Chapter 7

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"Get them!" Yells a duplicate.

They all spread out into the plane some go outside of it and some start to attack them.

Hannah teleports to them and starts to stab some of them with the pair of knifes. Janet turns into diamonds and starts to freeze some of them. Then all the sudden the plane turns to the side and everyone goes sideways.

"One of the wings is down!" Yells Anne.

"Come on!" Yells Kyle.

Anne goes outside and then Kyle stands in the middle of the plane and starts to levitate it up.

"We need to help!" Says Nicki.

"They can't know we are here though!" Exclaims Will.

"You're right I'll just have the skeletons do it," she says.

She puts her hands out and her eyes turn completely black and skeletons come from the bottom of the plane. Will stands there amazed.

"Get them!" She yells and all the skeletons charge out the door. Then all the sudden a few duplicates walk into the room.

"Quick!" Yells Nicki.

She summons more skeletons and they start to attack.

"Use your fire!" Screams Nicki.

Will swings out his hands and shoots fire at the duplicates. He kicks of a few of them down and breaks them open with the fire. Two of the duplicates grabs them and takes them to the main room.

"No!" Exclaims Nicki.

They throw them into it and tried to stab them but Will sets them on fire before they have a chance to stab them.

"What are you guys doing here!" Yells Kyle.

"Not our biggest problem!" Yells Nicki.

Kyle levitates a chair and swings it to some of the duplicates. Then all the sudden the latch opens and some of the chairs and papers go flying out of the plane.

"Everyone hold on!" Yells Mike.

Janet tried to freeze the opening with ice but she flies out of the plane.

"Help!" Yells Janet.

Hannah teleports to her and teleports her back into the plane.

"We need to get them out of here!" Yells Mike.

He speeds his way around the plane and takes out some of the duplicates. They start to make more copies of themselves. Nicki summons more skeletons and Kyle tries to levitate the plane upward to prevent it from falling.

"Where is Anne!" Yells Hannah.

"She went to fix the wing!" Yells Kyle.

"They keep making more copies of themselves there is no way we can stop them!" Yells Will.

Then all the sudden a few of the duplicates run up to them.

"You are right," one of the duplicate says.

Then a few starts to throw knifes at them.

"AH!" Yells Janet as one knife slightly hits her leg. Will, Janet, Mike, and Nicki goes flying.

"Help us!" Yells Janet.

Kyle levitates them and tries to take hem back into the plane.

Then all the sudden Will's body covers into fire and starts to fly. He flies into the plane and starts to attack more duplicates naked. Kyle gets the rest of them in. Anne gets back into the plane.

"I fixed the wing!" She yells.

Then she levitates a metal chair and knocks a few more out of the plane.

"Everyone get into the weapon room!" Yells Mike.

They all try to run for it and get in.

"Everyone stay in here!" Yells Kyle.

"No Kyle don't go alone!" Cries Janet.

"I know what I'm doing!" He yells.

He runs out of the room.

They all look at the computer to see what he is doing. Kyle goes to the main room and extends his hand out to one of the duplicates. Then all the sudden he stands there and his eyes turn black.

All of them stop what they are doing and drop their weapons. He makes him walk to the opening of the plane and all of them goes flying out of the plane.
He goes to the pilot seat and closes the latch door.

"Come on guys lets go," says Mike.

"What the hell are you doing on the plane?" Ask Kyle loudly.

"We just wanted to help that's all," says Nicki.

"You guys can stay on for now, but there will be consequences when we get back home," Anne says.

"He knows where we are now. What do we do?" Asks Janet.

"I don't know, the best we can do is to just find Jace and get out of here," says Mike.

"Uh does anyone else notice that Will is naked?" Asks Nicki.

Will falls to the ground in pain. He looks to his side and its gushing blood as a knife is stuck into his skin.

"Will, what happened?" Asks Nicki.

"Hurry get first-aid!" Exclaims Mike.

Will sits there as people start to gather around him. They all pick him up and start to carry him to a room. Will's vision gets very blurry. Then soon he blacks out.

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