shitty wok shift|7

382 10 21


10:27 PM

"Where were you?" 

Closing the door, Just hearing my mom's drunken voice makes my teeth grind.

"just hanging out with some friends, Mom." walking towards the kitchen to see if we have any more waffles.. empty box. 

should've really eaten something when I was there..

I hear my mom's footsteps come behind me. I turn around to be met with her smoking a cigarette and reeking of alcohol, as usual.

"I was beautiful before I got pregnant."

"I know"

"you ruined me, Kenny."

"I know."

"you better grow up to be something great, you make up for all the damage you've done."

"i-i will"

walking off to my bedroom with guilt choking me. 


8:19 AM

"Kenny.. wake up.. you have to drive us to school.." my little sister shakes me, all ready for school. "uhhm, what time is it?" I rub my eyes not able to read the small clock on my nightstand.  "8:19, I'm late! cmon!!" 

I jump out of bed putting on my shirt, big-ass parka and jeans. Quickly brushing my teeth plus washing my face, I can't go looking like a bum in front of the hottest girl at school. After rubbing my hair with some water and I'm ready to go. 

About to leave the house with Karen. I see my dad finally home and passed out drunk next to my mom. 

They're both slowly killing themselves.



8:58 AM


Playing the one and only, Lana Del Rey while the whole class is waiting for our teacher and I'm just waiting on Kenny since I clearly have no one else I have to talk to.  #lonelyasfucknojoke.

"morning class, I was only late because me and Rick- well y'know had some fun time-" 

"sorry I'm late" Ken drops his bag next to our joined desks out of breath. "all what happened last night?"

"you said I was pretty, otherwise nothing happened." 

ur. joking.


I didn't expect myself to be so honest while under the influence. At least I know, yikes.

"Don't sweat it honestly. By the way, you look really pretty today." Kenny gazes from my eyes to my lips. Is this man tryna rizz me up right now? cause GAH DAWWWMNNNN THE BUTTERFLYS ARE CRAAAZZZY.

"thank you.." 


3:10 PM


someone kill me.

Putting on my apron while 'working' at the register since Mr. Kim told me to stay put to attend to customers even though literally the only people in this place are me and Kenny. 

"soo since he's gone.. what music do you listen to?" Kenny brings up a chair next to me.

"oh uh- Lana del Rey, frank ocean, tv girl- a ton more I can't even know where to begin, how bout you?"

"I love Lana as well! I also listen to a ton of metal and stuff- oh I also play the electric guitar since my friends and I made a metal band when we were 8- we still play but not as much."

"i'd love to see you play one day." I smile.

"do you know any instruments or stuff?"

"i wish, I do wanna learn drums though-"


"Dude! Can you end ur shift early? we're going to Stans, his parents bought him the new PlayStation early for his birthday!" a tall redhead with a green hat and the cartman kid walked up to the register.

"Both you know I'm working I cant-"

"KYHAL WHAT DID KENNEH SAY?!" Cartman pulls his head out of the fridge with four Dr. peppers in hand, geez. I sit dumbfounded in the middle of this conversation or about to be an argument.

"learn to pronounce my name fatass."

 "HEY! I'm not fat AND YOU KNOW IT, YOU JEW!"

are you kidding me right now?

"yo, can you shut up?" I blurted, 'cause someone has to put this kid in his place. both Kenny and assuming his name is Kyle stare in shock for me to stand up to someone so self-centred.


"you heard me shortass." The kid gasps before saying the most childish sentence. "screw you guys- I'm going home, and here's your stupid money" He throws the money on the floor and hurries out of the store, as he should've done in the first place.

"so this is the New York girl you were talking about, huh?"

 Kenny talked about me? 

"Yeah! Y/n this is Kyle- Kyle this is Y/n"

"Nice to meet you! I see the accent now-I'm actually from Jersey so we've got something in common." the red-head smiled.


"well ill see you guys on Monday! bye!" Kyle left the store probs going to their friend Stan's place, leaving me and Kenny alone again.

"meh, I'm so bored..." I slump down in my chair, having no customers or anything to do- NOR HOMEWORK.

"first of all you said shut up to Cartman, you know he can literally make ur life hell right??"

"psh, like my life isn't already." 

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