Chapter 4

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The plane lands in the front yard of the X-men mansion. It is so big it has to be about five or six stories high. They all exit the plane and they walk in.

"Don't worry Will, you will do great here," says Janet.

They go through the front doors. Will looks with amazement as he sees all the students and how big the place is.

Xavier takes him to a room and has Will sit and Janet sit right next to him.
"Welcome to your first day," says Xavier.

"Thanks Xavier," Will says.

"Now that you go here you will call me the Professor. Now you will be assigned a room and then take the required classes here so you can have an education. We will train you on how to use your powers right and teach you mission you have to go on just in case we ever get attacked or if the human race needs our help," says the Professor.

"You help regular humans?" Asks Will.

"We help them because who else is there to help them? Sometimes there are people like us who chose the wrong side to be on and try to destroy them. Even though humans are not big fans of us, we still try to help them out as much as possible," he says.

"Okay," says Will.

"You will be roomed with Kyle. Another student here," he says.

"Also known as my boyfriend," says Janet all smiley.

"I will call him in right now," he says.

Professor X puts two fingers up to his head.

"What is he doing?" Will asks.

"Whenever he needs us he talks to us through our heads, the telepathy thing," Janet says.

Will looks around the room and notices all the pictures of students who went their in the past. As he looks around he sees a girl appear. He jumps and screams a little bit.

"Sorry to scare you, I'm Hannah. Just wanted to see you since your new," she says.

"Hannah can teleport or turn invisible, you never really know which one she does," Janet says.

"Alright Kyle is on his way to come get you and show you the room," says the Professor, "I see you just met Hannah. She's anther amazing student here but tends to startle a lot of people."

"It's true," Hannah says.

The doors swing open and there appears a boy. He walks in the sits in the arm rest of Janet's chair.

"Hey, I'm Kyle I will be your roommate," he says.

"Will," he says.

"Ok the four of you need to go. I have work to do. Will just stick with these three and you will be good," says the Professor.

The four of them walk out of the room and close the doors.

"So the dorms are this way Will," says Kyle.

Kyle leads Will up the stairs into a hallway where all the dorms are. Some kids are outside the doors and walk around or work on homework.

"Right in the room," says Kyle.

The room says B-13. They walk in and and Will sees a room with two beds and one bed has a lot of flowers on it and other bed with the covers all messed up.

"What are the flowers for?" Asks Will.

"Before you came here there was a kid named Jace. He was sent to a mission to stop a guy named Paul. Paul is able to duplicate himself and have a bunch of copies of himself. We lost touch with him and he never responded to us. We got a message saying he was dead and we had a funeral for him," says Kyle.

"I'm really sorry," says Will.

"It's okay, it happened like a year ago. We never got any information about Paul so he's still out there. You can have Jace's bed," says Kyle as he moves all the flowers.

"I never actually heard of what you can do, what is your ability?" Asks Will.
"I have telepathy and telekinesis," says Kyle.

Kyle extends his hand over to the dresser and all the pens and paper start to levitate.

"Wow that's amazing," says Will.

"Yeah, I was born with it," says Kyle.
Kyle helps Will unpack all his things in the room.

"Let's go get some food," says Kyle.

Kyle and Will walk down the hallway back to the stairs. They go to the cafeteria and grab some food. Kyle and Will grab and apple, they see Janet and Hannah so they go over to sit by them.

"Showed the new kid around the room?" Asks Janet.

"Yup, he took Jace's bed," says Kyle.

Then another by comes over to the table and sits right next to Hannah.

"You know Frank can be a total jerk sometimes. I do one little stupid thing in his class and gives me detention," the boy says.

"What did you do?" Asks Janet.

"While he wasn't looking I speed my way to him and pants him and run back to my seat," he says.

"Well you have been doing so many times now you would thing Frank would wear more than one pair of pants," says Kyle.

"Yeah, so anyway who's the new kid?" Asks the boy.

"This is Will, he came here just today," says Hannah.

"Nice to see you Will, I'm Mike," he says.

"Hey," says Will.

All the sudden Kyle puts his fingers up to his head and his face turns to fear.

"What's wrong?" Asks Will.

"The Professor needs to see us," says Kyle.

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