Chapter 6 🔥

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Saturday Continued ~

I glanced over and saw this doe eyed looking bitch flirting with Yeosang. I can’t read the expression on his face and I can’t hear what it is they’re saying to each other. She’s obviously very pretty. All natural with no makeup and wavy hair, she was like a child of Aphrodite. And I’m over here looking like the bottom of a foot.
Yunho pulled me out of my thoughts. I think he saw me looking over at Yeosang with that chick
*I hope she leaves. Were nice to her and everything because she works here in the office. But whenever she finds out were in the building she comes over and tries to flirt with all of us* he whispered into my ear and when he was done he pulled back and rolled his eyes slightly making me giggle. I think I’m going to be great friends with Yunho.
We sat there and talked about how I just finished school and got hired so fast. I told him I had brought my photo album full of the photos I’ve taken so far and he asked if he could see it, his eyes lighting up. I giggled more and said of course and we got up from the floor and went over to the couch. I pulled my album form my shoulder bag and handed it over to him, we sat in silence as he flipped through the many pages full of everything I’ve photographed. A wide range of portraits of my family, in different settings and different poses and the makeup id done on them. Some with special effects because at one point in time I wanted to be a special effects artist as well. Landscapes, mountains, pictures in the rain, sunsets and the ocean. Just anything and everything. He finished looking through it all and turned to look at me with wide eyes
*Oh my god Lorraina you’re so talented!* - Yunho
I blushed with a smile and looked down at my photo album he passed back to me and shook my head.
*No really you are, after all you’ve just been hired to be our full time photographer. And hey, I really liked these ones with the different makeup, was that around Halloween time or something? If you don’t mind me asking. I’m sorry. That was personal*
*Yunho it’s okay I don’t mind. Were getting to know each other right? And to answer your question. No. It wasn’t around Halloween. I once thought I could do special effects makeup for a living and these were my trials to see how well I could do with it. I gave it up though. And the only time I do any sort of special effects now is for Halloween*
*You’re crazy talented you know that? And hey, maybe if you’re feeling up to it we can do some sort of special shoot with makeup like this?*
*Yeah of course! Just let me know when you want to try it out so I can go get the supplies I need* I gave him a big smile. He’s pretty cute looking at me with these big puppy eyes and a goofy grin on his face
*Tomorrow! Let’s do it tomorrow! If you’re okay with it. I’m not sure what’s on the schedule for tomorrow. Probably just more practice for Kingdom so we’ll just be here tomorrow for most of the day working out choreography and singing practice*
*Of course. That’ll be fun! I’m excited to do it! Do you know what time I should come in tomorrow?*
*Hongjoong likes to get an early start. So we’re normally here by eight am*
*Okay that’s not a problem. I’ll get everything I need before I go home tonight*
*No wait. It’s only what like one in the afternoon right now. Why don’t we go out and get it together. We can brainstorm some ideas for tomorrow*
*Oh. I guess that would be okay. Is it fine for me to just leave my stuff in here? My computer and camera, I thought I was supposed to be here taking pictures of you all. Won’t I get in trouble if I leave?*
*Yeah your stuff will be fine in here. And you won’t get in trouble. I’ll just tell them that you’re helping me with a special project. Which isn’t a lie. You won’t get in trouble*
*Okay Yunho, I’m trusting you here. But let’s go, we have to find a store we can go to. I’m not really sure where to go honestly*
*Not to worry. I’ll just ask our driver to take us to the closest makeup and special effects store. There has to be plenty around here because of shooting movies and stuff. We’ll find something*
I nodded my head at him and he stood up and held his hand out to me helping me up to my feet. I grabbed my purse and put it over my shoulder.  That bitch was still in here hovering over the guys, mainly Yeosang. I still can’t read the look on his face. But he did notice that I was walking behind Yunho, and Yunho saying to them that we would be back in a bit, we had to go get some supplies. Hongjoong said okay, that they were going to keep working out the kinks in the choreography and that he could pick up some snacks when we come back. That we’d still be here for the rest of the evening. My eyes met with Yeosangs and I could see that he had a slightly irritated look on his face. I can’t tell if it’s from her or what. Maybe he’s stressed about practice. I don’t know either way I’m on my way out the door.
Just as Yunho was about to open the door Mr Kim opened it and we both got startled and stepped back letting him come through
*Ah good, I’m glad I caught you. I forgot to give this to you earlier. This is your employee credit card. Use it for whatever you need to, food, clothes, anything at all. We want to make sure that you’ll be fully taken care of while you work here*
