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11:16 AM

"Y/n?? Hello, are you paying attention?" Choksondik yells across the classroom to the back with a glare. "Uhm what"

I should've skipped this shit is boring as fuuuuuck.

"You are falling asleep in my class, gosh kids these days don't care at all about their future at all!" She does that creepy teacher walk over to me rolling her eyes. "okay miss,"

The bell rings right on time. Thank you, lord.

In the halls waiting for Kenny near his locker I hear my name being called behind me. "Y/n."


"Hey dude what's up?" He rubs his bloodshot eyes and continues saying, "I just wanted to remind you about grabbing that thing from Kenny's place and dropping it off at Tweeks coffee shop. Don't forget." His eyes look over to Tweak smiling at him and he walks off.

Alright then...

Looking around as the halls begin to get empty. Where the hell did he go now?

"Hey n/n, missed me?" He does his signature smirk that makes my heart wheezy.

"Sure.." rolling my eyes he slings his arm over my shoulders. the smell of musk and tobacco fills my senses.

"So do you maybe wanna skip with me todaaayyy?"


2:22 PM

"She's actually insane dude." Kenny and I ended up Going to his house since we didn't really have anywhere to go or money to spend. We both sit on his bed, eating a family-size Takis bag and a twisted tea on the side.

"That's what I'm saying!!! Like who the hell actually believes in promise rings LIKE FUUCCK- love is love at the end of the day if you ask me." Ken rants about a girl named Tammy he had dated in 8th grade for 2 weeks and how.. not okay she was.

"Fuck yeah dude" we both look down at Kenny's phone to see his alarm to pick up Karen go off.

"Shit I gotta go and get Karen," he begins to throw on his jacket and grab his car keys.

"Alright, I'm gonna head home." I follow behind him.

"Can I drive you?"

"Sounds good with me."

He pulls into the driveway next to another car I know too well. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Kenny." Grabbing my bag I step out of the car. "Do you want me to walk you inside?" His tone  changes seeing what I'm seeing.
"No, no it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow Ken."

Do I know what I'm gonna walk into? No.

Am I scared shitless? Kinda.

Opening the door and finding it unlocked, I have my heart pound. "Hello?" Walking around the first level not seeing anything I make my way to the second floor.

My hand and body begin to start to feel clammy.

Something isn't right.

Opening the door to his room to find something I never thought was capable.

Blood was splattered around the room.

"No.. dad, dad- WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" I rush to my phone in my pocket. My head begins to feel weak and sick.

he killed himself.



"Hello?" My mom.

"Mom-" my voice begins to crack not sure how to tell her.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Dad HE KILLED HIMSELF! He's dead.. I don't know what to do" I begin to sob confused. I didn't even tell him I loved him, but at the same time, I knew it was coming.

"WHAT!? y/n- okay just call 911. I'm gonna be there as soon as I can, okay love?" With that, my mom hung up leaving me stranded.

I dial 911 almost dropping my phone mid-way.

"Hello 911 what's ur emergency?"

"My dad-" control ur breathing.

"Ma'am I can't understand you"

I let out a few coughs catching my breath. "I found my dad and he killed himself."

Reflection (Kenny x reader)Where stories live. Discover now