Chapter 22

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The Professor sits in his chair at his desk and Will takes a sit across from the desk.

"First of I want to talk about the sneaking in the plane incident. You and Nicki will be assisting me as punishment for 2 weeks," he says.

"Sounds fair enough," says Will.

"Also I want to say I am very impressed with you Will. You were able to stop Paul. Kyle told me about it on the plane," he says.

"Thank you," says Will, "Paul basically told me about his plane when he kidnapped me from the house. Then me and Jace escaped."

"Well I think you got all the training you need and seem to be able to control you power a lot better," says the Professor.

"Yeah I can control it very well," says Will.

"Good," says the Professor, "I just want to say I am very excited to have you here Will. Welcome to the mansion."

He extends his hand out and Will shakes it. Will starts to walk out of the room.

"Also Will," says the Professor.

"Yes?"asks Will.

"Keep you friends close," says the Professor.

Will walks out of the room and meets Hannah, Kyle, and Janet.

"We got your schedule printed out while you were talking to him," says Hannah passing Will the paper.

"What did he want?" Asks Kyle.

"He just told me how he was impressed with me and how I will be working as his assistant for two week since I snuck in the plane," says Will.

"Don't worry the two weeks will go by fast," says Hannah.

"Well classes are starting in 30 minutes," says Kyle looking at his watch.

"I will catch up with you guys in class. I need to do something," says Will.

"Okay see you," says Hannah then kisses him on the cheek.

Will goes to the phones then starts typing in a phone number. He picks up the phone as it starts to ring.

"Hello?" Asks the voice.

"Dad it's Will," Will says.

"Will! We miss you so much!" Says his dad.

"Me too," says Will.

"We heard about what happened with Paul it was all over the news. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine," says Will

"Well we both love you very much. You know we could always call in and ask them to bring you back," says his dad.

Will turns around and looks at all the students grabbing books and showing off their powers to each other.

"I think I belong here," says Will.

"Okay, I have to go to work so I'll talk to you again," says his dad.

"Okay see you," says Will.

Will hangs up the phone and walks up to his room. He looks on his bed and sees all the books he needs for his classes. On top of the stack sits a sticky note and reads what it says.

"Welcome to the mansion -The Professor," says Will to himself.

He puts down the sticky note, grabs the books, and walks out of the room. He looks at his schedule to see that he has English first. He walks down the stairs and tries to find the room.

He looks and looks and finally finds the room. He walks in with a few other students.

"Hi I'm Frank your teacher. You must be Will," says Frank.

"Yup," says Will.

He shakes his hand remembering the time Mike talked about him. He finds Kyle, Janet, and Hannah sitting next to each other and takes a seat right next to Hannah. The bell rings and everyone takes a seat.

"Welcome class. Let's get started," say Frank.

Frank starts listing off names.

"Will," he says.

"Here," will says raising his hand. Frank goes on the list of students as Will puts his hand down.

"Welcome to the mansion," Will says to himself.

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