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"When do we get a copy of the magazine?" George asked while driving you towards your office again.

"First edition, right before it hits the streets and the website," you replied. "Why? Want to warn some people?"

He chuckled. "Well I assumed we'd do some promo of the issue and because I want to read it too..."

"Oh me too, don't worry, I was even thinking of asking for some favours to get us a copy early."

"Yes please! I'm still quite nervous about that one..."

You patted his arm on the wheel of the car. "It went great George, I was there supervising everything and the questions went beautifully, nothing too extreme and all pure you."

He blushed. "Thank you, and thank you too for making me part of this job, I like it that you don't just hand me a paper with speeches."

You smiled at him. "You're very welcome, honestly my goal is to people to see George Russell and not some made up plastic champion who plays only by the rules."

"A bad boy!" He said and made you laugh.

"Will only say yes so you don't feel the need to prove it," you told him and grabbed your bag. "See you tonight? Will stop by my flat to pick up your groceries and other things and will be there by 7.
Is that okay?"

"Great," he said. "Sure you don't want me to pick you up again?"

"Nah, the doorman will start asking questions,"
You giggled and waved him goodbye.

A few hours later, you rushed home, showered and picked the stuff you needed before heading towards George's flat on Fontvieille.

Needless to say, it was an impressive building with a gorgeous view of the riviera. Worthy of champions.

You called the intercom and he let you in. He was waiting at the door with his sport clothes on and very sweaty.

"Don't tell me you're not ready for dinner and work, George," you deadpanned.

He chuckled. "Finished working out like an hour ago and realised that my terrace was fit to working out but not for proper dinner and papers so I had to move everything around, sorry!"

"It's fine, you go and spruce up, I can wait out here if you want," you told him.

He frowned. "Are you crazy? Come in, won't take long and we can start, already ordered dinner to be here around 8, is that good?"

You nodded and looked around his place. "Great taste, this is absolutely beautiful and quite clean... unlike you," you teased him and giggled.

"I see the Russell slander has started already! I better go then," he chuckled and went to shower.

You stayed and took a look outside, to the view of the sea and the yachts parked in line. The sunset from the balcony was breathtaking, giving just the right amount of sunlight left to admire the landscape. Inside, you could see a wall filled with trophies, from the ones in karting categories, passing through the two formula categories he became champion, until his first win in Brazil. The star shaped coloured trophy rested alongside his World Champion trophy, showing how important that first win was to him. For a few seconds, your eyes teared a little as if the George Russell fan that was jumping with joy that first time he scored points in his F1 career was still there and it wasn't his friend staying in front of his trophy cabinet in his house. You giggled softly and turned to go outside again, when you saw George standing behind you, waiting for you to finish.

"Am I being too much of a show off with the trophies showcased like that?" He said with a blush on his cheeks.

You went to him. "Don't be silly, you should be proud of all you accomplished, and you do good having them here to remind yourself everyday just how talented and worthy of all that you are."

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