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Stay ready______________

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Stay ready

"U Up?"

I read the message with wide eyes from Dustin. Hesitant to answer I give in and reply back.


I quickly turn my phone off and throw it onto the other side of my bed before getting up and changing into more comfortable bed wear.

My phone dings and I pick it up seeing the message from Dustin asking if he could come over.

My eyes widen and I bite my nail hesitant about answering. Why all of a sudden. Why did he want to come over now.

My mom was already in bed and I'm sure Maya is going to be on the phone all night.

I sigh answering back.


Of course I gave in. I really wanted to know why all of a sudden he wanted to see me. I lay under my cover tapping my phone waiting in silence.

After a few minutes I hear taps on my window. I hesitantly get out of bed looking out the window seeing Dustin holding on for dear life.

"Oh shoot!" I quickly open the window pulling him inside. He looks around as if he has been in here before. It did change a little but it was still the same as when we were little kids. The fuzzy grass like carpet and the flowers the hung from the ceiling.

And of course the scent of warm vanilla from the wax candles my dad always loved.

"So..." I start of fidgeting with my fingers.

He sits on my bed still continuing to look around. "So." He says picking up a wii controller.

"Wanna play?" He asks handing me one. A warm tingling feeling enters my stomach as his hand brushes mine. When am I gonna wake up from this dream.

"Uhh sure." I say before sitting next to him.

Silence fills the room other than the mario kart music on the tv. I took the time to observe what he was wearing. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt with some black basketball shorts and white nike socks.

I look back down at the controller biting my lip trying to look for words to say but I couldn't seem to find them.

"Are you okay?" He says break the silence. I shuffle in my spot criss crossing my legs before looking at his beautiful chestnut color eyes. It felt like I was lost in a trance. Was he really sitting right here. On my bed. Asking if I was okay?

"Y-Yea." I say looking back at the TV. He picks two player and we begin to pick our characters. I picked princess peach and he picked Luigi. He always picked Luigi.

We picked our cars and He picked the airport for the first race. "Why'd you come?" I mumble as the race started. I started in the lead with Dustin already in 6th place.

"To hang with- oh shoot!" He says as his character gets hit by a shell causing him to get left in 9th place. I was still in second place trying to race past the Yoshi in 1st.

"To hang out with you." Dustin says in the most sincere way. I slowly face him and let my character lose its place.

"Why now? Why after all this time you choose now. When Im ready to move on." I say putting the controller down.

"Because there is no better time then now Kay. I cant bare to see you move on I'm sorry." Dustin says. He faces me and It felt like he really wanted to open up.

"I don't want to see you get hurt. I know I may seem like I don't care but I do. I did since the day of the funeral when I gave you that bouquet of flowers I know you still have on the kitchen table downstairs."

What. How did he. Why.

"Now is not the time for us to be together Dustin thats what you need-"

"I don't want to be with you though Kay I want you to understand that it will always be you. You take up a space in my heart that no one else ever will and I really just want you to understand-"

"DUSTIN I CANT! ITS NOT YOU ANYMORE! I'm sorry." I say covering my face.

He wasn't gonna give up. He was just trying to keep me led on. Thats what he was trying to do. Keep me stuck. Trapped. In a ball of negative emotions that involve his grief and agony that he is holding.

"I know you're just trying to hold onto someone Dustin but that someone isn't me anymore. You don't need me Dustin."

I say. But little did I know was that Dustin was holding onto deep feelings that he didn't want anyone knowing about.

Deep feelings for....

"Dustin I-" I was cut off by Dustins lips on mine. My eyes widen as he deepened the kiss. I quickly pull away and jump off my bed.

He didn't have feelings for me.

He had feelings for Kami.

rewatching flipped atm😋

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rewatching flipped atm😋

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