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8:04 AM


good morning to you too

Kenny sent me a good morning message, thank god since I was about to sleep in.


8:39 AM

texting Kenny I'm here since he wanted to meet up, after literally sprinting here out of breath.

"hey y/n"

"sup blondie" he chuckles

We walk to our math class talking about random subjects, Having random students, especially girls stare and glare at us and mutter things, but I didn't really mind..

If people think I'm dating him, well damn. he's hot, great fuckin personality, and he's a good human being.


"I heard chokesondic Isn't here" Kenny and I both giggle hearing a kid I had just met, Butter's, Him say her last name since WHO TF HAS A LAST NAME THAT  IS CHOKES ON DICK.

"Hey, y/n! Are you and Kenny actually together??" Wendy and some of her girlfriends walk over to our table again to talk about this situation.

"No..?" Kenny and I both say at the same time making Wendy tilt her head confused. "Huh, I guess it's true not to listen to everything Cartman says, huh?"

"Cartman? He told you? Did he say anything else?" I question her, already pissed at that Fatass for being mad that I told him some actual facts.

"He said you guys hooked up but that's all I know." Wendy gets a call from someone excusing herself, and walking away.

That asshole.

I have to deal with him next period. dear god.


Walking through the halls alone since Kenny was held back in our math class.
Spotting Cartman about to walk into our psychology class. Dragging him away from the door by the hook of his bag.

"HEY, WHAT IS UR- oh what the fuck do you want?"

"so, You put a so-called rumour out about me? May I quote you said 'Kenny and y/n had hooked up at Clyde's party'. in fact, we didn't, and you should learn to get ur facts straight before shit like this happens"

"Psh, I don't know what ur talking about. Ur crazy I don't know what to tell you-" punching him in the nose and people start gasping and 'ohhhh'ing, seeing blood pour down his nose.

turning on my heel and walking into our class.

The asshole had it coming.


blondie sits down next to me in a rush. "you actually punched Cartman!? I was only gone for 5 minutes-" Kenny whisper-yells next to me.

"Y/n L/n to the principles office mkay, y/n to the principles office."



"so y/n, here at south park high school. we want our students to get along. what ur actions have done has made Eric here really sad." the fatass sniffles cheering the principal on every couple of words with a 'yeah!' or a sob.

this is too easy.

"he called me crazy sir, and in fact, I have very bad mental health issues. so last time I checked 'Crazy', that was a serious microaggression."

Both Cartman and PC principal stare at me in shock.

" Eric Cartman. You will be suspended for a week. I will be calling ur mother to talk about these actions." PC grinds his teeth, clenching both hands together.


12:13 PM

"What happened??" Kenny asks after we just met up for lunch. "got him suspended, for a week." 

"ur playing... how did you, do it?"

"We've got a PC principle. Fatass called me crazy and that's a microaggression so the guy wasn't happy bout it."

"ur on a different level, I swear-"

"DUDE- KENNY!" the dark redhead runs over to the both of us.

"sup kyle?"

"Cartman got suspended!!" Kenny and I chuckle.

"We already knew that." the jersey boy tilts his head genuinely confused. "huh? who told you?"

"I knew that because I did it."


"so you also punched Cartman?"

"fuck yeah, I did." 

"jersey boy and NYC girl, number 1 cartman haters.. I'm so proud." Kenny sheds a fake tear, hiding his goofy smile underneath his hand.

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