Christmas (Chan)

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Chan's pov
"Wait quick question?" I ask looking up from my phone. "What?" Wonwoo asks. "Where is Christmas Eve going to be again?" I ask looking at them. "Oh it's at Hans and scoups." Kwan says and I nod. "Hyung I have a question to ask."

I say looking at them both but mostly talking to Han because he kinda runs his house. "Yeah what is it?" Scoups asks. "So well I um have a girlfriend and I was wondering if she can come over for Christmas Eve ?" I ask and look at all their reactions.

"Hold the fuck up!" Wonwoo screams and rushes over to me. "My baby-." "Our baby." Mingyu says glaring at mingyu and wonwoo brushes him off. "Hold up he's my kid and second you have a girlfriend and didn't tell us?!"

Han says and I nod. "Okay first question doesn't she have a family second when did you guys start dating and why didn't you tell us?" Scoups says. "We'll first her parents wanted to go on vacation and she wanted to stay."

"Second we have been dating for 4 months and well I was scared it'd be like last time." I say looking away. My last relationship she broke up with me because she was cheating and that was 2 years ago. "Okay well then yeah she's allowed to come."

Han says and I nod. "But I can't believe my baby abandoned me." Han says wiping fake tears and we all laugh. "Sure sure whatever." I say and everyone goes back to doing what they were doing as I text her telling her to come over for Christmas Eve party.

We have one every year at hans house. First it's just eve and Christmas is with family we invite close friends or family and we have fun the go home. But this year the only people that won't be here is jun and hao.

They usually spend Christmas and Christmas Eve here then new years in China but their parents are going on vacation for new years so they'll spend Christmas there and new years here. But my parents also left for Christmas to America.

So I'll spend it with just me and my girlfriend. I then spend a couple more hours at wonwoos and gyus then leave to do some last minute wrapping and plus Christmas is in only two days.

Today's Christmas Eve and everyone supposed to be here by now and slowly everyone shows up. I then get a text saying she's here so I go and open the door. "I'm scared." Was the first things she said as I open the door. I laugh and kiss her.

"Don't worry babe they'll like you I promise." I say and she nods. She then enters and we find my members. "Guys this is minjoo and minjoo these are my members." I say and after a little bit of introducing we have fun.

Today's Christmas we left Hans at 2 am we had loads of fun and i can tell they like her so that's good. So today is just me and minjoo we gave each other our gifts and now we're watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate.

Christmas is her favorite holiday.  "I'm happy I got to spend Christmas with you Chan." She says and I smile and nod. "Me too I'm glad my friends like you." I say and she nods with a smile. "Me too they're really nice and funny."

She says. "Chan if it ever comes to me or them choose them." She says. "Why I don't think I'll be able to choose." I say and she smiles. "No because they are and will always be there for you."

"I'm not saying I won't but they are there forever me well you can always find a different partner but those type of friends are forever friends and I can see you love them."

"So choose them." She says and I sigh. "Well let's just hope it never comes down to that because I don't know what I'd choose." I say and she looks at me. "No Chan promise me that you'll choose them." She says.

"Fine but only if it's the right choice but if it's not then I won't choose." I say and she sighs. "Even if they were in the wrong because they love you I can tell." She says. "Hey even if they do love me why would I choose someone that was in the wrong?"

I ask. "Idk." She says looking down. "Hey let's drop this conversation yeah? Let's hope this would never happen okay?" I say and she nods. "Thank you for being with me Chan." She says and I smile. "I should say the same to you."

I say and we both laugh. "Okay okay enough let's watch the movie." She says and I nod then go back to watching the movie as we cuddle.

Hello Helloo hope you like it. Also marry Christmas/eve

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