Chapter 21

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Will takes the needle out of his arm. They all run to the Professor.

"Professor!" Exclaims Janet.

He just sits there and doesn't move. Kyle puts his head to the Professor's chest.

"He's still breathing," says Kyle,

"Maybe we have to hook Paul up to the machine to give the professor back his power," says Janet.

They all grab Paul and try to walk him to the machine.

"Is there like a seat or anything?" Asks Kyle.

"I don't see any," says Janet looking around the machine.

"Wait I see something!" Exclaims Hannah running to the machine, "It's a helmet with cords."

Kyle and Will lead Paul over to it and put it on his head. Kyle goes over to the screen.

"Do you know how to use it?" Asks Will.

"No but I can figure it out," answers Kyle.

Kyle starts typing on the keyboard.

"Welcome Sir," says the computer, "What would you like to do?"

Kyle looks at the computer and sees a few setting. Transfer power, reverse.

"Reverse," says Kyle.

The machine starts making noise and Kyle backs away from the computer. The four of them start backing away slowly. Paul and the Professor start shaking. Then all the sudden the machine sparks and shuts down. They all run towards the Professor.

"Professor!" Exclaims Janet

The professor opens his eyes.

"That was easy," says Kyle.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Paul had you all hostage and planned to take your powers but your okay now," says Hannah.

"Thank god," he says.

They all unclip the straps and help the Professor up.

"Let's get out of here," says Hannah.

Then all the sudden the machine turns back on and starts shaking.

"Self destruct in t-minus ten seconds," says the computer.

The machine starts shaking faster and faster as Paul stands there shaking. Hannah grabs everyone and teleports out of the barn. They run towards the plane with students all over the place.

"Run!" Screams Kyle.

Then the building explodes and everyone goes flying. Pieces of wood go flying at them. Will hits the ground close to the plane and ducks to prevent any wood hitting his face.

The barn goes down and there is no sight of Paul. Will gets up and helps the students he finds.

"Everyone who is alive in the plane!" Yells Mike standing at the door of the plane.

Everyone helps each other up and gets on the plane. Will finds Hannah and helps her on the plane.

"You okay?" Asks Will.

"Yeah I'm fine," she answers.

He smiles at her and she smiles back. Kyle and Janet follow behind and they get on the plane. Everyone boards the plane and it takes off.

"You ready to start going to school at the mansion?" Asks Hannah.

"I think so," says Will, "Kind of nervous though. It's a new life style and new home."

"Right here is home. You belong here just as much as everyone else does," she says.

"Can't wait to keep living my life with you," he says grabbing her hand.

"Me too," she says smiling and leans in to kiss.

They make it to the mansion and everyone leaves the plane. They open the doors as all the students who were already at the mansion greet everyone. Jace stands as the door then Nicki looks his way. She sees him and she smiles. She runs to him and hugs him.

"Ouch my arm," he says in pain.

"Sorry," she says, "You're alive!"

Tears roll down her eyes as she's hugging him.

"I've missed you," he says.

"Me too," she says.

Will smiles as he sees them hugging at the stairs. The Professor walks up to Will.

"Will may I talk to you in my office?" Asks the Professor.

"Sure," says Will walking with the Professor into his office.

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