Teasing (Meanie)

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Wonwoo's pov
"Yah! Mingyu! Come finish what you started!" I yell as he walks out the room. Mingyu has been teasing me this whole week. He would make me horny then just walk away and do something else. It has gotten me so pissed. I then stand up from the bed and close the door not wanting to see mingyu. I then throw myself on the bed and look at my phone.

But i got an idea. Since he's doing it to me i'll just do it to him but not this week. No he'll suspect that but next week. Next week were coming out with a new ablum. So it'll be perfect to play with him. I then nod knowing he'll get pissed that im playing with him. I then continue scrolling on my phone. After a while i got board so i went to the kitchen to eat something.

~One week later~

Today is the day i start. Today is the first day of out comback and we have an interview. I haven't started yet but now were getting ready so i think it's time to start. Im also going to let other members touch me and stuff but not mingyu and pluse mingyu hates when im "Too friendly" with the other members. Im getting ready right now as mingyu's getting his makeup and i need "help" with zipping something.

So i decided to call another member. One member to be specific soonyoug. "Sooyoung come help me zip this up." I peck my head out while calling him. He then gets up and comes in so i close the door. "Wonwoo you already zipped it up?" He says with a confused face. "I know i just need your help with making mingyu jealous." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Please jihoon will kill me but he is kinda ignoring me fine just this one." He says. "Thanks tiger your the member i like the most you know." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Sure whatever." He says and walks out while whipping his lips and i smile. I then also walk out with red lips because i bite them alot but no ones really knows. I mean why would they?

"Hyung!" I hear mingyu whine. "Hmm?" I ask walking to him. "Kiss." He says pointing to his lips but i shake my head. "No i have to get my makeup sorry." I say and walk to y stylist. I then sit down and she starts doing my makeup. After a while it was time for the interview/show. "Seventeen!" One of the host calls and we all walk on stage and bow. "One, Two, Hello we are seventeen."

We say and bow. After a while of playing games it was the last game and we were all sitting next to the member we wanted to so i sat next to jun and minghao. I then place my hand on juns sholder and see mingyu with an angry face but the camera points at his face and he smiles with a wave. I then laugh a bit and see jun amd minghao with a confused face but understand.

"Wah! wonwoo your trying to get me beat up?" Jun asks with a chuckle. "Maybe minghao last night he ate you chocolate and told me that if i told you that he'd kick me." I say and minghao turns to junhui. "HYUNG! I blamed dk for it." Minghao says and pouts. "I told wonwoo i would buy you a new one yah! WONTON GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE." Jun screams and i start running.

We are now home and mingyus laying in our bed so go to the room and close the door. I then go ontop of him with each of my legs on the side of him so im sitting ontop of his dick so i move a bit and hear him moan a bit i then go down to his face. "Gyu~ Im hungry. Make me food." I say and get off him then walk to the door. But before i could even open the door i get turned around.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Tch! Won you have been teasing me all day, First "kissing" hoshi in the room, Secound bending infront of me during an interview, Third being all touchy with jun, Fourth kissing chans's cheek, And last moving on my dick." He says with a pissed smirk. "Hmm i was just playing?" I say with a innocent smile. "Sure your getting back at me from last week?"

He says. "Maybe what are you going to do about it?" I say with a grin. "Hmm punish you?" He says and mingyu's punishment are the worst. "N-no." I say getting a bit nervous. "Hmm punishments it is." He says picking me up and kissing me. I then puts me on the bed. "Strip." Once he says that i look at him a bit confused. "Why?" I ask. "Baby asking questions makes more punishments."

"So fucking strip." He says with a deep voice which kinda scared me so i did. Once i was fully naked he walks up to me. "Now lay down." He says so i do. He then takes a blindfold im guess and puts it on me. I then feel him take my hand and wrap a cloth? Around it then time it to the bed. He then also does the same with my other hand. "M-mingyu w-what are you doing?"

