Chapter 2

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The doctors walk in and see Will. No burn marks and he's awake.

"What the hell just happened?" Asks one of the doctors.

"I have no idea," one answers.

"My burn marks! They were just here! I don't understand!" Screams Will.

"How are you alive?" Asks a doctor.

"I don't know," replies Will.

"The boy wasn't going to make it and somehow he has no burn marks and is fine," says another doctor.

"I guess he can go but we will need to keep an eye on him or something" says one doctor.

Will gets up from the bed and walks into the hallway. He sees his parents there crying. They see him walk out and his mom runs towards him.

"Your okay! I was so worried!" She cries.

"It's okay mom, I am alive," says Will.
"What happened to all your burn marks?" She asks.

"I don't know, I wake up and they all just disappear somehow," he says.

"Man the smoke must of really messed with your brain. I don't know how your burns went away but at least your okay," she says as she hugs him.

They go home and he walks into the house and goes to his room. He wonders what people will say. They all think he is dead from the fire and now they are gonna see that he is alive and healed in one day which is impossible. He gets upset oh how no one came to retrieve him from the fire.

He feels stupid for not getting out faster. He punches the wall the a spark of fires sparks on the wall then goes. He screams and falls back into his bed. He gets up from his bed and punches the wall again and the same thing happened. Spark of fire comes and then goes.

He gets weirded out and wonders what is going on. He puts his hand out and swings it in the air a fire appears in the palm of his hand. Will gets even more freaked and then looks to see that the fire is not burning through his skin. He sits there in fear yet in aw as the fire sits there on his hand

"Will time to go to bed!" Yells his dad.

"Okay!" Yells Will.

He gently swings his hand in the air again and the fire goes out. He gets into bed and thinks about what people would say if they knew that he could make fire from his own hands. He decides he will not tell anyone and after a few hours, Will falls asleep.

Will wakes up and gets ready for school. He has missed two weeks of it from being in the hospital. He takes a shower, brushes his teeth, puts on his clothes, and walks downstairs.

"Are you sure you want to go to school?
The doctors still don't know what our case is about you burns healing so fast you might be infected," says his mom.

"Don't worry about it. I will be ok and if I do feel sick I will call you guys," he says.

"Okay just be safe," says his dad as he hugs him.

Will and his mom walk out to the car to take him to school. He gets out of the car and walks into the school. When he walks in everyone looks at him. People give him weird looks, some peoples jaw drops, others just fear from his being there.

Will gets to his locker and gets ready for class. His friends Bob and David walk up to him.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" Asks David.

"I am back from the hospital," he answers.

"But Will, you were dead! You had burns all over you and your flesh was burning, the doctors said you were gonna die!" Screams Bob.

"I'm ok guys don't worry," Will says "So where is cooking now?"

"He do it in the cafeteria kitchen since the cooking room is under construction," says David.

They grab their stuff and walk to their cooking class.They get to the class room and they show Will where they sit. Mrs. Walters walks in to the kitchen.

"Welcome to your 3rd week of school everyone! I would like everyone to welcome back Will. We are glad you are alive and able to come join us," she says. "Now we just finished up making our steaks so now we are going to make a cake. Each group will make one and we will eat them afterwards and see who made the best cake."

Will and his friends gets all the supplies to make the cake. When everyone was able to put it in the oven, Will reaches in and his hand sparks. He freaked out and drops the pan.

"Will are you alright?" Asks David.

"Ya I'm fine," Will answers.

Will feels his hand shaking and feels them got hotter and hotter. Soon his hands turn a bright orange and his hands are on fire. Everyone looks and freaks out.

"Everyone it's ok no need to be afraid!" Screams Will.

Then all he sudden his whole body is on fire. Everyone screams and storms out of he room. Will screams and chases them down the hallway trying to tell them it's okay.

All the sudden he sends a wave of fire down the hallway and kids are set on fire. He freaks out trying I stop it but nothing happens. Soon the whole school is on fire. Everyone screams for heir life as some try to make it out of the school.

Will deals out and try's to stop himself from burning. He runs around the school trying to do something from the mess he has made. Soon he is no longer on fire and the school goes down into flames.

He stands there naked from the fire burning his clothes and surrounded by hundreds of kids and teachers dead with only a few survivors who made it out of the school alive.

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