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9:23 PM

Within an hour I was finally ready. Overthinking my outfit, not wanting to look too boring or too crazy. I wore some baggy jeans which I was wearing a couple of days ago, with a green hoodie since green is my fav to-go-to colour and some Nike dunks my mom had bought me way before this shit-show happened.



im here

Without replying I grab my phone, wallet and keys, shoving them into my bag. I make my way downstairs I see my father passed out on the couch and bottles laying around the floor.

he's slowly killing himself, literally.

Closing the door lightly I make my way out to Kenny's truck. 

"did you enjoy being high in class ken?" I smirk as he drives away from my father's house. "totallyyy... I made a fool of myself though" Kenny forces a smile. "hey when you look at it, we all fuck up in life so don't be harsh on yourself." I reassure him. 


9:56 PM



and it reeks of weed and alcohol.

"WOOAAAH KENNY YOU GOT A CHICK FINALLY?!" some random guy walks up to Kenny and dabs him up as soon as we walk in. "uh wha- not yet" Kenny rubs his nape awkwardly.

 As his friend is being dragged away, Kenny yells in my ear since the music is blasting crazy loud. "so that's Clyde, he's the captain of the football team- and he always throughs parties and shit like this" 

"alright, that's cool-"

"do you wanna go take some shots?"

"I never really drank though"

"It's all good! if you don't wanna it's fine I understand" Kenny reassures me as we are already making our way to the kitchen. 

"hey, Kenny!" I see his group of friends come up to us. "yo! sup guys- oh so this is y/n, she's new and moved from new york. This is Stan, Kyle, and as you know cartman"

"dudee that's awesome- let's take some shots since ur finally here" Stan slurs, already grabbing a bottle of vodka.

"here y/n," Kenny passes out the shots to his friends including me. 

agh man- just get it over with.

The guys all cheer except for Cartman- clearly not wanting to be here. party pooper. "BLAAAh, DUDE!! is it actually supposed to taste like that?!" Kenny laughs already pouring me another one. 

"y/n!! you made it!" Wendy runs over hugging me. "yeah! what have you been up to so far?"

"I was trying to find my boyfriend stan but I'm guessing you met him." stan and Wendy give each other quick glances. "well- ill see you around ill be near the back, cya!" Wendy walks off in a rush.

"come on let's go to the back, I heard they've got some joints rolled" Stan brings up to Kenny. "I'm good bro, you go ahead." stan doesn't think twice and scurries over to the back. 

Kenny and I sit down on the staircase leading upstairs, not really saying anything.

Feeling the alcohol get to me, I chuckle out of nowhere not paying attention to my actions. "are you tipsy now?" Ken laughed. "dude it's like spinning.." 

"just let me know when you wanna go home alright?" I nodded smiling at him. "you're- like really pretty"

Kenny scans over my eyes, confused at what I just said.


"you're-like really pretty" I look at her completely shocked at where that came from. "you? think I'm pretty? those shots really got to you.." I look away not able to get the smile off my face.

"mmm yeah. I'm so tired, could we go now? we've got school tomorrow anyways" she mumbles leaning on me. 

Work and those edibles really took a toll on me as well.. 

"me too, come on let's go" I pull her up from her sitting position and make our way to my truck. 


 both of us sit in silence on the way to her house, listening to random songs play on the beat-up radio. "Thank you, Ken. I really appreciate this." she smiles. 

She's so beautiful.

"anytime, ill see you tomorrow n/n."

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