Chapter 24 👥

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Spin Me Into Your Heart

Thursday Morning Continued

Hongjoong and I were looking into each others eyes and his lips were slowly moving closer and closer to mine but I couldn’t make myself move away from him. His lips were just barely touching mine when we heard the elevator ding and the doors opening, making me jump back really hard away from him and I looked over to see who it was, Yeosang. He looks so defeated and hurt, his lip a lot worse along with the scratch marks. I looked away and walked into the studio being greeted by the guys
*Raindrop you’re late, tsk, tsk* - Wooyoung
*I know I know I accidentally slept in, I stayed up too late watching scary movies, never again* I shuddered and looked away from them and made my way over to the couch and I was just setting my stuff down on the table when I felt a hand on my lower back and I screamed loud, jumping really hard and spinning around with my hand in a fist to see Yeosang standing there with wide eyes and his hand up catching mine before I could make contact with him
*Holy fuck, I’m so sorry* I took my hand out of his and put both of my hands on my chest over my heart and tried to calm down. The other guys were looking in my direction with worried faces
*I’m good guys, just jumpy after watching scary movies I guess* and I started laughing really hard, how silly of me to react this way. They joined in and started laughing with me. But it’s also times like these that I’m glad I know how to do taekwondo in case someone does ever sneak up on me like that
*Can we talk for a minute please?* - Yeosang
*Unless its work related then no, I have things I need to do and for a relationship that was so new, you sure have had to do a lot of explaining and apologizing and I’m just not down for it anymore. I trusted you, I gave you another chance when I told myself that I wouldn’t ever give anyone a second chance again because I always end up getting burned in the end. But I did, I gave you another chance and you just burned me again. If you keep messaging me I will block your number and if you keep trying to talk to me about things that aren’t related to work, I will just walk away, do you understand?*
He looked at me with sad eyes and his bottom lip quivering, pulling at my heart because I know just from looking at him right now that hes on the verge of crying and I can’t tell if I'm just being a bitch right now, but the images of him with her are burned in my head and that’s all I can see when I look at him. The way he kissed her, the way he looked at her.
And before I could do anything else he had my hand in his and was pulling me along until we were out of the studio and walking to the elevator, I wasn’t protesting against him, we got into the elevator and he hit the button to go to the lobby and brought us into the conference room I was in before a couple time already, is this the place where we have serious conversations, its turning out that way at least
He sat down in one of the chairs and looked at me, hoping I was going to sit down in the chair next to him but I didn’t. I sat down on the table instead leaning back with my hands behind me and I just looked at him and waited
*I know I've had to do a lot of explaining already, and a lot of apologizing. And I'm really hoping that you’ll still believe me when I tell you that you are the love of my life and I can’t live without you. I swear to god, you are my soulmate and there isn’t anything I won’t do to prove that to you. I want to tell everyone, the whole world that you’re mine, so others know that you’re taken and not available anymore. Because it makes my blood boil thinking about how you’ve been asked out by three other idols and you still talk to them even now. Seeing you wearing Hongjoongs clothes last night, the way you were sitting together and the fact that you slept in his bed with him while I was on the couch. I hated seeing him whispering into your ear, his arm around you and hearing him call you baby. I want you Lorraina, only you. I don’t want to see other guys like that with you ever again, it should only be me*
*I don’t know what you want or are expecting me to say right now Yeosang, as soon as I saw you kissing her again it was over. You should have known that. The second you were back with her again it was over, yet here you are coming back to fill my head with more lies. Its none of your concern who I talk to, who asked me out and me hanging out with Hongjoong, because hes my friend, turning into my best friend and you have no say in that. You know last night he was trying to get me to talk to you, he said hes known you for a long time and that you don’t lie. And I believe him, I hear what you say but you go off and do the opposite of everything you’ve said to me so I don’t know what to think anymore. I can’t keep doing this with you. Relationships shouldn’t be this hard and I'm tired of giving you chances just for you to break my heart in new ways. So please, just stop. Just leave me alone. Go date someone else*
*I wont say anything else, I'll show you. I'm going to prove to you how much you mean to me and how much I love you. I'm sorry that its been nothing but complicated for the last little while of us dating, it was never my intent and I didn’t think I was going to get wrapped up in a stalker situation from someone that used to work here. But she’s gone forever now and theres nothing to worry about with her. She moved out of the country as far as I know*
*I don’t care. Just stop please and leave me alone. I'm moving on, I'm not doing this anymore*
I got up off the table and started walking towards the door but he pulled me back by my hand, he was standing up with tears falling down his cheeks and it broke my heart all over again, and seeing his bottom lip quivering. I stood there and looked at him and desperately wanted to comfort him, but I knew better. I've been down this road before, I gave him the benefit of the doubt to not hurt me again with her, and that’s exactly what he did, again
I tried to pull my hand away from his but he held on a little tighter and he moved his other hand into his jacket pocket pulling out a small black box and putting it into my hand. I stopped, more like froze in place as I stood there dumbfounded looking at this little box he put into my hand, feeling my eyes begin to water up. I can’t cry right now, my makeup has already been half assed from being late, theres no way I'm going to mess it up right now. I looked at him and we locked eyes. I took my hands away from his, put the box back into his pocket, turned and walked out of the room going back to the elevator. I hit the button and waited patiently for the elevator to arrive, I heard footsteps and the sound of a door closing and he was standing beside me and waited for the elevator too.
The elevator doors opened and we stepped on and I hit the 16 button and made our way back up to the dance studio. In an instant he had his hands on my hips and had my back against the elevator wall, his lips crashing on mine desperate and needy, it still made me melt into his arms, it still made me weak in the knees, he moved one of his hands to the back of my neck and deepened the kiss making me moan lightly. I can feel the elevator slowing down and a second later the doors opened. And as fast as he had me against the wall, it was just as fast that he broke our connection, placing the box back into my hands and started walking into the dance studio. I stepped off and tried to catch my breath and tried to comprehend what just happened but I can’t.
I walked inside and didn’t look at any of the guys and went over to the couch with a red face and sat down grabbing my laptop opening it up and began working right away.
The music started up and I slightly glanced over and saw them all getting into their positions, I grabbed my purse and pulled my headphones out and put them in my ears, grabbing my phone and going into my Spotify and started playing Deep End, trying to fight back the tears as I sang along. With shaking hands I grabbed the little black box and turned to the side so my back would be to them and I opened it, revealing this beautiful amethyst ring, my breath got caught in my throat and I had to push the tears back. I can’t let myself be swept up into this. Even if I do decide to give him one last chance, his actions have spoke louder then his words, if I decide to give him the chance he will have to prove it with his actions. And right now looking at this beautiful ring, I think I'm starting to believe what he was telling me.

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