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The doctor rushed out of the ER, his expression troubling Aurora.

"What is it?" Eric demanded. 

Everyone had come to the hospital wing as soon as the King had reached - Aurora had sent them a message to them as they brought him there.

Elena was the only adult standing with the younger royals - Elora had leaned on a wall, and slid to the ground.

That was twenty minutes ago.

She hadn't moved or talked since then.

"Today is December first, Your Highness," the doctor said, and Eric cursed.

"What does that mean?" Aurora asked.

"On the first of every two months, the hospital wing clears their old blood supplies, and new ones arrive in the evening," Lucian said, not sparing her a glance. "That means that there's no blood that can be transfused to Uncle".

"Can't anyone in the palace donate?" Adelaide asked.

"Father has a very rare blood group. None of us have the same blood group," Eric said, pulling his hair before asking the doctor. "What do we do now?".

"We need the blood, stat. Otherwise, there's no chance of saving the King, Your Highness. He's bled out too much, and it's only thanks to the princess' quick thinking that he's still alive," the doctor said.

"What blood group is he?" Aurora asked, her heart thudding furiously.

She couldn't lose her father, not now, when she had just begun to know him.


"I asked what group he was," Aurora snarled.

Everyone flinched at her tone.

"Rh null," the doctor said gulping.

"That's my blood group she said," she said, walking into a nearest room.

Everyone stared at her.

"Well?" she said. "Take my damn blood!".

The doctor quickly sent a nurse over, who immediately stuck a needle in her and began drawing the blood.

"Adelaide," she said, beckoning her Lady-in-Waiting. "Send a message to Andrea and ask her to cancel the interview with Grigori. Set the jammers on - I don't want any information to be leaked out of the palace before we know more".

Adelaide nodded, and hurried away to communicate with Andrea.

Aurora continued pressing the rubber ball in her hand, and a doctor came out of the ER.

He took the blood bag, and unhooked Aurora's hand.

"Is there anything we need to know?" she asked.

The doctor hesitated. "The weapon went though the king's stomach and jammed his spinal chord. We have a lot of work to do".

Aurora nodded briskly and went to the one person who had studied criminal psychology in the room - Lucian.

"Take a set of trustworthy guards to the painting room and try to scour for whatever information you can get. I noticed a knife lying when I first saw the King. Send it to the lab, and make sure you stay there till you get the results," she told her cousin who nodded and jogged away.

"Aurora?" she heard a small voice say.

"Yes, sweetie," she said kneeling down to face Elodie.

"I'm not feeling good," Elodie said, before falling unconscious on her.

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now