John "Soap" Mactavish 🦋

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Y/N had grown up in a traditional family where arranged marriages were the norm. From a young age, she had been taught that marriage was not about love but about security and status. So, when her family told her that they had found the perfect match for her, she accepted it without reservation.The man they had chosen was John "Soap" Mactavish, a highly-decorated soldier who had just returned from an overseas mission. He was tall, handsome,and charming -- everything that Y/N could have wanted in a husband. They met and although it had been an arranged meeting, they found themselves getting along quite well.As they got married, Y/N was apprehensive, not quite knowing what to expect. The first few weeks were challenging as they got to know each other, but eventually, they formed a bond. They realized that they had a lot in common, and soon enough, they found themselves falling in love.Their love only grew over time and soon enough, they started a family. They had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. John and Y/N were happy raising their family and building a life together. Johnny was vigorous, responsible, and loving towards Y/N and their children, while Y/N was kind, caring and kept their home organized and warm.While they were happy, it was never easy, as there were still societal pressures and disapprovals from their families and friends because their marriage had been arranged. Nevertheless, John and Y/N remained devoted to each other and their family.As the years passed, John worked as an instructor, and Y/N as a school teacher, and they were highly respected by their colleagues and students. Despite the challenges they had overcome, their love for each other remained strong. They never stopped finding ways to surprise and impress each other, from small gestures like leaving a love note to big surprises like planning trips and romantic dates.One day, John was asked to go back overseas for another mission. Y/N was initially terrified, knowing the danger that came with his work, but she believed in John, his skills, and his love for his family. She knew he had to go, but it didn’t make his absence any easier. They kept in touch over messaging and video calls, but it wasn’t the same as having him with her.When Johnny returned from his mission, they hugged each other tightly, tears streaming down their faces. Johnny had brought a surprise for Y/N- a small box wrapped in a beautiful red ribbon.Y/N opened the box to find a stunning diamond necklace. She was speechless. Johnny explained that he had bought it during his mission from a local jewelry maker in the Middle East. The necklace was made from small diamonds set against 18-carat gold. He said that now the necklace belonged to her, and she deserved nothing but the best. Y/N was touched by John's gesture and the fact that he had thought of her even while away on a dangerous mission. She put the necklace on immediately and hugged Johnny. She thanked him for his love, devotion, and loyalty, and for always being there for her. John smiled and said, "Of course, my love. It is the least I could do for the woman who has given me everything". They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company and catching up on the time that they had missed.After dinner, John handed Y/N an envelope and told her to open it. Inside the envelope was a first-class plane ticket, and a note that read, "Pack your bags, we're going on a second honeymoon!" Y/N was speechless. She looked at John with happiness in her eyes, and he smiled and said, "I wanted to do something special for us, something we will always remember. Let's go to South America and explore the Amazon rainforest, just the two of us!"Y/N was thrilled, the idea of a second honeymoon was already exciting, and exploring the Amazon rainforest was a dream come true for her. They would be taking a ten-day tour that included hikes through the jungle, canoeing on the Amazon River, exploring indigenous communities and wildlife spotting. The excitement was already high, and the days seemed too far away for Y/N's liking. But, finally, the day arrived, and Y/N and John landed in Manaus, Brazil, the gateway to the Amazon rainforest. They met with their tour guide, a local expert who had spent his whole life in the rainforest, and was passionate about the wildlife and indigenous communities. The first day of the tour began with a hike through the jungle under the dense canopy of trees. The guide explained the different plants and trees, and Y/N and John were fascinated by the diversity and beauty of the forest. They saw monkeys, parrots, and other exotic birds, and even a sloth. Their guide taught them how to identify animal footprints and how to track them in the wild. By the end of the hike, they had come across a beautiful waterfall, where they took a refreshing dip in the cool waters. The next few days involved canoeing down the Amazon River, camping in the jungle, and visiting indigenous communities. Y/N was particularly fascinated by the way of life of the indigenous people and the simple yet fulfilling life they led. She felt privileged to be a witness to their way of life and learn about their customs and traditions. On one of the canoe trips, while they were observing various species of birds, they spotted a rare and elusive pink river dolphin. The guide explained that the pink river dolphin was an Amazonian species of freshwater dolphin that was found in the rivers of South America. Y/N and Johnny were mesmerized by the beauty of the dolphin as it emerged from the water and swam alongside their canoe. They learned that these dolphins were an integral part of the Amazonian ecosystem and were considered sacred by the indigenous people. That was a beautiful sign that their love was forever.

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