Chapter 20

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"Janet look up the coordinates on Paul," says Kyle.

"On it," she says.

Janet stars typing on the computer looking up places Paul could be.

"Just be carful when we get there," says Will, "He could creep behind us and inject us anytime."

"I found it!" Exclaims Janet, "It's in New York City about ten minutes form where we are."

"Alright let's do this," says Anne.

They all go to the room and get suited up to take down Paul.

"Be carful out there," says Will to Hannah.

"I will," she says smiling.

Will grabs her and kisses her on the lips. He releases his lips from hers.

"In case we don't make it out," he says.

She grabs the back of his head and they kiss again. Janet and Kyle stand there watching smiling. Kyle grabs Janet's hand and hold it as she rests her head on his shoulder. Will and Hannah stop kissing.

"Let's go!" Yells Kyle.

The plane lands and they all walk out of it.

"I'm gonna stay here to make sure nothing happens to the plane this time," says Anne.

The four walk away from he plane and stand outside the building. Its a red barn. The four of them walk in and see a main floor with another floor on the top. They hear Paul working up there. They keep walking and find closets.

"What's in the closets?" Asks Kyle to himself.

Will walks over to one closet and opens the door. There he finds metal bars and sees Mike stand there. Kyle walks over and brakes the bars with his telekinesis.

"Thanks," says Mike, "Look who it is."

"We need to get everyone out of here," says Hannah.

Kyle goes to more closest breaking the metal bars.

"Mike are you okay?"asks Janet.

"Yeah I'm fine," he answers.

"The Professor isn't," says Nicki walking towards them with Kyle.

"Right now Paul is doing an excitement on him," says Nicki.

"We need to help him!" Exclaims Will.

"Mike and Nicki, get all the students into the plane," says Kyle, "Us four will go save the Professor."

Will, Hannah, Janet, and Kyle all look at each other smiling.

"Let's do this," says Kyle.

All the students run out the door.

"Not so fast!" Yells Paul.

Everyone looks to see Paul standing there at the stairs. He starts to make duplicates of himself. They all start running at the students. They all fight back instead of hiding.

Will looks at the stairs and sees the real Paul running up the stairs. Will runs to find Janet, Hannah, and Kyle.

"Let's go!" Will exclaims.

They all kill of a few duplicates as they start to run towards the stairs. They reach the stairs and start to run up the stairs.

They reach the stairs and look around. They see The Professor lying in a bed strapped down with a machine connected to the bed with wires in him and to the bed. They look around more and see cabinets with all sorts of chemicals.They all run up to the Professor.

"Professor!" Exclaims Janet, "Are you okay?"

A hand grabs Will and throws him away from the bed into a wall. The same thing happens to the other three.

Will looks up and sees Paul with four other duplicates behind him.

"You're not going anywhere near him!" Exclaims Paul., "Also I would like you to see this."

Paul lifts up his hands and then all the sudden the four of them hear a loud screeching noise.

"AH!" They all screen putting their ears over their head.

"I was able to get his telepathy," says Paul.

Janet turns herself in diamond and stands up.

"You can't get in my head when I'm in this form," she says. She runs to a duplicate and kicks him in the stomach and attacks him. Kyle stands up.

"I can block people from getting into my brain with my telepathy," Kyle says.

He levitates a duplicate and throws him across the room. Then he runs after the duplicate.

Hannah disappears and appears behind a duplicate and stabs him throw the back.

"No!" Yells Paul.

Will gets up and sets himself on fire. He lifts his hand and shoots fire towards Paul. Paul dodges it.

Will goes to the other duplicate and flies into the air. He sets the duplicate on fire.

Paul makes more copies and goes to the machine where the Professor is.

They all start attacking the duplicates as some go down stairs and others go toward the four of them.

"We need to do something," says Kyle through Will, Janet, and Hannah's head.

Will starts to think. He thinks of when Paul told him that when he injected himself with the needle it made him in control of whatever he injected with the other one.

Kyle reads his mind and makes the duplicate explode and go towards the cabinets. He looks and finds three needles with different serum. Orange, blue, and purple. Will runs up right next to Kyle.

"Which one makes you in control?" Kyle asks to Will.

"I can't remember," says Will.

Then all the sudden a duplicate come from behind and grabs Kyle making him drop the needles. Will quickly runs and grabs all of them.

The duplicate grabs Kyle by his neck and takes a knife and puts it close to his head. Two duplicates hold Janet with barbed wire. Then a duplicate puts Hannah in a headlock.

"Will!" Yells Kyle.

Kyle looks around and sees all his friends in danger. He thinks of the time he burned down his school and left everyone for dead. The time he snuck on the plane with Nicki and how Jace saved him the first time from Paul. He thinks of his parents and what they are doing now and how he left them.

Will closes his eyes and stabs the blue needle into his arm.

Paul turns around from the machine to see what Will had done.

"No!" He yells.

Kyle levitates the knife away from the duplicate into his head and levitates the other needles and they stick right into Paul. Paul looks down to see they stick right into his stomach.

"What have you down!" He screams.

He screams louder and louder and all the duplicates fall to the floor. Then Paul stands there with the needles inside him frozen.

The two girls get up and walk towards Will.

"Kyle you injected the right one!" Exclaims Kyle with joy.

"Why is he standing there?" Asks Hannah.

"He under my control," says Will with the needle sticking out of his arm.

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