Chapter 22 🌙

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New Eyes, Dead Heart

Wednesday Continued

Sitting across the table looking at him, it felt like we were teenagers from the way we were flirting with each other and giggling. But how could I not with him being so damn adorable. He slid his hand across the table taking mine in his and interlacing our fingers. My face going even more red
*I'm so glad we could meet up before you had to go on tour*
*I am too. I'm glad you had some free time today. Arent you going to be going on tour as well?*
*Yeah.... Were set to do a South America tour, it's going to be long*
*That's still so exciting though! Have you guys toured there before?*
*No this is going to be our first time, it's always been a dream of mine to see South America so I'm pretty giddy about it* he laughed a little
My mouth instantly forming into a smile as I looked at him. He's so adorable, so gentle and sweet. I know for sure that I need to go out with him again. I am glad Hongjoong gave me some time off. I told him I would come back after I was done and he told me not to rush and take my time.
I checked my phone and saw an assortment of messages but I was only concerned about the time. Noon, time flies by fast
*Hey I'm sorry I think I have to get back to the KQ building, I have to do some practice before the tour starts, I've been asked to join in with singing in some of the songs*
*That's exciting! I'll be sure to be on the lookout for videos from the concert so I can hear you singing, I'm sure you have a beautiful singing voice* he winked at me
I looked down shyly blushing with a smile on my face
*Oh thanks so much, I hope you'll like it when you do hear it, the first show starts on Monday just so you know* I giggled and looked back up at him
He stood up and came over to me holding his hand out for me and helping me stand up from my seat. Holding my hand in his as we walked out of this cute little coffee shop kind of near KQ. It was close enough that he said he would walk me back to the building so nothing would happen to me. I tried to tell him and reassure him that I would be fine because I do have years of taekwondo under my belt. He looked amazed when I said that but still said he was going to walk me back anyway.
Making light and casual conversation about the places we've wanted to see and travel to. Until we were standing outside the front doors of my work. Looking at each other, well me looking up at him because he's taller then me, his eyes are so beautiful. I lost concentration when I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I was going to look to see who it was but he raised his hand and lifted my chin up by his fingers, my heart rate increasing, and he kissed me on the cheek
*I had a really nice time with you, and I can't wait to take you out again*
*I'm looking forward to it*
*I'll message you okay, and I'll be on the lookout for those concert videos, talk soon Lorraina*
*Okay sounds good. Talk soon, Minhyuk*
He was such a perfect gentleman the whole time I was with him. We sat and talked for a couple hours in that cute little coffee shop and I wish it could've been longer. But we both have a lot of prep to do before we both go out on tour. I went inside and hit the button for the elevator waiting for it to come back down. And I heard footsteps coming in a minute after I did.

