Chapter 18

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"Everyone get in your rooms!" Yells The Professor in the main room.

Everyone runs all over the place. Some go to the cafeteria to get food, other looking for people, then some who actually run to their rooms.

"Professor you need to get back to your room," says Kyle, "Paul might be targeting you."

"I will be fine," says the Professor, "You should get out of here, he will come any moment."

Kyle walks up the stairs going to his room. The Professor turns around then all the sudden the doors slam open.

"Miss me?" Asks Paul sarcastically.

"Everybody go!" Yells the Professor.

Everybody runs up the stairs as duplicates start chasing them.

The Professor extends his hand to control his mind. Paul grabs him before he is able to and injects him with a needle.

"Go to the helicopter," Paul says.

He lets go of him and the Professor does exactly what he was told. Paul walks up the stairs. He goes into a hallway and all the students start running.

He injects the closest student and the student starts to walk downstairs. Janet, Hannah, and Kyle stand from a distance in a room peeking out the door.

"We have to do something," says Janet.

"Like what?" Asks Hannah.

"I don't know," says Janet crying.

"Don't worry Janet, we just have to get these students away," says Kyle.

Kyle walks out of the door seeing Paul inject more students. Kyle levitates a few knifes he finds in the hallway and hurls them toward Paul.

Paul makes duplicates and the knifes hit them. Paul makes more and more duplicates and the start to run in the rooms.

Kyle starts to run towards the room. Nicki stands there and stars to summon skeletons. They all start charging toward the duplicates.

Kyle makes it to the room and closes the door behind him.

"What's going on?" Asks Hannah.

"Paul is injecting them with this serum," says Kyle.

The door breaks down and a duplicate walks in. He runs towards them with the needle in his hand. Before he gets any further he is covered in ice and freezes.

Kyle and Hannah turn around to see Janet with her hand up.

"Let's go," says Janet walking out the door.

Kyle tries to grab the needle out d his hand but is frozen in the duplicates hand. Hannah and Kyle follow Janet out of the room.

"We need to see if we can set all of them in one room," says Kyle.

"Okay but where's the Professor?" Asks Hannah.

"Not sure," answers Janet.

"Okay Hannah and Janet get everyone in a room and I will distract Paul," says Kyle.

Kyle walks towards Paul and starts levitating things on the floor he can find and hurl them right at Paul.

He looks to see Nicki is summoning more skeletons.

"Get to Hannah and Janet!" Yells Kyle.

"No I'm doing this!" Yells Nicki back.

Janet and Hannah lead everyone in the room B-15. Everyone runs in and they find Mike.

"Mike go run around the mansion and see if you can find anyone else," says Janet.

He runs off past a few duplicates and speeds down stairs.

"I'll go help him," says Hannah.

"Okay I'll handle it up here," says Janet.

Hannah teleports away. The duplicates start injecting more people. Janet goes up to one and freezes him. One grabs her from the back and holds her in a choke hold.

She tries her best to get out but he's holding really tight. She starts to turn her body in diamond and steps on his foot.

"Ah!" Screens the duplicate.

She head butts him and he goes to the ground. She runs in her diamond form getting other duplicates. One throws a needle at her but it deflects off.

Janet grabs everyone she sees and puts them in the room.

"Kyle and Nicki!" Janet yells, "Come on!"

Kyle and Nicki runs into the room and she locks it. Everyone it's in there waiting for Paul and hi duplicates to leave.

Some of them sit there crying and other sit there breathing heavy.

"Do you think Hannah and Mike found more students?" Asks Nicki to Kyle.

"I have no idea," he answers.

The door breaks down and there stands Paul with a gas mask on.

"Prepare to be gassed!" He yells. He grabs a machines for it starts sending gas everywhere.

Everyone runs for their lives knocking down Paul and trying to escape the gas.

Kyle, Janet, and Nicki all run downstairs with the others following behind. Nicki trips and gets into the gas.

"Ah!" She screams and passes out.

"Get to the doors everyone!" Yells Kyle.

Janet and him gets to the door but it's locked.

"What do we do?" Asks Janet.

"I don't know," says Kyle.

The gas gets closer and closer to them.

They are forced to lean against a wall as the gas starts coming towards them. Janet grabs Kyle's face and kisses him on the lips. She releases her lips from his.

"In case we don't make it out alive," she says as tears roll down her eyes.

Kyle grabs her hand and hugs her. The gas gets closer and hits them. They both fall to the ground.

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