Chapter 13

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Will and Jace run out the door into the hallway.

"What's your plan?" Asks Will loudly.

"I don't know yet!" Yells Jace.

They keep running then all the sudden someone grabs Jace.

"Your not going anywhere!" Yells the duplicate that grabbed Jace.

Will takes his hand and throws a fireball right at the duplicate and it goes on fire.

The duplicate let's go of Jace screening. They keep running trying to find their way out.

"Come in here," says Jace leading Will into a room.

The room is filled with little desks all over. Jace goes over to the door and locks it.

"Are we just going to hide in here the whole time?" Asks Will.

"Yeah basically, we need to let Paul looks around a little bit and once he's done we can get out of this hell hole," he says.

Then all the sudden the door breaks open and some of the duplicates walk in with their weapons.

"Okay never mind plan B," Jace says.

Jace splashes all of them out of the door way. Will runs out and sets the whole hallway on fire to stop them from coming close to them.

"Better start running Will," says Jace.

"Why?" Asks Will.

"I'm gonna flood this whole place," he says.

Will runs down the other hallway and Jace shoots water down the other side of the hallway. Will keeps rubbing and sees more duplicates coming. He sets them on fire and keeps running.

He keeps running and finds a door and runs through it. It leads to the outside and sees that it's a small looking house.

He looks thought the windows and sees that the whole place is filling up with water.

"Jace!" Yells Will banging on the window hoping that he heard him. Soon the whole building was filled with water and the window starts to crack.

"Oh no," says Will out loud.

The window cracks more and Will runs.
The window breaks open and water rushes our from the all widows and the door.

Will jumps to the ground and lays there as the water rushes over him. The water stops flowing and he gets up all wet. Jace walks out of the building dry and alive.

"What the hell just happened!" Yells Will.

"I just filled the place with water until all the duplicates drowned with water. I can breathe under water and can be dry," he says.

"Was Paul in there too?" Asks Will.

"I don't know there was just a lot of duplicates. Not sure if one was him," replies Jace.

Will looks up and sees a helicopter hovering above them.

"Look!" Yells Will pointing to it.

Jace looks up and sees the helicopter. Then two guns on the sides of the helicopter come out on the side of it.

"Run!" Yells Jace.

The two of them run away from the house running into a forest. The helicopter follows them shooting at them. Will tries to hit the helicopter with fire but he can't do it while running.

While they run a bullet hits Jace. He screams and falls to the ground. Will runs to him.

"Jace come on we have to go!" Yells Will helping him up.

Will puts Jace's arm around him and tries to run. The helicopter gets closer and closer as they try to get away from it.

Jace and Will keep walking and he sees that it starts to elevate down. They tumble down and hit the ground at the bottom. Will lays there on the ground tired.

He looks up to see that the helicopter is there. He lefts his hand up and shoots fire and it and it sets on fire. The helicopter keeps moving forward but starts to fall to the ground. The helicopter hits the ground and knocks down a lot of trees.

Will gets up and tries to pick up Jace. Jace screams at the pain of his shoulder where the bullet hit. They walk over to the helicopter but it's on fire.

Will tries to calm down the fire. He was able to absorb most of the fire so he sits Jace down and goes into the helicopter.

He goes over to the pilot seat and sees that no one sits there. Not even a body on fire it's just nothing. Will walks out and goes to Jace.

"Paul's not in there no one is in the pilots seat," says Will.

"He must of jumped of the plane before it went down," says Jace in pain.

Will looks around the area they are in but finds no clue of Paul being there.

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