Unexpected (meanie)

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Wonwoo's pov
Me and mingyu have been dating for almost 2 years on July 16 which is 2 weeks away. Yeah a day before my birthday. This is how it went exactly.

~two years ago~
"Wonwoo your single right?" Mingyu asks as I'm eating. "Yeah now where are you going with this Kim?" I ask. "That won't do hyung you'll be single on your birthday!"

He says making it sound as if it's the worst thing in the world. "Yes mingyu I got that where are you going with this get it over with." I say as I just want to eat my food.

"Jeon wonwoo be my boyfriend, you can't possibly be single on your 25th birthday!" He says and as soon as the word boyfriend comes out his mouth I spit out my water.

"Yah! Kim don't joke around like that." I say as I shoot lasers towards him. "No joking here wonwoo you can't be single for your birthday so date me." I says with determination in his eyes.

"F-fine whatever." I say and go back to eating my food acting as if I don't want to scream in excitement. "Ok now that's settled." Mingyu says with the a smile on his face.

But he's the most flirtatious person ever. I have never flirted back because I'm too stunned and a blushing mess when he says the things he says. They're always so cheesy.

So today I will flirt back to see what he does. But right now I'm sitting waiting to leave. Me mingyu minghao Chan jun and Kwan are going shopping for food.

Before leaving the house I post on Weverse telling carat to have a good day then I close my phone and walk out the door with everyone. We all piled into the van and the driver started driving.

We're now just walking around because we bought to much that we couldn't fit so the driver security Chan and Kwan left to drop off the things then we'll go back home.

As we're walking mingyu all of a sudden trips and almost hits the floor with his face but me and jun caught him before he could hit the ground. "How did you trip? Also are you okay?"

I ask as I look all over him to make sure he's okay. "Yeah sorry babe I was to mesmerized with your beauty" He says so it's time to go. "Don't stare to long because then we won't have fun tonight."

I say as I drag my finger along his jawline. Luckily we were basically whispering. He then stops all actions and just looks at me. "I wasn't expecting you to respond."

He says and I laugh and we just all keep walking. We then go home after a while because they finally picked us up. "What's wrong with mingyu?" Vernon asks.

"Well mingyu flirted with won as always and well wonwoo flirted back for the first time now mingyu is in a daze." Hao says and we'll all nod expect for mingyu.

"I can't believe it." Mingyu says still in disbelief. "Well you better." I say as I walk past him and drag my arm across his waist. "Omg wonwoo has changed." Dk says.

"Nah I bet you 20 dollars tomorrow he'll go back to his normal self." Han says as he has the money in his hand and Kwan agrees with the bet as dk just stares at them.

"Han what have I til you no more bets." Scoups says as he gives the money back to Kwan. "Come on easy money." Han says with a pout. "As if you aren't already rich."

He says and rolls his eyes with a shrug. "Fine whatever I still say he'll go back to himself tomorrow." Han says and walks off to god noswhere.

~next morning~
"Yah mingyu!" I scream as he runs out the room. After a couple seconds minghao shows up. "What happened?" He asks as Han walks in with Kwan. "He flirted."

I say and they roll their eyes. "That's all?" Han asks. "No but as I was processing It he stole my book and I'm to lazy to get up." I says and the sigh. "Pay up Kwan." Han says holding out his hand.

"I thou" "don't you dare say it if not he'll hea" "hear what?" Scoups interrupted as he walks in the room. "Haha no thing babe let's go eat now." Han says and as they were walking out takes the money.

"Wow what a petty person." I say and he other two nod as they walk out the room. "Gyu bring my book back!" I yell as I hear his laugh and I roll my eyes then just go on my phone.

~Time skip~
I'm standing talking to hao but I see mingyu staring at me. So I walk up to him. "What have a problem want to go?" I ask and he looks confused. "And I'm not talking about outside."

I say the last part to him in his ear. I then see him blink a couple times. He then grabs my waist and drags me to the room. "Yah! Keep it down!" We hear scoups say and we just laugh.


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