butterfly's |17

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Now I seriously can't get her out of my head.

Plopping my head on my pillow with my arms crossed under my head.

The image of her lipstick stains on my mouth, flushes my face.

How the hell did we end up doing that? agh i feel like an idiot... although I did kiss a girl for the first time in ages hehe.



"Sup Kyle?"

"dude. you know what you and y/n did yesterday night right?"

"Uh- hold on, how do you know?"

"I literally saw you guys do whatever the hell you did. If this helps your case. She actually kissed you first.

Kyle sent an image

opening the text I see y/n and me... doing so.

My stomach feels like there's a million butterfly's in it. "The question is, are you in love Kenny?" Kyle questions me in a poetry accent.

Am I really?

I never loved Someone like her,

Or even felt like how I do around her.

"Mph, nice accent." I stare at my ceiling, mentally praying this feeling is real, and not some crush type of feeling. A love feeling.

Ew that's sappy.

"Well then, you better not break her heart Kenny.. Oh! By the way I was wondering if you wanted to go to Stan's place since him and I are gonna try and beat the high score on the new guitar hero!"

Shit.. mom and dad went to the bar, Kevin moved out for a couple of months ago...who's gonna watch Karen?

"I'm sorry dude I gotta watch Karen"

"Damn I just remembered I've got my little brother tonight still.. how about you ask y/n if she could watch Karen and Ike? I'll pay her, don't worry bout it."


Randomly giggling, kicking my feet in the air and screaming into my pillow for the millionth time.


since I've gotten back home the image of him with my lipstick on him. Sounds creepy now that I think of it...




"Hey y/n? This is Kyle, Kenny gave me your number."

My number?

"Oh yeah! What's up, dude?

"Nun much, Kenny was gonna call you but he chickened out."


"Oh weird"

"But Kenny and I were wondering if you could babysit our siblings while we go somewhere? I'll pay you and if you want, you can watch them at my place. We will be back home late though,"

I think I'm still a little hungover but hey, we ballin.

"Yeah! Totally. Do you want me to come over now?"

"Yeah, I'll text you my address. See ya y/n!"

Reflection (Kenny x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora