
177 1 10

4:35 PM

2 months later.

My mother and sister had moved into Dad's house with me since they realized they had a whole paid-off mortgage that Dad left Mom in his will. Mom had sold the rental apartment we were in originally and brought their stuff here not thinking of any friends or family thoughts on the decision.

My sister was not fond of the sudden change, that's for sure.

My sister sat down next to me in the living room while I was skipping through the random channels that appeared on the TV.

"Why do you think Dad wanted to kill himself?" She broke the silence.

"...Because what was there to live for, he had no family that loved him and no one he could love."

She sat there for a good couple of seconds then stood up and began to walked off back to her room.

"Yo Nik let mom know I'm gonna be out with some friends" I grab my jacket and phone, heading out.


Kenny, Kyle, Stan and I went out to an arcade like we planned a week ago. The arcade was on the outskirts of town so the drive was gonna be a while.

It feels awkward being around Stan after what happened at the party but he was also drunk out of his mind so I'm unsure what to think.

Stan just had to bring some of those mini shots for us but Kyle refused since he had to drive. "dude, you better not get us kicked out NOR stink up my mom's car." Kyle glares at stan. "Kyle calm down nothing bad is gonna happen! just a little pregame." Stan tossed a GOOD amount in the back. Kenny and I stare at what's happening a bit confused. "um okay, thanks stan."


Ken and I ended up having a good solid 4 shots.. "YEAH!! JACKPOT BABY!!" Kenny cheers wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I look up to him and smile. All I knew was there was a flash and Kyle and Stan giggling, waving around one their phones.

Kenny shrugged it off and grabbed his tickets once they were done printing.
"Yo guys we should head out. We've been here almost two hours." Kyle puts his phone in his pocket.

Two hours already?

"Oh crap alright let's go."


In Kyles mom's van, Kenny sits in the back with me.

'Dude ur music sucks' or 'what is this shit' was heard every 2 minutes from Stan or Kenny getting annoyed by Kyle's classy rich boy music taste.

From Elton John- to the most random 70s songs, it was clearly not the vibe we were all going for.

"Well if you don't like it, take the aux.. jeez." The red head states annoyed as he enters the empty highway. Kenny leans to the front of the car, turns the volume at max.

The bass shakes the car as the beat drops.. be quiet and drive plays, making me unable to hear my own thoughts.

Kenny grins at me holding another shot downing it.

Before I know it he's leaning on top of me.

Lips grazing mine.


He meets my ear saying "I fucking love you baby..."


I pull him, grabbing his hoodie.

Kissing him.

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