Chapter 1

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In bed sits a young boy named Will. He is 14 years old and lives in Detroit, Michigan. He gets up from his bed as his alarm clock goes off and gets ready for school. He takes a shower, brushes his teeth, and outs clothes on. As he walks down the stairs his parents are in the kitchen getting ready for work.

"Are you ready for your first day of high school? asks his dad.

"Kinda I guess," says Will nervously.

"You will be great! Let's go right now so you're not late," says Will's mom.

They get in the car and his mom drives him to school. Will is very nervous for his freshman year. He has quite a few friends but doesn't know if it will be great like last year was since he was the top dog in eighth grade.

"Don't worry too much will you will be just fine," says Will's mom.

"Thanks mom," says Will.

They get to the school and his mom drops him off. As we walks in he looks at his schedule and sees he has cooking first. He finds his locker and puts his things in there. His friends walk over.

"Hey Will! You ready for your first day?" Says his friend Bob.

"Of course," says Will.

"What do you have first hour?" Asks his friend David.

"Cooking," Will answers.

"Us too," says David and Bob.

They all go David and Bob's locker and go to their cooking class. They all go to an oven station to get ready. The teacher walks in and puts all her stuff down.

"Welcome class, I am your teacher Mrs. Walters. Today we are going to start out by making cookies in the ovens so get in groups of three and we will start," she says.

Will, Bob, and David grab the flour, eggs, and sugar to make the cookies. When they finished making the cookie dough, they put it in the oven. The students wait there to wait for the cookies to be done. The bell dings for Will's group and he gets the mitts.

Then all the sudden one oven completely goes on fire. The students freak out then it happened to the other oven then the next oven! Will opens the oven and catches on fire.

All the students run out screaming for their lives. Will try's to run for the door but burns from all the fire. Soon the whole room is on fire and Will struggles to get out.

Wood from the ceiling falls in front of the door and will is trapped. He rolls around trying to get the fire out but there is no use, it's everywhere.

Will goes to the ground barley breathing and thinks this is the end, I'm not making it out alive. Soon the rooms gets very blurry as his skin melts and he blacks out.

While Will is out the fire department come to blow out all of the fire. They walk in and find Will's body there and rush him to the truck. All the students stand there in shock.

They take him to the hospital to see if he was still alive. His heartbeat was very low and the doctors didn't think he would make it with all the dust clogging up his lungs. His parents sit in the waiting area crying over Will after hearing that he will not make it.

Will sits there not conscious. While the doctors all leave, Will's heart rate goes up and the bed shakes. It shakes faster and faster then all the sudden he opens his eyes. He wakes up sees all the burn marks start to sink into his skin. He starts freaking out and sees that his skin looks all new like the fire never even happened.

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