Chapter 16 🌪️

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Lie To Me Once, Lie To Me Twice

Thursday continued

I stood there looking at him not sure what to do. He’s probably lying to me again. I have no reason to trust him anymore
*Yeosang I have no reason to believe you anymore*
*I swear. I’m telling you the truth* tears pouring down his face
*You’ve lied to me already and I know what I saw. You broke my fucking heart Yeosang*
*I promise I’m not lying to you. She’s blackmailing me*
*Okay then tell me. What is she possibly blackmailing you about huh. Tell me everything*
The sound of silence. Both looking at each other with tears falling from our eyes. He’s not even trying to tell me whats going on. I have no reason to believe him
*You’re not even saying anything. You’re not telling me anything. I’m done. Goodbye Yeosang. Don’t try to contact me*
I turned and started opening the door again and felt him trying to grab my hand but this time I pulled away. I went inside and closed the door and went back into the living room trying not to sob again and sat down next to Mingi and Hongjoong. Mingi held my hand and I leaned against Hongjoong again and just felt an endless amount of tears falling from my eyes. What a load of shit. I can’t believe I fell for it. He couldn’t even tell me what was going on. Just stood there and looked at me. Now I get the joys of trying to fix my broken heart. My phone vibrated
*Guess he’s mine now bitch 😘*
I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just tell me what was going on. Clearly she has something on him, she probably found out about me and him dating somehow and is using that against him. Either way its over and done with now. I don’t care. I just want to go home so I can sleep and sleep and sleep. I don’t want to be awake anymore. I feel like such a fool.
*Im sorry. Is it possible for you to just take me home. I just want to lay in bed and sleep*
*Of course Raindrop, whatever you need* - Hongjoong
We all got up and put our shoes on. Mingi still held my hand as we walked out the door to Hongjoongs car and Yeosang was still here. Sitting in his car and I can see the tears rushing down his face still. He got back out of his car and we just looked at each other
*What! What are you looking at*
*Please what. Please stand there and listen to the sound of silence again*
We stared at each other for a minute and he still didn’t move or say anything. I’m not doing this. I turned away and got in the car and started sobbing as soon as I sat down. I can feel Yunhos hand on me from the backseat and it is reassuring
*I’m sorry you guys got caught up in this*
*Don’t apologize it’s okay. You’re our friend too Raindrop. Were here for you and if you want to talk about it you can* - Hongjoong
*I just made the wrong decision that’s all. And I knew better*
*It’s going to be okay* - Mingi
We didn’t say anything else and I cried quietly the whole drive back to my apartment.
We pulled up in front of my building and I thanked them for being here for me and got out. Then I heard their doors opening too and they came over to me and gave me a huge hug and said to message or call them anytime.
They drove away as soon as I was in the building.  And I made my way upstairs feeling like complete shit. Stepping into my apartment took me out at my knees because all I can think about is him. The time we spent here. The nights we fell asleep in each other’s arms. The night I gave myself to him
No I can’t do this. I went into my room and found one of my duffel bags and started loading it up full of clothes, my makeup, hair stuff, toothbrush and my phone charger. There’s no way I can stay here like this
I called a taxi and they said it would take ten minutes for one to get to my location so I went down to the lobby and just went through my Facebook feed. I didn’t bother looking up when I heard the car coming. I assumed it was the taxi but when I did look it was Yeosang again.
*Man you just don’t give up do you. Please just leave me alone. I have nothing to say to you and I don’t want to hear anything from you*
*No please just wait*
*You’ve said it so many times it has no meaning anymore. You didn't bother trying to explain anything to me. You stood there and looked at me and that was it. Leave me alone Yeosang. I’m done*
The taxi pulled up a minute later and I walked over and got in and asked the driver to step on it and gave him my parents address. At least going home and being with them and my little siblings will help make me feel better
It took maybe twenty five minutes to get there and of course they were all happy to see me and I tried to smile as best I could but my eyes are still puffy from crying and the tears started pouring again, my mom hugged me and kept saying baby it’s okay you’re home now it’s okay
But I’m not okay. My heart is completely shattered and I regret ever agreeing to date him now. I fully gave myself to him, and then this happens. This is why I don’t date. This is why I never want to date again

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