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After a trip around Salisbury and way too many slices of pizza, we head back to our cosy B&B for the night.

I walk in our room, place my phone and room key onto the small desk and walk into the bathroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower to warm up... back in a minute." He nods and flops down onto the bed, television remote in hand.

Ten minutes later, I open the bathroom door to find the room empty.

"Ben?" I call, confused. No answer.

I walk over to my phone and as the screen comes to life, I see a message from Matt.

Miss you babe. You still coming to Falmouth with me? x

Ben saw my phone. Panicked, I immediately try calling him. No answer. I try again. And again.

I get dressed and keep trying to call, hoping he'll pick up. 45 minutes later and beside myself with worry, he finally answers, and I hear loud music playing in the distance.

"Ben? Can you hear me?"

"I'm sorry, Ben is unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message." He sounds drunk already.

"Ha–ha, very funny. Where are you?"

"Why do you care?" He snaps.

"Hey! Of course, I care! Look, I know you saw the message on my phone... can we please talk about this. Where are you?"

"Out. I'll be back late, so feel free to talk to Matt for as long as you like." He responds snidely.

"Can you please come back so we can just talk this through? I had no idea he'd message me - I definitely don't want to talk to him and I –"

"You're cutting out..." Ben says, before hanging up.

"Motherfucker!" I shout, slamming my phone on the desk. I grab the cigarettes and lighter from my bag, pick up the room key and make my way outside to calm down.

Sitting on the steps of the B&B, I light up a cigarette and inhale deeply, trying to make sense of what's happened over the last hour. The door opens and a young guy with a very short, dark buzzcut and rough stubble walks out. He looks to be a little older than me – 20 or so.

"I'm so sorry" I say, scooting out the way of his exit. "Don't worry about it" he says and takes a seat next to me on the step.

"Can I borrow your lighter, please?" He asks, brandishing a pack of cigarettes from his inner jacket pocket.

"Sure." I smile, handing it over.

He gently takes it, lights the flame and inhales deeply. "Thanks" he replies, passing it back across, "I'm Keaton."

"Holly. Hey, that's a cool name."

"You think so?" He smiles and takes another drag. "Yeah, my mum is a big Michael Keaton fan - hence the name."

"I like it." He grins and runs a hand over his head. The gesture over his current lack of hair suggests that he likely had longer hair until recently.

"So, Holly - what are you doing at this charming little B&B?"

I take the final drag on my cigarette and as I breathe out, I sigh. "I came for a relaxing getaway... turns out, not so relaxing. You?"

"Ah, bummer. I'm just here, visiting my mum."

"Aww, sweet. Does she live nearby?"

He laughs. "Very! She owns the B&B."

"Oh wow! That's great!"

[Complete] Noise and Kisses {chicklit}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα