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3:34 PM

We all went home around 3:00, after grabbing tea instead of coffee, from tweaks coffee. I had met the owner's son, who is actually Craig's boyfriend. Tweek was really kind, just seemed very... drugged out.

Finally home.

tosing my phone and wallet and passing out on my bed, not having a care in the world at this point.


5:58 PM

Flipping through the Playboy magazines that I stole from my dad years ago. Yet I can't get her off my mind.

She's everything I could want in a girl.

She's pretty,


has big tittys...

but she has a good heart.


Who even knows, she could like Kyle.

he's smart,



and has a good future compared to mine-

"Kenny, I'm hungry.."  as Karen comes in the door, I throw my magazines under my pillow.

"We don't have no more waffles?" I walk over to her, crouching to her level.

"no.. dad ate the rest of them in the morning." she pouts.

Karens is still only four years old so this is melting my heart.

I still have some money from my last paycheck so I could buy us Mcdonald's..?

"how about McDonald's huh? Just don't tell Mom or Dad, kay?" I smile at her.


Karen runs out of the room to where ever she might go.

should I ask y/n if she wants to come?

nah that's too stupid.. we had literally hung out four hours ago..

fuck it.





"Um- hello?" waking up from my sleep to someone calling me.

"hi y/n! I was wondering if you wanted to go to McDonald's...... hello? y/n..?"

"dude, I haven't had that in so long, are we meeting there?"

"ill pick you up. I'm bringing my sister if that's okay"


"awee! totally. be here in 15!" hanging up on him, I rush to my dresser.

throwing on a sweater and jeans, and also a little makeup on. Brushing my teeth and hair to look half decent.

About to leave I still see no sign of dad.

"Did I actually go that far?- shit" Hearing Kenny's truck roll outside I lock the door and head outside.

"See Karen that's y/n, the girl I was telling you about." Seeing Ken turn his head back to tell Karen.

"Hey guys" I get in the truck and wave to Karen who was sitting in the middle sit in the back.

"Hi y/n!"


"She's so adorable!!"

"What about me?" Kenny looks over with a stupid smile.

"Yeah yeah.." rolling my eyes, laughing.


"I love chicken nugget!" Karen talks with her mouth full, making me and Kenny laugh.

Since the play place was still open she was running around doing whatever four-year-olds do.

"Thank you for coming"


"Excuse me! Is that ur daughter?" An elderly lady, with a cat lady type of shirt, comes up to us where we are sitting.

"Uhh" Kenny sits there dumbfounded.

"Aw, she's such a cutie! She must be so happy to have parents like you."

I think I just died and had a seizure then fell into a rock.

"That's my sister.."

"Oh! Well um, you two have a good evening!"


Falling on top of Kenny's shoulder.

"Did that actually just happen.."


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