I stuttered out a thank you and I could feel my eyes going wide from it. I’ve never had this before. I quickly put the card in my wallet and back into my purse and pulled my phone out to carry in my hand.
We walked out the door and he led me down to the lobby where a car was waiting for us in the front. We both got in the back seat and started making more casual conversation when I felt my phone buzz from a text message
I looked at the screen and saw Yunho look away to give me a moment. And saw that I had some texts from both of my parents and some from Yeosang
~what are you up to with Yunho?~
~where are you guys going~
~I need to talk to you after~
I answered him back asking what he needed to talk about. And all he responded with was later
I shrugged it off. Already having a problem and we haven’t even been together that long. Maybe he wants to break things off already. I’m not going to leave this job. If he wants me gone then he can bring it up with Mr Kim. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions. I don’t care. I’m still just pissed off seeing that girl flirting with him. It seemed like he was trying to get her to leave. But I could still see him talking to her until I left with Yunho.
We made it to this wicked looking store and when we both stepped inside a gasp left our mouths. He grabbed a basket and we decided to look through the whole store. The basket filling up with different paints, makeup and an assortment of brushes. We brought everything up to the counter and I paid using my new card. He was pulling out his wallet but I told him it’s okay. I just got my employee card and I winked at him as I paid. We left the store and stopped at a convenience store where he loaded up this basket full of different treats and drinks. My eyes went wide seeing all the candy and chips, a couple individual tubs of ice cream and an assortment of pop. It was like a five year old went shopping seeing all the sweets he had loaded up into the basket. He told me to get whatever I wanted so I grabbed a bottle of apple juice, a small bag of chips and a chocolate bar. He asked me if that’s all I wanted and I giggled and said yes. He said okay and paid for all of our stuff and we went back to the car and headed back to the KQ building.
It had been maybe an hour and a half since we’d left. I had the makeup in my hand and Yunho was carrying in all the snacks as we made our way back to floor 16.
Walking in and seeing the guys all laying on the floor throughout the room covered in sweat, panting. We walked in and Yunho said for them to get up and that we had snacks. It was enough for all of them to shoot up into a sitting position as they moved so they’d be sitting in a circle. And we went and sat down and joined them as the bag of snacks got passed around and they each pulled out their treats. We sat in silence eating our treats when Mingi spoke up and asked what else we got. And I told him that it was just some makeup for tomorrow, and that Yunho had asked me for a special project for tomorrow. He seemed to think it was interesting and started making conversation with me about photography, they were all really nice to me. Talking to each and every one of them getting to know each other
It wasn’t until like ten at night when Hongjoong said it was a wrap and that he would see us all back here tomorrow morning eight am sharp.
Well he certainly runs a tight ship. It’s understandable as the leader. I gathered up my things and said to them that it was nice to meet them and see them in the morning. I slung all of my stuff over my shoulders and sauntered towards the elevator and down to the lobby. Pulling my phone out so I could call a cab and go back to my apartment. I left with Yeosang still upstairs talking to the guys. And not long after a taxi pulled in front of the building and I left. Got in the taxi, gave him my address and away we went.
It felt like time passed by really fast and I was already in front of my building and paying him giving him a big tip as I got out and dug around for my keys. But I couldn’t find them. I put my bags down on the ground and started rummaging through my purse in a panic but they weren’t in there. I checked my shoulder bag and it wasn’t in there either. Great. I lost my keys. I bet it’s in Yeosangs car. And I’m not calling him. Maybe I’ll just go to my parents house for the night and stay there instead. But it was too late. A black Porsche pulled up in front of my building not far from where I was standing in front of the door trying to find my keys. The engine cut off and he was getting out of the car and coming around to me. His lips in a tight line and the sparkle gone from his eyes as he held out my keys for me. I gave him a polite thank you but didn’t smile because I don’t know what’s going on. I grabbed my things from the ground and I said goodnight and turned to walk away to go inside when he caught my hand and I turned to look back at him.
*Can we talk now?* He asked with no emotion in his voice

 *Can we talk now?* He asked with no emotion in his voice

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