Episode 6 🦋

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Jk: Did you went to bed?
Tae: *no response*
Jk: Hello? You there?
Tae: Hmm? Ye-ah! I am!
Jk: So, did you went to bed?
Tae: Yeah! Ab-out to.
Jk: Oh God! That means, I disturbed you. I'm really sorry. I'm cutti--
Tae: No no! It's ok. You don't ha-ve to be so-rry.
Jk: So, is it fine with you if I talk to you like this?
Tae: Yeah! Ofc-ourse. No problem!
Jk: So... How is everything going on?
Tae: Hmm? Ab-out what?
Jk: I mean, the practice and all. Do you able to cop up with it again?
Tae: Ye-ah! I am.
Jk: Great! By the way, do you perhaps afraid of me?
Tae: Hmm?
Jk: Do you perhaps afraid of me?
Tae: N-no! Why is th-at?
Jk: Nothing just, you are stuttering a lot from the beginning when I started to talk to you. That's why. Are you?
Tae: Uhh.. umm... N-no! I'm not.
Jk: See! You are still stuttering *chuckle*
Tae: No! I'm not. I'm like this only.
Jk: Is it? I don't think so.
Tae: No, trust me, I'm like this only.
Jk: Ok ok.. *laughs* I got it. But please don't be scared of me, ok?
Tae: Yeah!
Jk: Oh.. that means, you do scared of me!
Tae: No no... I didn't mean it like that. It's ju--
Jk: *laughing* I was just kidding... Don't worry *laughs*
Tae: Ohh...
Jk: By the way, can I be your friend? Yeah ofcourse, if you don't mind.
Tae: Oh God.. no no! Why would I mind it? There is nothing to mind about!
Jk: So.. can we?
Tae: Huh?
Jk: I mean, can we be friends?
Tae: Yeah, ofcourse! We can. I would love to *smile*
Jk: Is it so? You would love to? *teasing voice*
Tae: Ye-ah!
Jk: What were you doing?
Tae: Nothing. I was just about to go to bed.
Jk: Ohh.. that means, I ruined your sleep by calling you. I'm really sor--
Tae: Aishh... Did I said that? I said, I was about to go to bed. That doesn't mean, I will sleep right after that.
Jk: Ohh... I'm sorry.
Tae: Aishh... You said you want to be friends with me, right?
Jk: Yeah. Why? Can't we?
Tae: Yeah, we can. Unless you stop being so formal with me.
Jk: *laughs*
Tae: What? Did I said something funny that it made you laugh?
Jk: Wait... *still laughing* No! It's not funny, but you really do interested on me.
Tae: What do you mean?
Jk: Nothing! I will stop being so formal with you. Then, how do you want me to act like with you?
Tae: Anything. But not, formally.
Jk: Ok ok! *chuckle* I got it. I won't.
Tae: Hmm..
Jk: So, now we are friends right?
Tae: Yes!
Jk: So? What you want to become? I mean, your passion or dream. Whatever, it is.
Tae: Uhh.. umm... You mean, you want to know about me?
Jk: Yes! That's what I was about to ask you.
Tae: Ok.. I don't share myself much to anyone other than Jimin. I never did.
Jk: It's ok if you don't want to.
Tae: But, I can share it with you. Because, seems like you are trustworthy.
Jk: Really? I would be very happy if you share your small details with me.
Tae: Will you be able to stay patience? I don't think so.. cause Jimin always say, I am always one step wide if someone asks me about myself. So--
Jk: I can listen to you as much as you want me to listen.
Tae: *chuckle* Ok, so... I'm the kind of boy who can be obnoxiously loud and super quiet at the same time. Who can be awkward with people I don't know, and bubbly when I am close to you. I laugh at the worst moments and I'm constantly smiling. I'm a hopeless romantic with his head up in the clouds. I am the kind of boy who will trip and fall over thin air and also walking up and down stairs. I may seem to have a hard shell, but I'm a full of softy. I find it hard to talk about my problems, I should not have to be picked up by other people. It's much better being there for others instead. I will listen to thousands of other people's problems, but I can also talk for hours on end about mine. I think people should not be judged until they get to know each other, yet I am still guilty of doing it once in a while. Thinking is easier than talking to most. I'm awkward, weird, clumsy, shy, bubbly boy... But this is me! So take it or leave it! *chuckle*
Jk: Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you *smile*
Tae: I know it's bori--
Jk: It is not! It's totally not! I loved it. I would like to remember you like that only. Tell me more when you feel like. I will listen.
Tae: Thank you!

This way they both were talking till quite midnight. Jimin didn't know any of these things, as Taehyung left from their room to the balcony to talk freely under the moonlight.

Tae: Yeah.. *yawning*
Jk: You are sleepy now. Go to bed.
Tae: No no. I'm not.
Jk: You are yawning since 10-15 minutes. How can you not be sleepy? Go to bed. We have practice today morning. It's already 1:25 AM. Go to bed, I will call you again tomorrow.
Tae: Ok.. Bye! Good night.
Jk: Good night! Sleep tight, my peachy doll.
Tae: Huh? *heart beat skipped again*
Jk: *chuckle* Nothing. Bye! *cut the call*

Taehyung was sitting on a chair in the balcony. And when he heard Jungkook called him as "my peachy doll" his heart was beating loud. Like, it can be heard easily.

Tae: Wh-what did he cal-led me as? M-my peachy do-doll! *breathing heavily* No no! What am I thinking? It's natural for him maybe. Yes! *gulps* I should go to bed now. It's very late.

He got up and went to kitchen first to drink some water as his throat seems dry hearing that name.
He drank a glass of water and went straight to their bedroom and lay down on the bed. It took him 10 more minutes to enter into his dreamland.

Time skips to next morning -
Both Jimin and Taehyung woke up and did their morning routine before moving to the university for practice.
They both are eating their breakfast right now. As out of nowhere, Jimin asked Tae,

JM: Whom were you talking to last night?
Tae: *choked on his juice*
JM: Aishh... What happened? Ahh... Calm down, calm down! *pats his head* Drink some water.
Tae: *drank some water*
JM: Why did you choked?
Tae: Uhh? Beca-use... Because the juice made it difficult to gulping down.
JM: Oh.. you fine now?
Tae: Yeah.
JM: So, I was asking whom were you talking to last night?
Tae: I- I didn't talk to anyone. Why? Did you he-ard something?
JM: No! Not much, but I heard you saying "Don't be formal with me" or something like that. Yeah!
Tae: *gulps hard*
JM: What?
Tae: No no! You are wrong. Whom will I talk to at that late? No no! I wasn't. I was sleeping peacefully. You got it wrong *fake chuckle*
JM: Am I? *furrowing curiously*
Tae: Yeah!
JM: Maybe. I don't really remember though.

They both again starts eating. Taehyung was worrying if Jimin found about him talking with Jungkook till late night.
They took their breakfast and left from the dorm.

Time skips at University -
Both of them entered inside the university. As usual, no one was there inside, except the three of them, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.
They started playing basketball again.

Jk: Did you sleep well? *asked while passing the ball to Tae*
Tae: *nods nervously*
Jk: You are totally a different person when you are in the call and now infront of me.
Tae: *blushed and avoid his eyes*
Jk: *chuckle*

They played again for 2 hours and packed their belongings to leave for the classes.

Jk: I will call you again today, ok?
Tae: *nods as yes*

Taehyung and Jimin left from the basketball ground to their classes.
Jungkook was standing their holding the ball while looking at Taehyung's disappearing figure with a smirk on his face while licking his lips.


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