I looked over and saw Yeosang, with Natalia

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I looked over and saw Yeosang, with Natalia. Why not just rub some salt in the wound. As if it wasn't already bad enough what I saw this morning after talking to Hongjoong. I'm so gullible, too easy going and trusting. Because I thought he wasn't going to hurt me again. And I had warned him before that if he fucked up again then there wouldn't be any more chances for him. And he said he understood, that he would do whatever he could to make it up to me. But here we are. I'm back in the same situation and she's draped all over him again. I tried to read the expression on his face and it's slightly annoyed but also love struck. I nodded my head at them, and the elevator doors opened and I stepped on and hit the button for floor 16. I looked back at them and saw that they were just going to wait for the next one, she probably doesn't want to be anywhere near me, the feeling is mutual. I can't believe she managed to get herself out of the hospital. Just what kind of mastermind does she have.
Either way I don't care. He had his chance. I even gave him another one. We had gotten close to the point that Hongjoong had figured out there was something going on between us. At least he didn't ask if we were in a relationship because I probably would have told him the truth. I don't care anymore. I never would have known relationships would be so complicated
I stepped off the elevator and walked to the dance studio, opening the door, they all stopped and looked in my direction, rushing over to me. Hongjoong picked me up by my waist and spun me around while I was in the air and made me laugh. He set me back down on the ground and asked me how it went
So I told them. How he was such a gentleman and made me giggle like a school girl, that as soon as we can he's going to take me out again. They all started giving me high fives and cheering for me, they're so supportive. The door opened and Yeosang and Natalia walked in, our attention turning to them and the room was filled with silence and tension. I looked away, Hongjoong put one of his hands on my waist as they came closer
*Hey are we about to practice the next song?*
*Yeah. Fall in line, you guys get started* - Hongjoong
The guys all started moving and getting into their positions while Hongjoong kept his hand on me, grabbing my other hand in his
*Come on baby* and he led us over to the couch sitting us down. He put one of his arms around my shoulders and I grabbed my computer getting my pictures loaded so I could show him what I'd been working on so far and he was really happy with the pictures I got and the collages I was making
Yeosang came walking over to us, that irritated look on his face again
*Hongjoong. Were having an issue with one part in the song. Can you come help us for a minute?*
Yeosang looked at my face, my expressionless face and cold eyes. Natalia comes walking over and grabbing Yeosangs hand waiting for him.
Hongjoong pulled me closer with his arm that was wrapped around me, and whispered into my ear
*Don't worry baby, I'll take care of this. I'll make sure she's taken care of and out of here again, for good*
He pulled back looking into my eyes and I nodded my head and smiled at him. And just to make things more tense, I kissed Hongjoong on the cheek before he stood up and went off with them. Seeing him get a little flustered and his cheeks going pink.
This whole thing just feels like highschool again. Stupid drama, stupid guys and possessive girls. This is exactly why I didn't want to date. This is why I never wanted to date. But he had me tangled in his web, keeping me there with him, whispering lies into my ears and I gave him my innocence. Only to be betrayed and have him come running back and forth between me and her, saying he loves me and hates her. But it feels like everytime I turn around now, they're together.
How many times am I going to walk into the dance studio and see more of these ugly sights of her.
I should have let Hongjoong take me away. I shouldn't have looked. Then I wouldn't have seen her hands on his face pulling him down to her lips and seeing him return it
I regret taking this job. And being so wrapped up in him. It was the biggest mistake I've ever made and I wish I could take it back.
Jongho came over to me and said that we should sing our duet a couple times while the other guys took five from dancing. I let him pull me up and we went and took our places with the mics and the music began, both singing out hearts out. We finally nailed down who was going to sing what and together we fell in harmony. The rest of the guys enjoyed it, except for Natalia and Yeosang. She had the most disgusted look on her face and he still looked so irritated, borderline angry. Just to be a bitch I winked at her.
The rest of the day passed by relatively fast, more singing with Jongho, the guys trying to figure out which songs they wanted me to join in with on tour, the guys practicing more choreography. I did more editing on my computer and had to do some trouble shooting for a couple hours for some of the guys in the office.
And before I knew it, it was already the end of the day. Time to pack up and go home, I was putting all of my things away, her laugh echoing through the studio and the guys were all talking. I stood up and put my bags over my shoulders, and started walking towards the door. Hongjoong rushed over and opened the door for me, taking my bags from me in his hand and he put his arm around me again, whispering into my ear
*Just breathe baby, it's going to be okay. She's a complete psycho, and in all honesty. I was rooting for you and Yeosang to get together*
I looked at him and frowned whispering back into his ear
*It is what it is Joongie, can't do anything about it. And I don't care anymore. I'm moving on with myself*
I can hear the rest of the guys filing out and Hongjoong and I kept whispering back and forth into each other's ears. He was making me giggle quite a bit from some of the things he was saying to me, just some jokes in general, nothing specific.
The elevator doors opened and we stepped on, turning around and seeing the guys coming into the elevator too except for Yeosang and Natalia. I smirked at them and whispered into Hongjoongs ear again
*How much longer are we going to have to put up with this. I don't have the energy anymore*
He just looked at me and kissed my cheek before looking back at them and shook his head. The elevator doors closing
We were all standing in the lobby talking about how we're excited for the tour and that I'm going to be singing with them. Tomorrow we go over the songs they want me to be part of and Ill practice singing more.
I heard the elevator ding again and turned my head to look at them and smiled warmly. Hongjoong still had his arm around me and heard the footsteps too, whispering into my ear making it visible for Yeosang to see
*Did you want me to give you a ride home tonight?*
I giggled and looked at him and whispered back into his ear
*Do you think it's okay if I stay with you tonight? Because honestly I feel like complete shit right now, and I don't want to be alone tonight*
He looked back at me into my eyes and nodded his head kissing my cheek again.
We said our goodnights to the rest of the guys and stepped outside, I put my arm around Hongjoongs waist as we walked to the car. He opened my door for me and I looked around and saw Yeosang watching me as I was getting into the car. I waved at him before I got in.
Sat down and put my seat belt on, Hongjoong got in and started the car, passing me his phone to play music and off we went.
Twenty minutes later we pulled up to Hongjoongs place and he packed my things in for me. We went into the living room and I asked him if he wanted to watch a horror movie with me. Of course he said yes, he went to grab us some blankets and pillows, bringing in some snacks and drinks as well. And while he was doing that I went to his room and changed into one of his shirts and a pair of shorts and went back into the living room to see him there waiting for me. His eyes going wide
*Oh I'm sorry I should've asked first. I just wanted to get comfy and I don't have any extra clothes with me*
*No no Raindrop it's fine. I'm glad you're comfortable enough with me to borrow my clothes. Now let's scare the shit out of ourselves with this movie*
I laughed and checked my phone before putting it down on the table seeing a message from Yeosang
-princess please, please meet me at two, I know it's going to be late, but we need to talk-
I didn't answer. Put my phone on the table and Hongjoong turned off all the lights and sat down next to me and we began watching the conjuring

 Put my phone on the table and Hongjoong turned off all the lights and sat down next to me and we began watching the conjuring

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