I ask. "Don't worry baby i won't hurt you." He says and kisses me. Once i started kissing him he broke the kiss and started kissing my body. He then got to my hips and slowly kissed them which made me moan a bit by how close he was to my dick. He then kisses it but moves to my thigh. I then feel his breath at my hole which makes my breath hitch. "W-what are you do-doing."

I ask trying not to moan. "Baby your first punishment is no moaning or talking." Mingyu says i was going to protest but once he unties me i would get ass slaped and it hurts so i just stay quite. I then feel him kiss my hole which caused me to almost moan. I then feel his tounge enter which casued me to arch my back and bit my lip so i don't moan. He then starts taking it out then putting it in.

It made me pull my arms which hurt but i didn't care his tounge felt so good i really wanted to moan but i can't. "G-gyu." I say trying my best not to moan. "Yes baby?" He asks stopping from making me moan. But i stay quite hoping he forgot i talked. "Oh baby whats wrong?" He asks. "P-please g-gyu." I say but then quickly shut my mouth. "Ahh baby thats one punishments."

Dame it he caught it. "M-mingyu please." I say but before i could talk again he stuck a finger inside me which caused me to whine. "Thats two." He says and i just groan at his fingers curling inside me. I then bite me lip harder then last time which caused me to bleed a bit but i couldn't care. He then then started moving his fingers inside me and it felt like heaven. My eyes eve rolled to the back of my head.

I then felt myself about to cum which caused me to tighten around mingyu's fingers which let him know i was close but instead of letting me cum he took his fingers out. Which caused me to let out whimper craving more. "Three." He says. "Mhm." I let out which i alreayd know counts as four so i speak before him. "Four and now five i know." I say pissed at the fact that i can't touch mingyu.

"Baby ready?" He asks not even giving me time to breath before sticking his member inside my hole. "Fuck! Mingyu~" I yell out and pull harder at my wrist. "P-please g-gyu i don't care what kind of p-punishm-Ugh! Punishment it is just Ugh fuck! L-let me touch you." I say while moaning loudly not caring if the members hear. I then feel him get out me and walk over to my hands.

He then unties me and first thing i do is take off my blindfold. I then look for him and he's lineing himself with my hole. He then sticks himself inside me once more and i once again moan loudly. I then pull mingyu down to me and kiss him. "B-baby t-" "Fuck mingyu i don't care what the punishment is or how much is it i just want you to touch me and i want to touch you!" I yell out before moaning.

He then nods and i kiss him again. My hands then tangle them selfs into his hair. After a little i feel him hit my spot so i tighten around his member and he starts going faster. "Ugh gyu! I-im cumming!" I yell out. "Cum baby." He says and i do as he says. Once he cums he lays beside me as we both pant heavily. "Baby i hate to do this but it-" "Please just get over with it."


As i wake up pain shoots through my body. I then slap mingyus arm and i feel him jump as he wakes up. "What?" He asks in the hottest morning voice. "My body and ass hurts asshole." I say and he smiles with guilt. "Sorry baby i got caried away." He says and hugging me like a clingy puppy. "Fine but make me breakfast." I say and he nods as he gets up. I then also get up.

"So how many rounds?" Josh asks as i walk out the room. "5" I say. "Whats wrong with them doing it some much rounds?" Jeonghan says as he walks into the kitchen. "Right they liek to see us suffer." Woozi says looking tired. "Yeah." I say. "Please next time get a hotel." Seungkwan says walking in. "Sure sure whatever." I say. "BABY! FOOD." Mingyu yells coming to me. "Okay no need to yell."

"Sorry baby." He says kissing me. I then start eating. The rest of the day we all just watched movies until we had to go back to sleep because we have to wake up at 5 in the morning for a really long day. I then snuggle more into mingyu and i feel him smile. "I love you." Mingyu says. "I love you too." I say as sleep takes over my body.


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