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Just might________________warnings: Hoe ass niggas

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Just might
warnings: Hoe ass niggas

It was now Monday again. Sadly. And yet still no text from Julius. I tried my best to defend why he didn't text me but at this point there was no excuse and I wasn't gonna ask him about it.

On the other hand, Maya left back to campus because her classes start today. And me who was standing in the mirror trying to decide what to wear to face the two boys I'm having trouble with.

It was between a lazy monday fit. Some sweats with a body suit and a knit out crop sweater OR a jumpsuit with the out crop sweater-

Fuck it I wanna look fine but comfortable.

After getting dressed I styled my once again straightened hair

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After getting dressed I styled my once again straightened hair. I get a text from kami asking if i was ready and I quickly reply before walking downstairs.

My mom was sitting on the island with a cup if coffee in one hand and her phone with Pinterest open in the other.

"Bye mama." I say walking over to give her a hug. She smiles and wave before I leave the house.

It was a gloomy day once again and I hear faint skateboarding noises from down the street . I look up and see Dustin in the distance riding his skateboard down the street.

Kami wasn't yet here with her brother or mom so I had to improvise before it became awkward. I quickly look around trying to find a solution so he doesn't see me and quickly spot the rose bush behind the white fence.

"aw shit-" I quickly leap into the bush crawling across the yard hoping and praying he didn't see me at all.

Everything was all and well before I seen a giant spider crawling up my jacket.

I gasp before releasing a loud ass scream jumping from behind the bushes. Dustin was now coming closer as his eyes widen seeing me quickly trying to shake the spider off my hoodie as I trip over the fence and right into him.

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