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6:57 AM

Age 15. I tried marijuana. 

It had completely ruined my memory of my childhood. I miss my childhood. I miss my innocence.

I stare at the white ceiling, having tear after tear fall from my cheek.

"Why did I do this to myself, what the fuck y/n.. why man" I hold my head in my hands realizing the situation I was in, after so long.

I can barely remember anything anymore.

I already messed up my future, I'm gonna be some ugly-ass junky on the streets of Colorado and become a meme.

From this day forward I won't smoke anymore. I promise.

ew, enough with the sob shit.


I get up and wash my face, eventually getting ready for school.


8:24 AM

Agh I hate October, it's so cold here...

"sup n/n!" Kenny walks over to me as I walk into the empty school. As soon as I saw him I was smiling ear to ear. "sup Kenny!".

"soooo.. are you ready for your first official day of working at city wok this afternoon?" dear god, I forgot. "oh yeah, do I have to wear a uniform, or anything certain?" I question.

"Nah, ur good we'll get you situated when we are there." the blonde reassures me as we make it to our empty classroom a couple of minutes early. "ur working as well?"

"yeah I work 5 days a week, gotta pay bills y'know"

"mhmm, to get high.." I roll my eyes in a joking manner. "oh em gee, how did you know?" he says sarcastically. Eventually, the class fills up with other students and Garrison walks in.

"good morning class, so I've got news! Rick and I are getting married! but I'm wondering why he waited 6 years-"

As the teacher kept going on about this 'Rick' guy. I asked Kenny what we have for this semester since we both as the same classes, but I wasn't paying attention yesterday because I was on my phone or talking to Kenny from yesterday's classes. "oh uh- anatomy and psychology, math, history and science. all pretty easy to be honest" he whispers back smiling.  

"psssh, easy for you to say-" 

"Y/N. Are you paying attention to how Rick proposed to me??" Garrison puts on an ugly bitch face. Meanwhile, Kenny is silently laughing his head off next to me.

Two days in, I hate this teacher. 

"No sir."

"yeah, that's what I thought-" Garrison was about to go back on his rant but the bell caught him.

"god, what an asshole.." I mutter leaving the class and walking beside Kenny. "KENNY WHOS THIS??" an ugly fat disgusting kid with drool from his sleep STILL ON HIS FACE approaches us. "oh this is Y/n-"

"Ew." the fat boy walks off rolling his eyes, built like a discord mod for real.  "so that's one of my asshole childhood friends, Cartman. ill let you meet the others later." the blonde smiled next to me as we make our way towards our math class.


3:04 PM

eventually, the bell dismisses us and I'm on my way walking home when a hand taps my shoulder. "where are you going? you've got work y/n" AAAAGGHHH!! "oh crap- okay let's go"


3:14 PM

"soo there's a party at one of my friend's house tomorrow at 9:45 and I thought since you're new, and maybe wanna get to know more people, you'd be down. but ill warn you it's absolutely crazy with the drugs and makeout seshs there" Kenny rants about this party as we are both restocking the fridge with drinks. "Aah, sure. I might not stay long though" 

"alright sounds cool, want me to pick you up?" the blonde offers. "yeah, ill send you my address"

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