Not worth (meanie)

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Slight Smt
Wonwoo's pov
What happens when you sleep with the enemy? Well loads. Some people leave some stay. But one thing for sure is that he'll never love me back. I've slowly come to expect it even if it's all a lie. But I have to what else can I do?

"Wonwoo are you sure you're okay?" Han asks one more time as I shake my head. "No im not." I say and he sighs while getting up and coming to hug me. "Heys it's alright tell me what's wrong?" He says and I feel tears coming out.

"How can I love someone that doesn't love me back? Everyone hates him, how and why do I love him? I just want to be with him but he doesn't want to be said he's not a lovable person that'll we won't last but it won't hurt to try right?"

I say as jeonghan brushes his hand through my hair. "Wonwoo your smart. No matter how much he denies that he loves you we both know he does, he's just scared he's never been loved, try again even if he denies it."

"Don't give up wonwoo I know you better than that so don't give up if you love him you would try as hard as you can to make it work." "I'm trying my hardest Han I don't think I can go for longer." I say and he nods with a sigh.

~Time skip~
As I arrive home from hans I see mingyu infront of my door with a cigarette. "Put that out I don't like it." I say as I walk to my door and unlock it. He then puts it out following me inside. "Where were you." He says.

"Places." I simply say taking my shoes off and going straight to my room. "Why are you being like this?" He asks following me. Because I love you as it fucking hurts. "I'm tired." I say as I turn to him and he's already staring at me.

He looks good. His face is clam but I hate that he hardly smiles. I wish I can see it towards me at least once. "Why are you here mingyu?" I ask looking at him in his eyes. "I had a mission to do." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Sure because South Korea is next door to LA." I say say and he looks at me. "So mingyu what are you really doing here?" I ask him and he doesn't answer. But instead he smashed our lips together. I wanted to push him off.

I wanted to tell him no that I didn't want this. But that would be a lie. I want this so bad. "Fuck me." I say as he goes down to my neck. We've never had official sex. It's always been just fingering or sucking dick.

But I want to feel him in me. I can't take it anymore. My body wants him and I won't let the chance get away not this time. He then picks me up and lays me on the bed. We then start taking off our clothes and he goes to his pocket.

"N-no condom I want to feel you inside me." I say as he nods and starts finger me. "Ugh~." I moan out as he sticks another. After a while he unzipped his pants as we're both a bit dazed. I then watch him as he lines us up.

He then slowly enters me as my eyes roll back and and I grip the bed sheets. It's painful like really bad. But I don't want it to stop. I want to keep going. I want him to make me. Make me his. I want him. So why can't I have him?

I then feel a tear slip out as he slowly starts moving. It then slowly turned into pleasure. "F-faster." I moan out as he starts slamming into me. I couldn't talk all that came out were moans it was so much pleasure my mind was foggy.

All I knew was that I never wanted this to stop. He then came down and marked my neck with hickeys as my hands went to his hair. I couldn't feel anything but pleasure I was in love with it. "M-mingyu fuck!" I moan out.

The rest of the night we fucked till we were too exhausted that it hurt to move. As we payed on my bed his arms wrapped around my waist. We showed and got cleaned. I then feel some tears fall down my face.

I know he's going to leave I know he's not coming back. I hate that I hate that I feel for him knowing that he wouldn't love me back I hate it so much. "I'm not worth crying over." He suddenly says as I stay quiet.

I then feel him wiping my tears that slipped. "Please stay." I managed whisper out. He then just hugged me closer. "ok." He says I almost didn't catch it. But knowing he was here with me I managed to fall asleep a sleep I haven't been able to get in weeks.

As I wake up I feel empty. I know he left me already but it just hurt knowing he left like that. Do I just move on now, what do I do? I can't keep living like this I love him and it hurts. So I'll try moving on the best I can.

~Time skip~
It's been two weeks I can't. I can't live without mingyu I've tried but I just can't. I then booked my ticket to Korea and waited till it was my time to board the plane. I left I quite the job that forced me and mingyu to be enemies.

As I arrive infront of mingyus base I notice his right hand man. Scoups. Jeonghans boyfriend. Jeonghan has two places here and la. "Can I see him?" I ask scoups as he just looks at me. "Please?" I say and he sighs.

"Follow me." He says and I do. "Don't hurt him more than he's already hurt." He says as we arrive to big double doors. "I won't." I say and he nods then leaves me. I let out a breath and walk in. He doesn't look up he's busy doing something.

I then see him look at the desk and just stare at it. I wonder what he's thinking. "You know I quite my job." Was the first thing I said. He then looks up and as he sees me I see his eyes calm down. I then walk to him.

"Why did you leave me?" I ask as I stand infront of him. "You wouldn't like this life I can't make you like this." He says and I sigh. "I like everything you do even if it would get me killed as long as I'm with you." I say.

"W-wonwoo." He stutters out. "I love you mingyu whether you do or not you can't get rid of me i love you so much it physically hurts. He then just pulls me to his lap. As he does he buries his face into my neck.

"I love you wonwoo I hate that i do I hate that I'm weak for you I hate that you've seen me at my worst." "I'll love you no matter what even if I see you murder someone in cold blood I love you because I just do I can't help it."

I say as a tears slips. "Fuck I love you so much you don't even know." He says before smashing his lips into my lips. Us both craving and kissing each others lips.

Hey ig it's alright anyway have a good day.

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