Ex's ex best friend(Junhao)

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Minghao's pov
I just got out of work. But my boyfriend dropped me off we live about 45 minutes away and it's extremely late and I also have no money on me. So I rake out my phone and call him he was supposed to come get me anyway.

"Hello?" I hear I let out a sigh glad he's awake. "Hey can you pick me up?" I ask. "Psh no I'm busy." He says leaving me a bit confused. "Doing what?" I ask. "Playing games now find your own way home fuck your annoying."

He says and hangs up on. I'm just left shocked. He really won't pick me up because he's playing a fucking game? I scoff to myself and scroll though my contacts. I then see a number I haven't seen in a while.

Will he answer? I ask myself and second guess if I should call him or not. I ended up calling him. "Hello?" I hear as he picks up but in a raspy voice. "Oh shit were you sleeping sorry." I say and I hear him chuckle.

"No it's fine what's wrong we haven't talked in a while." He says and I sigh. "I know I'm sorry but I know you live around here and I was wondering if you can pick me up." I say hoping he'd agree. He's my last choice.

Only because I know my friends and they're dead asleep and some are out on vacation. "Yeah sure where are you?" He asks. "Wait really?" I ask. "Yeah send me your location I'll be there in a little." He says and I sigh.

"Thank you jun really." I say and he hums. We then hang up and is end him my location. He was my boyfriend's best friend well now ex best friend. They got into a fight because I guess jun liked me first but my boyfriend went behind him.

And we started dating I found out about 2 weeks ago. They stopped being friends about 4 months ago. We were close friends too so when they stopped being friends we also fell out. He became busy and well.

My boyfriend was always jealous so to not fight me and jun also stopped being friends. But like I said up until two weeks ago I didn't know why they stopped being friends. I got the story from a friend of mines that's also friends with jun.

I was also too busy and afraid me and my boyfriend would fight if he found out we started being friends again so I never reached out but it's finally time we break up. He's done things like this so much it makes me so mad.

I swore I needed him and thought I depend on him but he's jobless and his family treats him like a baby so he can go live with his mommy I pay everything so it's my apartment. I've been wanting to break up with him.

But I just couldn't but today was the last straw. I then sit on a side walk as I wait for jun. As I'm watching cars go by I see a car stop and I see jun run out. "Come on it's too cold for you out here." He says grabbing my hand and taking me to the car.

As we're in the car it's nice and warm and he starts driving. "Once again thank you jun." I say and he smiles. "Of course but why didn't you ask your boyfriend?" He asks and I scoff. "He blew me off this is the last straw."

I say and he looks at me then back at the rode. "What do you mean?" He asks. "He's done this before and lives off me so I'm breaking up with him and also I'm sorry I never tried being friends again I found out what happened."

I say and he goes silent. "I just thought it was some dumb shit like you guys got into a small fight and shit but I found the truth out two weeks ago, but I was to busy and I don't know but I know I should have reached out."

I say and he sighs. "Yeah it's true I liked you first but then you guys started dating I tried being supportive but then four months ago we got drunk one day and he said something that threw me off so we started fighting."

"Which ended up into a real fight and then I bring up what he did and then we fell out then we fell out." He says and I hum. "Yeah we fought a lot because we were still friends so to keep things normal between us I stoped being your friend."

I say. "I'm sorry." I say and he shakes his head. "Nah it's fine I get it you did what you thought was right and I'm not going to lie I still like you but." He says and stops talking. "But you're still together." He says continuing.

"Not for long i hate him now and I have a feeling he's cheating but I don't care we're not fucking or nothing so I couldn't give a shit who he fucks anymore." I say and he looks at me. "Dame have you guys ever slept together?"

He asks. "Yeah like twice but I didn't want to anymore he was to much but some times he come home happy I just thought I don't know actually but I didn't really care honestly I should have left him so long ago."

I say and he nods. "Well we're here and minghao whenever you need me just call me okay?" He says and I nod with a smile. "Thank you jun I'll pay you tomorrow." I say and he smiles. "No need just end things with him that's good enough for me."

He says and I smile. "I will thank you, bye." I say as he drives off and I go up to the apartment. As I get it I see a mess and I close the door. "Your finally home? Can you cook me something I'm hungry." He says and I laugh.

"Get the fuck out." I say as I smack him. "What the fuck." He says standing up. "I said get the fuck out my apartment were over." I say turning off the tv. "You can't just kick me out like that I pa-." "Pay what exactly?"

I ask. "Your broke go live with you mom bitch but i don't Want you here get the fuck out before I call the cops and have you removed." I say and he scoffs while grabbing his keys. "Fine whatever." He says. "Also."

I say and he turns around. "Come get your things tomorrow." I say and he scoffs while walking out. I then start cleaning up. After a whole hour of cleaning I go and start packing his shit. After I go to sleep luckily I'm off tomorrow.

~Time skip~
Me and jun have gotten close over the past 6 months and well I can say I like him back. For a while now. We hang out a lot and he takes me to work. But I got a car so he stopped. But we do still se each a lot. We've been on not dates dates.

It's weird but I like it. Right now I'm in his room as he's playing a game with wonwoo mingyu Hoshi and scoups. "Jun." I call out. "Yeah?" He asks. "Is you microphone on?" I ask. "Yeah hold on." He says and turns it off.

"What is it?" He asks. "I like you." I say as I sit at the edge of the bed looking at him. I then see him blink. "What?" He asks making sure he heard right. "I said I like you and not in the friend type of way." I say and he smiles.

"Wait really?" He asks and i nod. He then stands up and gives me a hug. "I never thought the day would come." He says and I smile. "Minghao would you be my boyfriend?" He asks and I smile. I then pull his shirt smashing our lips into each others.

We kissed till we ran out of breath. "Does that answer your question?" I ask him and he just kisses me again. "Okay now go before they think we're fucking." I say and he smiles then sits back down. "Sorry let's get back to the game."


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