Keegan Russ 🦋

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This is so vanilla istg

Late at night, you were at the shooting range, determined to improve your sniper aim. Unaware that Keegan was also present. First shot missed. His keen eyes analyzed every movement, every shot you fired, noting patterns in your misses. As you squeezed the trigger once again, the shot missed its mark, causing a pang of frustration to course through you. Keegan approached silently, his voice calm. "Your position is throwing off your aim. Let me help you fix it," he offered, leaning closer to you. "Go ahead." You said to him. "Shift to the left just a little. Keep the gun steadier, hold your breath when you shoot, and release it after. Now, shoot," he instructed, and you followed his directions. The results were immediately apparent. You successfully hit the target in its center, and then repeated it three times in a row. "Good job," Keegan praised you, and his hands stayed firmly on your shoulder blades. "Thank you, Keegan." I smiled lightly and carresed your hand which was on my shoulder. "No problem," he replied, his hand slowly tightening its grip until it was firmly holding your shoulder. He continued to offer advice and tips, giving you guidance on how to shoot, and when to shoot. He stood close beside you, his arm firmly around your waist, the side of his cheek pressed against the side of your temple. His deep voice was soft, yet you also detected a hint of amusement in it. "Do that again, but this time with your eyes closed." He nudged your chin ever so slightly, and his breath warmed your ear."No problem," he replied, his hand slowly tightening its grip until it was firmly holding your shoulder. He continued to offer advice and tips, giving you guidance on how to shoot, and when to shoot. He stood close beside you, his arm firmly around your waist, the side of his cheek pressed against the side of your temple. His deep voice was soft, yet you also detected a hint of amusement in it. "Do that again, but this time with your eyes closed." He nudged your chin ever so slightly, and his breath warmed your ear. You successfully hit the target, and Keegan smiled warmly. "Impressive," he praised, and chuckled slightly. "That was quite impressive with your eyes closed. You must be a natural at this," he added, a slight teasing glint in his eye. "Now, why don't you open them, and let's see if you can hit those targets without missing even once," he challenged. "I'm not too sure about that.. but I'll try." You smiled and went to the next target. Keegan remained close beside you, his steady breath warm on your temple. "You got this," he encouraged, his hand tightly gripping your shoulder. "Focus on the target," he continued, "and breathe slowly. Let your instincts do the rest." You listened to him, focusing on the target, breathing slowly and letting your instincts do the rest, shooting the shot and successfully hitting once again.

