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The following Wednesday, as I head into uni, a message from Ben appears on my phone.

Finally made it to class... coffee? x

My heart starts to race. The affect he has on me is ridiculous. Today is likely the first morning in a while that he's not high or incredibly hungover, which is a huge step in the right direction. I respond quickly.

Ok, I'll be there in 10 x

Sure enough, as I reach the gates, I see Ben waiting for me. He looks a little rough, but his smile is so heart-warming, that I can't but grin when I see it.

"Well, well, well..." I coo, and he grins.

"I thought I better start trying to get my arse into uni, so they don't throw me out before I've even started!"

"Good call! So, coffee? You're not going to storm off this time, right?" I say, teasingly and he laughs.

"Sorry about that... I was trying to play this thing between us so coolly, turns out, I'm not that cool."

"I see..." I say, nodding. "How about, from now on, we just keep it honest... even if it's awkward or uncomfortable? We need to learn to communicate better. Most of our arguments are because we don't talk things through."

Ben laughs. "Did you swallow a psychology book?!"

I giggle. "No, dick, I'm just trying to help us."

"And... I appreciate it." He says, with a serious look on his face. He wraps his arm around me and gives me a little squeeze, which makes my heart start to race. As if sensing my body's response, he quickly removes his arm and tucks his hand into his pocket. We reach the coffee shop and patiently wait in the queue to be served.

"So, what are your plans today?" he asks, as he browses the selection of cakes and confectionary in the display cabinets.

"I've got two classes, and that's it."

"Cool, maybe we can–" before he can finish his sentence, a voice calls his name from across the shop.

"Ben! Baby, I wondered where you were!" Lizzi says, making her away towards us. Her hair looks messy, but in that cool way, that probably means it's been backcombed to perfection. She's wearing a t-shirt that's been cut around the neck and midriff, clearly showing her bra, and sprayed on skinny jeans that are almost too low.

"... and you... what's your name again?" she asks me sweetly.

"Hey, it's Holly," I return with saccharine, and offer up a little wave.

"Yeah, that's it. Hey baby, grab me an Americano, I've got the worst fucking hangover."

He smiles but looks a little uncomfortable. "Sure. Holly?"

"That's ok," I say, shaking my hand at him, "I'll get mine."

"You sure?" he asks, and I smile.

He places his order, and they walk over to the collection area, and I ask for a simple black coffee. As I pay, Ben and Lizzi collect their drinks. "Come on baby, let's get out of here." She fusses at him, and I can't stop my eyes from rolling.

"See you around Holly," Ben calls as he turns away. I smile and wave lightly.

"Yeah, bye Holly." Lizzi says with a slight edge that gets my back up. Bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking bitch. I need to get her away from him as soon as I possibly can. Needing help, I call Pete.

"Hey Pete, how are you?"

"Hey Holly, I'm just about to walk into class, everything ok?"

"Me too – I won't keep you. I just wanted to know how operation "Get Ben to Bristol" is going?"

[Complete] Noise and Kisses {chicklit}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora