Chapter 17

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Will puts down the phone.

"Thanks," he says to the doctor.

"No problem," the doctor says.

Will walks away and goes back to the room where Jace is.

"The Professor sent someone on their way to come get us," says Will.

"Okay," says Jace.

Will walks over to Jace and helps him out of his bed and stands him up.

"You feel okay?" Asks Will.

"Yeah I feel fine," Jace answers.

Will leads him out of the room and goes into an elevator. One guy comes running and stops the door and presses a floor. He stands there with Jeans and a jacket with a hat over his head which hides his face.

They Will and Jace's floor first and they get out. They walk out then all the sudden two guys grab them. They put their hands over their mouths and the guy in the elevator walks out. He takes off his hat.

"This is a duplicate of Paul. We are here to kill you two off then others to get he mutants," he says.

Will grabs the hand and pushes it off of his mouth.

"Do you have to do this in front of everyone?" Asks Will.

"Yes," says the duplicate taking out his knife and goes for Will.

Will doges it and sets the duplicate that's holding Jace on fire then they run.

"Get them!" Yells a duplicate.

Will and Jace shove through some people to get out of the way.

"You two boys stop running!" Yells a doctor.

"You don't understand!" Yells Will. He tries to keep talking but a knife goes through the doctor and she falls to the ground.

Everyone screams and goes for the stairs and elevators. Will runs to the duplicate and knocks him on the floor with Will landing on top of him.

Will makes a fire ball and stuff it down the duplicates mouth. Will gets up and the duplicate burns from the inside.

"We have to go!" Says Will, "They are on their way to the mansion."

"This way!" Yells Jace pointing to a hallway to the right.

They run down it then five more duplicates appear.

"God how may duplicates does Paul make?" Asks Jace sarcastically.

They all pull out a knife and charge for them.

Will sets a line of fire on the ground to prevent them to come any farther.

"Ah!" Screams Jace which his hand on his broken shoulder.

"Jace are you okay?" Asks Will.

"Kinda my shoulder is starting to hurt," answers Jace.

Will grabs Jace and go down the other hallway. They get into a elevator and Will presses the bottom floor number.

"Doors close come on!" He yells.

The doors close and they go down a few floors. Jace leans against the wall holding his arm.

"Don't worry I'm gonna get you out of here," says Will.

They make it to the bottom floor and Will grabs Jace. The doors open and there stands two duplicates with knifes.

"It's the end of the line for you two," says one.

"Prepare to die," says the other one.

Then all the sudden the knifes go in the air and the duplicates try to grab them but instead go right into their hearts.

They fall over and they see Anne standing there with her arm extending out.

"Let's go boys," she says, "Nice to see you again Jace."

They run out f the elevator and go into the waiting area with a bunch of people screaming around calling the police.

"This way!" Screams Anne.

She leads him out of the hospital and walks into the parking lot where a plane sits. The plane's latch door opens and they all walk in.

Anne walks to the front of the plane into the pilots seat and closes the door. Will sits Jace down into a chair.

"Off to the mansion," she says.

They lift off and fly.

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