You hit the target once again, and Keegan nodded in approval. "You're getting there," he stated, his voice husky and warm. "One more time, and you can relax," he instructed gently. You nodded. You shot, and successfully hit the target again. “Wow. You’re a natural,” he praised, and ran his fingers through your hair. “You never miss, do you?” He chuckled, his voice deep and warm, and his hands remained on your shoulders. “I’m impressed,” He praised again, his tone genuine. "Thank you sir!" You said, "No problem," he replied, offering you the most heartfelt smile. He seemed to light up, his gaze meeting yours, and you couldn't help but feel the electricity between you. "You know..." he started after a few moments of silence, a hint of amusement in his voice, "I could help you practice this more often." He teased, the corner of his lips curved in a small smile. "I do know a thing or two about it." "That would be extremely nice." You smiled. "But, for now, I think you deserve a reward," he stated slowly, his tone suggesting some secret. A mischievous glint surfaced his deep dark eyes, and he leaned closer to you. His lips hovered dangerously close to yours, and his breath was hot on your face. "Close your eyes," he instructed softly. You obeyed and closed your eyes. In a swift movement, Keegan pulled you into him, his embrace tight, his warm breath on your face. He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning in to plant a soft and tender kiss on your full, soft lips. His lips pressed against yours gently, and his hand tightened around your waist. His mouth opened slightly, and his tongue caressed your lips in a lingering and passionate kiss. You  smiled into the kiss, lightly opening your lips to allow his tongue to enter. [Cringed while writing this] As you opened your lips for him, he pulled you even closer, his hand on your waist tightening its grip and holding you tightly against him. He kissed you passionately, and the kiss grew more and more passionate with every passing moment. He cupped the back of your head, and pushed you harder into his kiss. Your breath mixed together, and your lips pressed passionately against each other. After a couple of minutes, you both pulled away. Breathing heavily. Keegan was also breathing heavily, and a slight smirk surfaced his lips. "Well, I certainly didn't expect that," he stated, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he continued, "and I'm sure you didn't either." He tilted your chin upward, and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. "I for certain didn't expect that." "But you liked it," he teased, his lips barely touching your cheek as he spoke in a hushed whisper. He stepped back, and cleared his throat. "Well, now that our moment is over..." he chuckled, gesturing at the target. "Do you think you can hit it one more time?" You giggled and nodded, You shot again, as instructed, your bullet striking the target, and Keegan chuckled. "Well, someone's an overachiever," he teased, and gently caressed your cheek with his fingertips. "Well done," he praised, his dark eyes sparkling playfully, "If you keep this up, you might become an even better shot than I am. Would you like that?" "Maybe, then I'd have to teach you." You smiled lightly. He chuckled, his deep voice low and husky. "Oh? I like the sound of that. I'd love to be taught by someone like you." He nudged your chin upwards, his gaze meeting yours. "It seems like it could be a lot of fun." His eyes darkened slightly at your bold remark. "It's like you already know what I like." He smirked, his fingers tracing a small line from just beneath your chin to the corner of your mouth. You blushed, looking up at him. He smiled down at you fondly, and gently cupped your cheek with his large, thick fingers. "Well, if you want to teach me, I'm more than up for the challenge," he replied, giving you a playful smirk and a lingering, gentle caress on your cheek. "I, too am more than up for the challenge." You smirked. He smirked back, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well then, I suppose we could make this into something of a competition then." He teased, a playful glint surfacing his eyes. "You'll be teaching me, and I'll be teaching you. Whoever becomes the best shooter... gets a reward," he suggested, nudging your cheek with a smirk, and his hand continued to caress your cheek. "What's the reward then?" You looked up at him innocently. "Well, what would do you want it to be?" He teased, a twinkle surfacing his eyes, "It could be anything, from a kiss a to a date. I want you to have anything you desire, anything you dream of..." He stepped closer to you, his eyes darkening in an intimate gaze. "Just say the word, and I'll make it yours." He ran his fingertips down your cheek, and caressed the corner of your mouth. "How about a date and a kiss?" You said. He smiled softly, his eyes twinkling with the slightest hint of desire. "A date, and a kiss. I like the sound of that." He drew closer still, so close to your lips, yet not quite touching them. "If you promise to keep up your end of the bargain, then that's what I'll do. I'll take you out, and give you a kiss." His breath mingled with yours, and his eyes darkened with your nearness. "Deal." You smiled. He smiled back. "Good. The competition is on. And I will win, I'm sure of it," he teased you playfully. He turned and started walking towards the exit of the shooting range, nodding at the range director as he left. He turned back to you. "You ready?" He asked, waiting by the doorway so he can open it for you. You ran next to him so you could walk out together. Keegan opened the door for you, and he gestured at you to walk before him. He waited for you to walk through, and then followed, shutting the door behind him. "Well, what do you say we get coffee, and go for a walk?" he asked, his deep voice warm and tender, and his eyes glittering with the spark of a genuine connection. "How about a little café date?" You suggested. "A little café date?" He asked you with a smile, raising an eyebrow. "You know, I never figured you as the type of gal who likes cafés. Then again, you do surprise me a lot," he teased, gently brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. "I think a little café date sounds incredible," he nodded, grinning at you, his eyes sparkling with admiration and a small hint of something more. "Sounds like you want something more than a café date hm?" You teased him. "It's... a possibility that crossed my mind," he teased, giving you a smirk. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. That's the prize for whoever wins this little competition we have going on," he added, playfully nudging your shoulder, and giving you that knowing look again. You both went to the café date and enjoyed your time, joking around, kissing, hugging and much more.


♡ The end ♡

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