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12:48 AM

"here's pants.. and a shirt, Blondie ." Throwing my dad's clean clothes at Kenny, as he goes to the washroom to change.


While I was talking to Craig from the party he told me he also had some 'magic mushrooms'. He didn't like them apparently and he freely gave them away to me.

moral of the story, I currently have a small bag of drugs in my hoodie.

Realizing I hate vegetables and this could be a good or bad idea, I throw it into my nightstand drawer.

deff gonna try them tomorrow.

Or do I ask Kenny if he wants to try them now? meh, it's whatever..

Opening up my phone to see the chat still open from Kenny.

'let me know if u cant come, kay luv?'


THIS MAN??? I really haven't been paying attention HUH..

"I'm gonna be so hungover in the morning" Kenny walks chuckling and rubbing his face. "ill be rooting for ya" I feel the bed sink beside me. My bed was big enough for the two of us since he had nowhere else to sleep.

The both of us sit in silence until he spoke.

"I've got some weed if you wanna smoke it?" He pulls a blunt from his pocket. Perfect timing since the Coke was wearing off.

"Hell yeah, let's go outside."


We sit at the stairs leading to the front door.

"Y/n, when you do drugs. Why do you do it?"

"It's drugs, of course, ur gonna get addicted."

Kenny stares at me shocked.

"Damn I was expecting something else but okay."

"how bout you?"

"break from reality"


5:06 AM

Waking up I feel a warmth surrounding my body. After blinking and gaining my surroundings, I remember Kenny staying the night.

in my room.

in my bed...


Slowly turning jaw dropped, from the corner of my eye, I see a messy-haired Kenny holding me for dear life beside me.

Rubbing his arms that were holding me below my collarbones.. basically the top of my tits- but shit, I AINT COMPLAINING!!

Slipping under his arms, I go to the kitchen to grab a water bottle since my mouth is as dry as the Sahara desert.

Closing the fridge I look back and see a figure in the dark.

"Dad?" seeing his build, made the situation look ever so slightly better, knowing there wasn't someone trying to break in and kill me.

"you look bigger than usual." he grabs a beer from the fridge, slamming it after.

"what do you mean?"

"I'm saying you look fat, y/n. No man is gonna want someone like that.. like you. Also- Ur stupid. All you fucking do is get high and lose brain cells each time. you'll be in high school when ur fucking- like thirty..."

we both stand silently in the kitchen staring at each other not backing down.

"I fucking hate you... You suck the life out of people. That's why my mom isn't here, in ur 'oh ho ho pretty house', and also why Nicole isn't here, because she fucking HATES. UR. GUTS. UR, AN ALCOHOLIC, WHO HAS NO JOB, NO LIFE! AND UR A SELF-CENTERED ASSHOLE WHO IS ALL EGOTISTIC! SO YOU HAVE NO GOD DAMN RIGHT TO SAY IM FAT OR WHATEVER BULLSHIT YOU THINK ABOUT ME IN THAT SELF OBSORBED MIND OF YOURS."

I take a good look at his face.

Pure anger within mine.

Realization within his.

"Ur fucking Crazy.. Ur PSYCHOTIC. You're the reason I do drugs in the first place. Fuck you."

Realizing the damage he's done to the family and to himself.

He storms out of the house, in the mid of my sentence, dropping his beer somewhere in the front entrance.

im so tired of this bullshit.

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