Mafia boyfriend (Meanie)

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Wonwoo's pov
As I get home I see mingyu and I smile. "Gyu I'm home." I say as he turns around and walks to me. He then hugs me and I smile as I hug back. "What happened to you?" I ask as he has a cut on his cheek. "Someone took me by surprise."

He says and I nod. "At least you're here." I say and he hums into the hug. "I love you Jeon wonwoo." "I love you Kim mingyu." I say back as we kiss. It was a long sweet kiss. "Let's eat?" He asks as we separate and I agree.

~Time skip~
As I arrive at mingyus base I run into Vernon. "Oh wonwoo mingyus about to get here." He says and I thank him as we go our separate ways. I then wait for him outside as i do need to go back to work but I wanted to see him.

I then see his car pull up and parks across me. I then gets out and smiles as he sees me. "Ba-." Before he could get a sentence out we hear a gunshot. I then flinch a bit but I look at mingyu. I then see him look down and touch his ribs.

With that I see him turn around. We then see one of his men but before anything else can happen someone shots him and I look behind me and see scoups. I then look back at mingyu and he's falling. I then run to catch him.

"M-mingyu." I say as I touch his ribs and blood just covers my hand. "Fuck! I yell as someone pulls up a car. I look and it's Hoshi. I then drag mingyu in the car as I try putting pressure on his wound but too much blood.

"H-how far away are we?" I ask as I feel tears sleeping but mingyus still awake good sign. "20 mingyu hang in there." Hoshi says and I feel more tears falling. "Fuck mingyu if you die I'll kill you." I say and he laughs.

"B-baby I'll be dead." He says. "I-I'll kill you again don't talk please." I say as I can't stop the bleeding. "Wh-why won't it stop!" I yell as my hands are shaking. "I'm tired." He says as I see his eyelids ready to close.

"Mingyu don't you dare close your eyes on me." I say as he tried staying awake. "L-let me sleep." He says as his blinks are becoming longer. "N-no hang in there please g-gyu." I say trying to stop the bleeding as I keep crying.

B-baby it's fine." He says and I shake my head.but I see him fully close his eyes. "N-no gyu fuck! Drive faster!" I yell at Hoshi. "Wonwoo we're here come on!" He yells at me as we take him out the car and runs into the hospital.

"H-help!" I yell and loads of doctors rush to us as try take him away from us and put him on a bed as they take him to room we're they push me out as they try saving him. "We need to get him to surgery the bullets still in him and it's broken."

A doctor yells as they start taking him somewhere I follow behind but they stop me as I can't enter. "Come on wonwoo sit." Hoshi says but to can't. "Fuck please d-don't die on me gyu." I whisper to myself.

We Waited and waited for a couple hours till a doctor finally walked our way. "Mingyu?" They call out as we have them his name. I then walk to him. "So the bullet when it entered him it broke into six pieces."

"It was a hard process to get out but we were able to get it out and stabilize him he's almost out of surgery you can see him when he is out." He says and we both bow and he walks away. I then break down crying as Hoshi guides me to sit down.

I then sit down as I haven't sat the whole time we were here. "He's fine won." Hoshi says and I nod but I can't get over the fact that we almost died in my arms. After about 30 minutes they took us to a room he was in.

As we walked in all that can be heard was the monitor beeping. I then see him sleeping he looks so peaceful. I say to myself as I sit right next to him.

~Couple hours later~
I then hear my phone ring but I ignore it. I've gotten loads of calls for work but I've ignored them it's now like 8 am we've been here since like 6 pm. "Answer it won." I hear so I look up and see gyu opening his eyes.

I then stand up and call the doctor. "Go answer as they check me go." He says and I hesitated but go anyway. "Hello?" I ask as I answer. "Where the fuck are you?" I hear my boss scream. "Hospital." I say and hear silence.

"Why." He says. "My husband got shot he almost died." I say as I feel tears wanting to fall again. "Okay wonwoo take two weeks off care for him then come back alright." He says and I agree as we hang up and I walk back in the room.

"Who was it." He asks and I shake my head. "Go back to sleep." I say and he smile. "No I want to look at you." He says and I smile. "Gyu get sleep you got shot." I say and he smiles again. "It's fine come
Sleep with me."

He says scooting and patting the bed but I shake my head. "No your hurt." I say and he smiles. "Baby it's fine come sleep with please." He say and I give in and lay with him. "I was so scared you'd die on me." I say.

As I feel tears coming out. "But I didn't okay no more crying I hate seeing you cry." He says and I smile as he wipes my tears. "Let's sleep." He says and I puts an arm around me. "I love you Jeon wonwoo." "I love you Kim mingyu." With that we both fall asleep.

Hello I wrote this half awake so hope you like it also don't mind the mistakes:)

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