Episode 3 🦋

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While Jungkook was smirking, one of his group member asked him why he was smirking.

Lee: Hey, why are you smirking at him? Do you perhaps have any plan for him now?
Jk: *smirk* Do I have to tell you that! Don't question me about anything, ok!
Lee: *gulps* N-o, it's just I was curious.
Jk: *rolled his eyes* Be ready tomorrow early in the morning. I don't wanna see anyone being late. And if I see, then all of you know what will happen! So be prepare for that *said and left*

Lee: *gave a disgusted face* What he think about himself? The chief of this university? His thinks everyone as his slaves.
Min: *scoffs* Lee, stop talking about him in vain. You know and everyone knows that no one would dare to talk against him. And you? *everyone laughs* Not even a bit! You will himself get frightened if he looks at you once with his those gaze. So don't speak stupid! *laughs*
Lee: The fvck you want to say! Huh? I'm not frightened by him, ok? I am not! *said sternly*
Min: Oh, is it so? Then let me call him and tell him everything you said about him just now. Wait... *he opened his phone to call*
Lee: NO!! *shouts*
Min: *looks at him* Why? Are you frightened?
Lee: Ahh.. umm.. N-no, I mean y-yes... I mean, we should not disturb him, right? He is obviously tired from practicing all day long. So, we should not disturb him right now *said nervously with a smile*
Min: *smirk* I see! Guys let's go! *said to the other members*

Time skips with Taehyung and Jimin -
It was 8:56 PM, they were walking back to their dorm after their university. Throughout the ride Jimin was continuously talking about the basketball tournament and for their practice tomorrow. He was so excited for it. But on the other hand, Taehyung was looking kinda different. Like, the way he behaves after university, he wasn't behaving like that. He was quite, calm and was in a deep thought about something. He was so zoned out that he wasn't even listening to whatever Jimin was speaking about. He was in his own world.

JM: You don't know how much I wanted this to happen atleast once in my life *jumping like a kid* I always wanted to participate in a basketball tournament, but I never had a chance you know that, right? *he was walking and jumping by his own* Tae, you always joke about my height. Now I will show you how good I am when it comes to sports and ofcourse in basketball *smirk* You kn-- *he looked at his side to see Taehyung but for his surprise he was not in his side* Tae? Where are yo-- *he looked back and saw that Taehyung was walking so slow holding his backpack with his both hands* Taee!! Why are you walking so slow? *shouts* Yahh!! *he ran back to Tae* Yahh!! Why are you walking so slow like a tortoise? *he didn't replied* Yahh!! Taee!! *pushed him a little* Yahh!! Are you deaf!! I'm shouting at you from there *showed him* Why ain't you listening? And, why are you behaving so odd today? I have noticed that since when Jungkook took us as his basketball member, you are behaving kinda weird. What happened?
Tae: Umm... N-nothing, nothing. I'm fine, Jimin *nervous smile* It's just, I was thinking that will I really able to play the tournament?
JM: What? You are thinking that? Are you crazy or what, Tae? You are playing basketball since middle school, ok! It's nothing new to you. And you also have many trophies in basketball, ok! Did you forget that! So, don't play stupid with me!
Tae: No, Jimin. I'm really nervous this time. I haven't played it since I was 20. It's been a long time since I have played basketball. So, it's har--
JM: Hmm.. that's why he told us to practice with them before the tournament, isn't it! If you practice, you will obviously get used to it again.
Tae: I know bu--
JM: No more buts! Tell me one thing... Did you really said yes from your heart? Or without thinking about it?
Tae: Ahh.. umm... N-no. I said it from my heart only. You know how much I love to play basketball, right? So yeah... *nervous smile*
JM: But it doesn't seem like that. Like, I'm noticing you since when he did that proposal. When he asked you about your name, you were completely zoned out. You were looking at him like a lost kid, lol *laughs*
Tae: W-what? No way! I was just... I wa-s just thinking that why he chose us for his other two members. That's it!
JM: It's natural! Because he also knows that you are university's top boy. So, that's why he chose us *shrugged his shoulder*
Tae: Yeah!
JM: But tell me one thing... Do you perhaps had a crush on him at first sight?
Tae: Yahh!! Jimin!! N-no! Of-course n-no...
JM: *laughing* Ok ok, let's go home first! I'm hungry. Let's walk fast now!! *pulling him*

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