me baby and now he wants to hang out more. Then there’s Yeosang, trying to fix things with me, and the other three guys texting me everyday and wanting to take me out on dates.
I let out a small sigh thinking about these guys. When did I suddenly become so popular with men. Normally I get ignored, I’ve always tried to be friends with everyone and I did have a lot of guy friends before ….
We walked into the building and went to the dance studio, seeing the guys all sprawled out across the floor. Their heads shooting up the second we walked in with coffee.
After resting for fifteen minutes they were all jazzed up again and wanted to play the zombie game. Jongho was blindfolded and the guys all went and hid around the room while Jongho tried to find them. I was sitting on the couch watching the whole thing happen and quietly giggling to myself.
He made his way over to where Yeosang was and got a hold of him, taking his arm he started biting him until Yeosang said that he surrendered
Jongho kept moving around the room and eventually bumped into Seonghwa, biting his shoulder. But Seonghwa didn’t give in and the timer started going off. He took his blindfold off and look around to see where the guys were hiding. And since he caught Yeosang and he surrendered it was his turn to be blindfolded. The guys all moved around the room to different hiding areas and I was still watching them on the couch.
He started walking around the room but made his way over to the couch, touching my legs and grabbing my hand, he kissed my hand and moved on getting hold of Mingi, the next victim
They continued on for at least an hour playing this game. And I have to admit it was adorable seeing them like this.
Hours passed until it was eight in the evening. We spent the day practicing more, I did more singing. They played more games and I relaxed and watched them, it was amusing and cute at the same time.
I stood up from the couch and stretched out as far as I could and grabbed my things, walking over to the door, Hongjoong grabbed my things from my shoulders and carried it for me to the elevator
Making our way to the lobby, I think they all figured I was getting a ride with Hongjoong because he was already carrying my things for me. We said our goodnights, Yunho came and kissed me on the cheek again and they all went to their cars, except for Yeosang. It was just the three of us standing there. The guys already left the lot, Yeosang came closer to me and kissed my cheek too and whispered to me that I’m so beautiful and stepped away from me. I felt Hongjoongs hand grab mine and he said goodnight to Yeosang and started walking us towards his car.
Getting in his car he passed me his phone so I could play songs. I felt my phone vibrate so I looked
-I should be the only one calling you baby- Yeosang
-were not together right now yeosang-
-I will prove to you, that you are the love of my life-
Great. My eyes are watering up. I can’t do this. I put my phone away and listened to the music until we we got to Hongjoongs.
Sitting down in his living room, he went to go make us a snack and I was just waiting for him.
He came out a couple minutes later with the biggest smile on his face and a couple plates of food
*Joongie I still need to shower. I feel disgusting still*
*You always look beautiful to me baby, you can shower here if you want*
I blushed and hid my face away from him, I heard the plates being put down on the table and the couch sinking in next to me, he had one arm around my waist and his other hand was lifting my chin up so he could look into my eyes.
His beautiful eyes are twinkling and he moved closer to me, until our lips collided together

 His beautiful eyes are twinkling and he moved closer to me, until our lips collided together

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