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8:47 AM

One more week till Halloween and, Today Cartman has returned back to school after being suspended. Or in other words, hell rises again.

I only have him in psychology next aka next class, BUT STILL- JUST TO BE AROUND HIM IS SO DISGUSTING.

"girl! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you." Wendy comments, making Bebe laugh with her pearly whites. Clyde strut's over in his red south park varsity jacket.

"Hey, ladies! was wondering if you want to come over to my place tonight. All the O-G's are gonna be there." he leans Bebes desk, flashing his 'charming' smile.

Cringing inside right now.

It was very clear they were more than friends, the way the look at each other. It's clear they both have history.

"Sure!" Bebe replies with Wendy nodding. "how about you y/n?" Clyde looks over at me waiting for an answer.

wasn't there just one two days ago?

"I..uh sure I guess."


"n/n! Sorry I'm late, I had to talk to Karen's principal." Kenny runs up to me as I walk to the class I've most been dreading this morning. "Don't worry about it, by the way, are you going to Clyde's get-together tonight?"

"yeah! ill be picking you up." Kenny offers once again. "Man, I'm gonna be owing ur ass gas money pretty soon."


"so it's true, y/n did beat ur ass?" some of Cartman's friends gathered around him invested in hearing what happened. "shut up you guys... if you should know, I had beaten her ass."

Kenny and I both were only sitting 2 seats away, grinning at the baby voice he puts on when embarrassed.

"come again?" I threatened, knowingly I'm making him feel more of a moron than ever. which is kinda enjoyable when you think of it.

all the boys around him start oohing. "I BEATEN UR ASS!" he yells making the room go silent.

"last time I checked I don't have a bruised nose or lost my confidence. so, did you really?"

"FUCK YOU Y/N! YOU UGLY BITCH" Gasps flood around the room.

yikes, way to start a Monday.

"ERIC CARTMAN. PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW." Garrison just walks into the room at the perfect time. "Jesus, I need a raise."


9:15 PM

I had given up on my appearance since I tried everything to feel pretty, makeup, doing my hair, yet nothing worked. Just putting on mascara and nude lipstick that was a bit darker and pinkish than my skin tone.

"aaaaagh, life stop fucking-fucking me in the ass all the time." just grabbing my phone I sit outside and wait for Kenny to get her any minute.

let me see if he's there.

hey are you going to clydes party or wtv?
Craig liked this message
can you meet me in the kitchen when I get there?



"aye, Kenny and his girl are here!" Tolkien points over to us, as we enter the living room. Around 12 people were here, and each and every one of them had some bottle or cup in hand. My eyes glance around the room to see a certain hat you can't miss, Craig.

"I'm gonna grab a drink real quick,"

"Here let me come with you-"

"It's okay I got it,"

grabbing two Corona beers since almost everything else was gone.

"so, what do you want? I got coke on me right now." Craig steps into the kitchen. "sure ill go for that" I put my hand out.

"for free? how about this, tweak makes me run to this place, exactly next to Kenny's house three times a week to pick up a package for his family's coffee place. if you pick it up and drop it off, ill give you whatever drugs and shit you want three times a week."

"deal." he drops a small little baggy in my hand. "thanks, dude."

Walking back to the living room and sitting next to Kenny.

"alright now that y/ns here let's see who can beat the shot record Kenny takes.. other than Stan since he's not here clearly." Clyde purposes, everyone agrees, some just nodding.

"dude, I gotta drive home and we got school tomor-"

"PSSHH! LIVE A LITTLE!! so who wants to go first? y/n! how bout you?"

are you fucking with me?

"I don't think y/n should-"

"uh, I'm good man-" Ken and I both speak at the same time.

"Cmon Kenny and y/nnn, don't be party poopers now!" Bebe slurs laying on the couch, clearly had too much to drink. He already starts to pour nine shots for Ken and me on the coffee table in the middle.

whoever gets the fifth shot down, wins.

I guess this won't be so hard.. Right?



Lord, please don't let me die...


Downing one already regretting my decisions.


grabbing the shot before Kenny could,


"Dude... SHE BEAT HIM!"

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